Amaya provides a multilingual spell checker. This tool is invoked by the
Spell Check command from the Edit menu. It
uses the LANG
attribute to select the right dictionary. You can
associate this attribute with any element in a document, even with a single
word. Use the Language command in the Attributes menu for that
When the user wants to register a new word, the spell checker creates or
updates the "user's personal dictionary". By default, the "user's personal
dictionary" is $HOME/.thot.DIC, but the user can define another file. Before
starting Amaya, the user must set the parameter "EXTENDDICT="
in the registry file
($HOME/.thotrc file) to change the default name . Thus, the checker will use,
in addition to the dictionary specific to the language, this dictionary (in
read-write mode) to control all documents. This dictionary is created and
automatically updated by the spelling checker when the commands ``Skip
(+dic)'' and ``Replace (+dic)'' are issued (see below).
The Spell Check command in Edit menu displays a form which enables you to choose the correction parameters and to interact with the checker:
To start the correction, click on the Skip and next button bottom of the form. If an error has been found, the incorrect word is selected and highlighted in the document. If no error has been detected, the "Not found" message is displayed in the bottom right corner of the form.
The user can then use one of the buttons placed at the bottom of the form to perform one of the following operations:
Replace (+dic): it is the same as.Replace and next: except that the replacement word is added to the document dictionary.