Editing Registry Values
Registrar Lite offers a flexible editor for setting registry values.
To enter the value property
editor. Double click on any registry value. The look and behaviour of the editing window
depends on the type of value you are editing.
If you are editing a value of the
type REG_SZ or REG_EXPAND_SZ (string) you will have an editing line for setting the
current value.
If the value you are editing is of
the type REG_MULTI_SZ (multi strings), a text editing box will appear in which you can
enter lines.
If the value you are editing is of the type REG_BINARY or any type that is not listed, a dialog will come up similar to the one displayed here. Three columns will be displayed which allow editing of the binary value. The first column displays the memory offset of the value which is being edited. The second shows a hex dump of the contents of the value and the third shows the character representation of the value. Changes made to any of the editors are automatically reflected in the other.
Note that you can also change the type of the value you are editing. The type of editor will change accordingly if necessary.