______________________________________________________________________________________________ Installing X-Setup in a shared folder If you plan to deploy X-Setup (XSET) to many computers, you can of course install XSET on each computer but it's easier to install it once to a shared path and all clients access is from this location. For example, if you add a plug-in to this shared folder, all clients can use it. Requirements for this: Windows NT 4.0 and the files noted in README.TXT as "Required" Basically, to use XSET in this configuration, the following steps are needed: 1) Install XSET locally 2) Copy the entire Program Files\X-Setup folder to the destination folder on a network drive 3) Change the configuration as needed 4) Install XSET on the clients ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Step 1 and 2: After you installed XSET, copy the entire XSET folder (e.g. C:\Program Files\X-Setup) to the destination folder, e.g. "S:\TOOLS\XSET". Remember to copy all files and subfolders, don't leave anything out! ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Step 3: Start the file XQXSetup.EXE from the network folder (e.g. S:\TOOLS\XSET). Go to File -> Options and re-configure the plug-ins and wizards path so they point to the new network location. In this example, the new plug-ins path would be S:\TOOLS\XSET\PLUGINS. You might also change other settings as needed (e.g. other Tools). After this has been done, exit X-Setup and start REGEDIT.EXE, move to HKEY_CURRENT_USER Software Xteq Systems X-Setup CurrentVersion highlight this key and select File -> Export. Save the file to the network folder, e.g. S:\TOOLS\XSET\NETWORK, as "CONFIG.REG". This file will later be used on the clients to configure XSET as needed. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Step 4: Before you install XSET on the clients, make sure that the clients have the files installed that are noted in README.TXT! If this is done, XSET can finally be installed. On the client, start SETUP.BAT. This batch will register XSET and configure it using your CONFIG.REG. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Notes: - This installation does *NOT* create any icons. Either the clients simply start "XQXSetup.EXE" from the network location or you alter the SETUP.BAT so it copies a LNK file to the user's desktop. - If you don't care about which options are activated, you can also use SETUP_NC.BAT (NC = No Config). This batch works without CONFIG.REG so XSET will apply a default config when launched. - The clients do not need to have "write" access to any of the folders. - To uninstall X-Setup later, use REMOVE.BAT. Please note that the entries of CONFIG.REG will remain in the Registry! # Version 1999/10b #