------------------------ DISCLAIMER ------------------------ The author of the program, Robert Carson, and Accessory Software is not responsible or liable in any way for Hardware, Software, or any Damage related or unrelated to use, installation or Presence of this program. Robert Carson and the company, Accessory Software assumes no responsibility for any financial loss as a result of use of this program. This software is distributed as is without any expressed or implied warranties. The author, Robert Carson and Accessory Software is not responsible for any damages before, after or during the use of this software. -------------------- LICENSE AGREEMENT -------------------- You may use and evaluate this program for a reasonable period of time, whatever time you need. If you think the program is useful, is used frequently, and contributes value to you or your organization, A registration payment of $25 is required. You may freely distribute this program for evaluation without being resold. You may not distribute this program for profit or any activity resulting in generation of profit without the expressed written permission of Robert Carson.