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GSview 3.3 - PostScript previewer. Needs Ghostscript 6.
Release date: 2000-07-01
GSview is a graphical interface for Ghostscript under MS-Windows or OS/2. Ghostscript is an interpreter for the PostScript page description language used by laser printers. For documents following the Adobe PostScript Document Structuring Conventions, GSview allows selected pages to be viewed or printed. GSview requires Ghostscript 4.03 - 6.99.
Features include:
Changes in version 3.3:
GSview was written by Russell Lang at Ghostgum Software Pty Ltd.
First uninstall any previous versions of GSview.
Obtain GSview (gsv33w32.exe) from
Obtain Aladdin Ghostscript 6.01 (gs601w32.exe) from
Install the Aladdin Ghostscript self extracting archive gs601w32.exe (or a later version). Install the GSview self extracting archive gsv33w32.exe. Run GSview.
By default, GSview is installed in the directory c:\Ghostgum, which creates the sub-directories c:\Ghostgum\gsview, c:\Ghostgum\pstotext and c:\Ghostgum\pstoedit. The GSview executable is c:\Ghostgum\gsview\gsview32.exe.
By default, Aladdin Ghostscript is installed in the directory c:\Aladdin, which creates the sub-directories c:\Aladdin\gsN.NN and c:\Aladdin\fonts. The Aladdin Ghostscript executables are c:\Aladdin\gsN.NN\gswin32c.exe for console mode and c:\Aladdin\gsN.NN\gswin32.exe for windowing mode.
GSview normally locates Aladdin Ghostscript using registry entries created by the Aladdin Ghostscript setup program. If these do not exist, GSview will assume that Ghostscript is in an adjacent directory to GSview, usually c:\Ghostgum\gsN.NN and c:\Ghostgum\fonts.
Obtain GSview ( from
Obtain Aladdin Ghostscript 6.01 ( from
Unzip GSview to a temporary directory, place (or a later version) in the same directory, and then run os2setup.exe.
If you do not already have EMX installed on your system, you will also need to obtain the EMX Run Time library,, from one of
If GSview refuses to run at all, make sure you do not have an old version of the emx DLL on your system.
GSview (gvpm.exe) will run under OS/2 2.1 and OS/2 Warp.
Use the older GSview 2.7 and Aladdin Ghostscript 4.03.
For MS-Windows 3.1, it is recommended that you use the Win32 version. You must have Win32s installed before installing GSview. See or GSview and Ghostscript will not work with some versions of Win32s. If it doesn't work with your version, try updating to a later version of Win32s. Some computers will work with Win32s v1.15, others will not.
For Win32s, you will need to manually install both GSview and Aladdin Ghostscript. The included setup programs will not run under Win32s. The self extracting archives can be unpacked with Info-ZIP unzip.
Make sure that the zip/exe files are transferred in binary mode.
The Ghostscript fonts are used by Ghostscript alone. Your system Fonts folder will not be modified.
If you don't like automatic installation programs, it is possible to install GSview and Ghostscript manually. For Ghostscript, read the file gsN.NN\doc\Install.htm. For GSview, read the file gsviewen.hlp
If you wish to use install GSview without any prompts, give a destination directory on the command line. For example:
setup c:\ghostgum
This will not prompt for a destination directory and will overwrite files without asking.
Configuration of GSview will occur the first time it is run.
See the on-line help for more details. The 'Common Problems' topic is worth reading if GSview won't work.
To compile GSview for Windows you need MS Visual C++ 5.0 (and Borland C++ 4.5 for one 16-bit module). For MSVC++, copy gvwinvc.mak to Makefile, edit Makefile to set VCVER and DEVBASE as required, then type 'nmake'. Borland C++ 4.5 (for 16-bit code) and Borland C++Builder 4 will compile most of GSview, but you will need to hand modify some files. For Borland C++, copy gvwin.mak to Makefile, edit Makefile to set COMPBASE as required, then type 'make'.
To compile GSview for OS/2 you need IBM NMAKE.EXE and EMX/GCC 0.9d. To create the GSview online help you need the IBM toolkit. Copy gvpm.mak to Makefile and edit COMPBASE and EMXPATH as required. Type 'nmake'
Send bug reports to Russell Lang at Ghostgum Software Pty Ltd, gsview at When reporting bugs, please include the version number and date of GSview (from the Help | About box), the version number of Ghostscript, and the exact wording of any error messages. The text in the "Ghostscript Messages" dialog can be copied to the clipboard and pasted as text (not bitmap please!) into an email message. Do not send me large files (>100k bytes) unless requested. If you get a SYS3175 or GPF, please send the address of the GPF - I can use this to help locate the bug. Please distinguish between bugs in GSview and bugs in Ghostscript, by making sure that the problem only occurs when using GSview, and not when using Ghostscript alone. Don't expect a fast response - the work I'm paid to do has a higher priority. For a list of known bugs, see
A World Wide Web home page for Ghostscript, Ghostview and GSview is at
The latest version of GSview should be available from*.zip or by mail (see next section) on a CD-ROM.
Ghostscript can be downloaded from the Internet, or obtained on CD-ROM.
To download, go to the Ghostscript home page then follow the link to Obtaining Aladdin Ghostscript.
To obtain the latest version of GSview and Aladdin Ghostscript on CD-ROM, send the order form and payment to the address on the order form. Payment may be credit card or cheque for USD$50 drawn on a USA bank or equivalent drawn on your local bank. For surface delivery within Australia, send a cheque for AUD$60 drawn on an Australian bank.
The CD-ROM (actually a CD-R) will contain ready to run and ready to install copies of GSview and Aladdin Ghostscript for Windows and OS/2, plus a number of other PostScript utilities. The CD-ROM will be dispatched by air-mail. This offer is valid until 31 December 2000. If this date has passed, send mail to gsview at to find out if the offer is still valid. For more details see the page
GSview is copyright by Ghostgum Software Pty Ltd. GSview is distributed with the Aladdin Free Public Licence. This licence is contained in the file LICENCE . The Aladdin Free Public Licence does not require any payment to the author; however the author would welcome any registrations of GSview to cover costs and time involved in developing and maintaining GSview.
The registration fee is currently AUD$40. GSview can be registered online at or by faxing or mailing the registration form. Ghostgum Software prefers that you use the online registration.
The postal address for Ghostgum Software is:
Russell Lang
Ghostgum Software Pty Ltd
218 Gallaghers Rd
GSview uses Ghostscript to display the contents of the PostScript files. Ghostscript is a separate program from GSview; it is written and owned by Aladdin Enterprises, not by Ghostgum Software Pty Ltd.
Aladdin Ghostscript comes with a licence that is more restrictive than the GNU Licence; in particular, it restricts the distribution of Aladdin Ghostscript in commercial contexts. Please see the file PUBLIC that accompanies Aladdin Ghostscript for more details.
GSview uses pstotext in an external DLL. pstotext was written by Andrew Birrell and Paul McJones. It is Copyright (C) 1995-1996, Digital Equipment Corporation. See the licence in pstotext.txt or for more details. If you do not agree to the pstotext licence, delete, pstotxt2.dll and pstotxt3.dll. See
GSview can convert PostScript or PDF file to an editable vector using pstoedit in an external DLL. pstoedit is Copyright by Wolfgang Glunz and is licensed with the GNU Public Licence (GPL). Binaries are included in GSview with the permission of Wolfgang Glunz. The home page of pstoedit is . Source code can be obtained from this site. The manual for pstoedit is included with GSview.
GSview uses zlib 1.0.4 in an external DLL. zlib is Copyright (C) 1995-1996 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler. See
GSview uses bzip2 in an external DLL. bzip2 is Copyright 1996-2000 by Julian Seward. See
The installation programs may use an unzip decompression library (DLL) by the Info-ZIP group. The original sources are freely available from
GSPRINT is a command line tool for printing using Windows GDI printer drivers.
EPSTOOL is a command line tool for adding and removing previews from EPS files.
L. Peter Deutsch, for writing Ghostscript and for making changes to Ghostscript to support GSview.
Tim Theisen, who wrote Ghostview for X11 which provided the inspiration for GSview.
Paul McJones and Andrew Birrell of DEC, for making pstotext available and making changes to it for use with GSview.
Thomas Pfeiffer and Mrs. Stefanie Kolweyh for translating GSview into German/Deutsch.
Cyrille Chevallet for translating GSview into French/Franτais.
Antonio Guadagnin for translating GSview into Italian/Italiano.
Pascual Lucas for translating GSview into Spanish/Espa±ol.