SoftLite ScriptWorx Help
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The Code Controller

The Code Controller is initially docked on the left-hand side of your screen, with the drop-down menu for "Syntax Highlighting" at the top of the toolbox. This allows you to select which programming language ScriptWorx will use to highlight keywords with. There is a group of tabs described in detail below. At the bottom are three buttons, which launch programs* on you computer. The last button (on the right) will launch ServerWorx, Soft Lite's on slimline, but powerful web server.

"Results" - Is a new feature which relays messages and information produced by ScriptWorx for the current document. This is cleared when any other document is opened.

"Events" provides a detailed list of events in a web browser. For example, onLoad=".." specifies what to do when an object or page is loaded.

"Functions" provides a hierarchical menu of every item in the JavaScript Object Model. Each item is grouped under a related heading, and is added to the document upon double-clicking of an object.

"Templates" provides a list of the supplied templates in ScriptWorx 4.0, and allows you to set your own templates.

Tabs no longer used from Release Candidate II are: Options and Local File. Templates and User Templates have been merged into a single tab for ease of use.