SODAT software spol. s r.o., Sedlßkova 33, 602 00 BRNO
Tel./Fax: +420-5-4323 6177(8), Hot line: +420-602-702 780
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Data protection software systems

Company update, products,
reviews and other
important information

News Trial versions

Trial version of our
security system


Information and details
of individual security systems

Products Technical support

Technical support for users
of our security systems,
tips for working with the programs
and their configuration


Company history, references of orders,
reviews and articles
of software systems from technical papers

Company profile Business conditions

Business and dealer conditions
including proposals for contracts
and the possibilities for Cupertino


Current security system prices,
on-line order form

Product pricelist Business partners

Our business partners,
representatives, contacts

Products pricelist   News