The Amaya Registry

Since version 0.9 beta of Amaya, all configuration settngs of Amaya are stored in a small database called registry. It's syntax is highly similar to the WIN.INI file found on most PC setups.

This database is split onto 2 different files, one for system wide setting, which should not be modified by users, and a user specific one. The system one is called thot.ini and is stored in the Amaya/bin directory (e.g., if Amaya has been installed in /usr/local/Amaya , the system-wide registry should be found in /usr/local/Amaya/config/thot.ini). The user specific one, named .thotrc, is stored in the home directory of the user and will be created automatically if it does not exist at Amaya startup.

Here is an example of the system-wide thot.ini, it defines where the main resources needed by amaya and the Thot library are located. It also defines the print command to be used on this system.


; THOTPRINT=lp -c -dprintername -nnbex -trealname
; THOTPRINT=lpr -Pprintername -#nbex -Trealname


Each application has it's own section defined by it's name between brackets.Each section contains the variable definition specific to this application. The section [thot_lib] is common to all applications using the Thot library and the [system] section contains variables which cannot be overwritten by the user's registry. The format is:

variable=value up to the end of the line

Lines beginning by semicolons are comments. THOTDIR is an internal variable specifying the location of the Amaya installation ( /usr/local/Amaya in the previous example). An existing variable can be used to compute a new one by using the $(variable name) construct.

The system thot.ini file is not expected to be changed by users of Amaya, however, each user has it's own thot.ini file (automatically created if not present), where the user can modify the defaults settings like the user interface language, colors or the home page to load on start-up.

Irène Vatton
$Date: 1997/07/08