Text within a paragraph, heading, or other block element can be marked up in a variety of ways, for example to emphasise it, or to highlight text that should be entered by a user into a computer. Most of these inline elements are described in this page, although links, which are inline elements, are described separately.
is used to mark an inline definition (a word which is given as a
defining instance)
Style sheets can be used to change the presentation of inline definitions.
Quotations which are inline can be marked using the information type
"quotation" - the HTML element Q
This element is selected from the character elements submenu of the Style
menu, or in linux with the keyboard shortcut Alt-t, Alt-q. It is possible to
give a URI source for the quotation, using the cite
Style sheets can be used to change the presentation of inline quotations. The HTML specification states tht inline quotation should be rendered with the appropriate punctuation marks for the language being represented.
Elements are provided to mark computer code, such as
, with separate markup for
variables, as well as user input and program
output - the elements CODE
and SAMP
These elements are found in the information types submenu of the Style menu,
and there are keyboard shortcuts in Unix for all of them - Alt-t followed by
Alt-c for code, Alt-v for variables, Alt-k for user input and Alt-s for sample
Style sheets can be used to change the presentation of these elements.
Acronyms and abbreviations should be marked as such, using the ABBR
elements available in the information types submenu of the Style menu. For
unix there is also the shortcut Alt-t, Alt-a for acronym. This allows
recognition for different types of systems. The title
can also be used to specify the expansion of the acronym. Select the text to
be marked, for example W3C, select the Style menu, the information types
submenu, and the option acronym. Then select the entire element (Escape
key on Unix, F2 key on windows), open the Attributes menu,
select title, enter World Wide Web Consortium, and apply it.
Style sheets can be used to change the presentation of acronyms or abbreviations.
and INS
elements are available in the information types submenu of the Style menu to
mark text which ought to be deleted or which has already
been inserted.
Style sheets can be used to change the presentation of insertions and deletions.
HTML has elements to define two levels of emphasis:
Both types of emphasis can be applied from the toolbar using the and
buttons, or from the Information type submenu of the Style menu.
There are also standard keyboard shortcuts - Shift-control-I for
emphasis (because the default rendering is often italicised text) and
Shift-control-B for strong emphasis (becuase the default rendering
is often bold text). If there is a current selection, the emphaisis is applied
to that, otherwise the appropriate element is created, as a child of the
current element.
The emphasis elements are toggled in Amaya - to remove an emphasis select
the element and reapply the appropriate emphasis. For example place the cursor
somewhere in a STRONG
element, use the F2 (windows) or
Escape (Unix) key to select the element, and then use the keyboard
shortcut, menu item, or the
button - the
element will be removed.
Style sheets can be used to change the presentation of both types of emphasis.