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BETA Windows 2000 Driver
File Name: Release Date: Powerdesk version: Size:
beta_w2k510.exe June 13, 2000 5.10.012 BETA 2.2 MB
Notes and known issues:
- This is a BETA driver release.
- Sorry, there are no release notes available for this release.
To download this driver, please read and agree to the following notice.


Specific Notice For Drivers/Software Available On This Website (Pour lire la version en franτais cliquez ici)

This site may contain other proprietary notices and copyright information, the terms of which must also be observed and followed.


Any software that is made available to download from this server ("Software") is the copyrighted work of Matrox and/or its suppliers. Use of the Software is governed by the terms of the end user license agreement, if any, which accompanies or is included with the Software ("License Agreement"). An end user will be unable to install any Software that is accompanied by or includes a License Agreement, unless he or she first agrees to the License Agreement terms. The downloading and the use of any Software is subject to the following restrictions and limitations:
  1. No right to recopy, sell, distribute, license, sub-license, alter, modify, disassemble, de-compile or reverse engineer any driver in any manner whatsoever is hereby given. Violation may result in severe civil and/or criminal penalties as violators will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible;
  2. You are permitted to use the Software on a single computer owned or leased by you. You may not use the Software on more than a single machine, even if you own or lease more than one machine, without prior written consent of Matrox;
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The Software is provided to you AS IS and WITH ALL FAULTS. Matrox makes no representation and gives no warranty whatsoever, whether express or implied, and without limitation, with regard to the quality, safety, contents, performance, merchantability, non-infringement or suitability for any particular or intended purpose of the Software found on the Matrox web site. In no event will Matrox be liable for any direct, indirect, punitive, special, incidental or consequential damages however they may arise and even if Matrox has been previously advised of the possibility of such damages.

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Without limiting any of the foregoing, copying or reproducing any Software to any other server or location for further reproduction or redistribution is expressly prohibited.

Matrox is a registered trademark of Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd. All rights reserved. Matrox reserves the right to change driver specification without notice. All intellectual property, including without limitation, trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners and any unauthorized use thereof is strictly prohibited. Use of the Software for any purpose not explicitly stated above is expressly forbidden without the prior written permission of Matrox.

I agree to the above notice and would like to download beta_w2k510.exe.

Please note:

All files with the "EXE" extension are SELF-EXTRACTING files and do not require PKUNZIP or any other unzip utility. You may download and execute these files from a directory of your choice.

Some drivers in this section are zipped using the -RP option. They must be unzipped using the -D option. If you do not have Pkzip you can download it here /pkz204g.exe

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