Search and Replace


Registrar Lite allows you to search the entire registry, or a specific subkey for a text string and optionally replace occurrences in registry keys, value names and data with other text.

To enter the search and replace dialog, choose Search from the main menu. To search a specific registry key, ensure that the registry key is selected and choose Search from the popup menu that appears when you right click on the key. Otherwise, you have the possibility to type in or select your registry key as soon as the dialog apepars.

You can select whether or not to search key names, value names or value data.

When all the options are set, choose Start to start searching. All matches will be reported in the results view.

You have the possibility to replace the text occurrence with other text. To do so, click the Replace button after selecting one or more occurrences. To select multiple occurrences, hold down the CTRL key down while clicking them.


When selecting  a matching item, you have the option to jump to appropriate key in the registry editor. To do so, click the Jump To button after selecting the key or value.

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