OnDaEdg Software
Web to PC Image Management
Windows 95/98/NT Shareware

CompressJpg 1.0

CompressJpg can easily be used to compress one or 1000 jpeg image files.

Tired of trying to figure out which compression settings to use? CompressJpg lets you preview compression effects at up to 500% before you permanently lose important detail.

Have you ever downloaded a set of images which looked dull or dark? CompressJpg lets you change contrast, brightness, and color settings for entire directories.

CompressJpg will help you get the most out of your downloaded jpeg images.

Individual Mode

In the individual mode CompressJpg gives you a myriad of tools to customize your jpeg, bitmap and clipboard images:

  • view images at zoom settings up to 500%
  • clip borders from images using dynamic clipping and auto-clipping
  • flip and rotate images
  • resize images using several filters
  • adjust contrast, brightness and color setting with record and playback
  • access nonlinear routine to find base quality setting for close to original image quality
  • compress and smooth image in normal mode
  • use selected object compression to preserve 99.5% of quality for selected objects

Batch Mode

Theoretically CompressJpg allows you to compress every jpeg image on your hard drive at one setting. Practically, the multi-directory scan will allow you to compress any number of directories, each having different compression settings as follows:

  • target ratio or fixed quality
  • smoothing factor
  • contrast, brightness, color and hue

Use of the target ratiotm is an exclusive feature designed to produce "same-size" images. The standard fixed quality can produce panoramic images twice as large as closeups for the same setting.

Either the standard fixed quality setting or the nonlinear target ratio must be used for the entire run.

Image clipping is available in batch mode for same-size portrait and landscape images as well.

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