W3C Amaya Doc

Configuring your WWW server to understand the PUT method

The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) defines a PUT method as the mechanism allowing a WWW client to transfer a file to a WWW server. Amaya uses the W3C Reference Library implementation of HTTP to publish documents by means of this protocol method. As of today, not many WWW servers support the PUT method, but this is rapidly changing. Both the CERN server and Jigsaw support this method.

This document gives some hints on how to prepare a WWW server to handle the PUT method. We first give some general background on how a PUT request works. We then describe how to configure the CERN server to handle this kind of requests. While not providing an extensive description on how to configure every existent PUT-compliant WWW server, we hope that this document will provide you enough material to put you on the right track.

Contributions on other server's configurations are welcome.

For more information

José Kahan
$Date: 1999/08/13 07:23:22 $