
A network tool that lets you scan all host names in a specified range of IP addresses and verify host status for each IP address.

You can use the Scanner tool to:

To use the Scanner tool, do the following:

  1. Select the Scanner tab.

  2. In the Address text box, enter IP address to scan (for example,

  3. In the Options dialog box set any of the options you want to use:


    When this option is checked, the Scanner tool scans all host names in ascending order by IP address.


    When this option is checked, the Scanner tool checks host status for each IP address.


    Number of seconds
    the Scanner tool tries a host that is not responding.


    Number of attempts
    the Scanner tool tries a host that is not responding.

  4. Click the Start button.

    The Scanner tool scans the range of IP addresses. The results of the scan appear in the Hosts area.

    During the scan, the Start button toggles to Stop. You can click Stop at any time to stop the scan.


Checking host status for each IP address can significantly increase the time it takes to complete a scan.

Scanner example: