1950 |
1950 |
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June 8. born in Liptovskß Osada (little village amidst the hills of Middle Slovakia) |
195? |
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first contact with pencil (found drawings on inner doors of cupboards in three years old childÆs height) |
1956 |
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moved to Pieܥany, where he lives till nowadays |
1956 |
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started his way to education on elementary school in Pieܥany |
1958 |
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first year attends Popular school of art (teacher artist Chr¥anovß) û till 1968 |
1960 |
196? |
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first cartoons, caricature, minicomics to entertain his schoolmates |
1965 |
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first pictures published in journal öÄivotö |
- |
coming on universal educating high school in Pieܥany |
- |
works in redaction of school journal öL·Φö, and publishing his drawings in too |
1966 |
- |
journal öL·Φö is printed in City cultural centre. This centre issues journal öKult·ra v PieÜ¥anochö (Culture in PieÜ¥any). Gets proposal to publish first cartoon in May edition of this journal |
1966-1969 |
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publishing in about three periodical magazines (Kult·ra v PieÜ¥anoch, Pravda, Trnavsk² Hlas). Illustrations of serial novels in öKult·ra v PieÜ¥anochö |
1967 |
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first one-man exhibition û happening on the street in centre of PieÜ¥any |
1967-1969 |
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other cca three exhibitions in Slovak cities Pieܥany and Bratislava |
1968 |
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living examinations and starts studies of architecture on Slovak technical university in Bratislava |
1970 |
1970-1977 |
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performs in studentÆs theatre of B-club / some prizes In this time had written some short literary scripts (theatre play, stories, songs) û at most for theatre spectacles |
1974 |
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finished studies on university and like Dipl. Ing. Architect came back to Pieܥany |
publishing in magazines: |
1970-1979 |
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publishing in cca 5 Slovak magazines (Revue PieÜ¥any, DievΦa..., from 1971 in öRohßΦö û the biggest and maybe only Slovak magazine of cartoon). From time to time in foreign magazines (Ludas Matyi û Hungary, Osten û Yugoslavian, Szpilki - Poland...) |
group exhibitions: |
1970-1979 |
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group exhibitions in Czechoslovakia and in Poland, Germany, Bulgarian, Cuba ... |
one-man exhibitions: |
1970 |
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Gallery of youth in Bratislava (with friends M. RyÜav², A. Vyjidßk) |
1972 |
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Gallery No1 in Bratislava |
1974 |
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B û club in Bratislava |
prizes: |
1979 |
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San Antonio de los Ba≥os, Cuba û diploma from International journalists organisation |
1980 |
1980 |
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wedding with schoolmate Anna |
1982 |
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born son Jßn |
1985 |
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born daughter Eva |
1980-1989 |
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working on projekts in architecture atelier öStavoprojektö, some home and international contests (about it at some other time, at some other place) |
publishing and illustrations: |
1980 |
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illustration first book öA.P.Merkulov: Podivuhodnß tekutinaö |
1980-1989 |
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book illustrations or common book projects participation (cca 10 books - J.Kvasnica: Priekopnφci modernej fyziky, J.Krempask²: Vesmφrne metamorf≤zy, 100x o lßske, Aforiznφk, ╚o ¥a pßli, has ...) |
- |
publishing in cca 12 Slovak magazines (RohßΦ, V²tvarn² ₧ivot, Projekt, V²ber, Film a divadlo, Javisko, Smena...) and sometimes in foreign magazines (Ludas Matyi û Hungary, Osten û Yugoslavian, Szpilki û Poland Eulenspiegel û GDR, Krokodil - USSR...) |
- |
publishing in catalogues of international contests and books about cartoon |
group exhibitions: |
1980-1989 |
- |
about 50 group exhibitions in Czechoslovakia (PieÜ¥any, Bratislava, Praha, Doln² Kubφn) and in foreign countries (Germany, Cuba, Japan, Italy, Bulgarian, Canada, Turkey, Belgium...) |
one-man exhibitions: |
1980-1989 |
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approximate 15 exhibitions, e.g.: |
1982 |
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Prague (Salon kreslenΘho humoru, Malostranskß beseda) |
1984 |
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PreÜov (Cultural centre) |
1985 |
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SpiÜskß Novß Ves (Studio 77) |
1986 |
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Martin (Folkforum) |
1986 |
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Bohumφn (Cultural centre) |
1987 |
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Kremnica (SlovenskΘ gagy û together with Miroslav Bartßk) |
1989 |
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Pieܥany (City library) |
prizes: |
1981 |
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San Antonio de los Ba≥os, Cuba û honorable mention |
1983 |
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Ancona, Italy û 3rd prize |
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öNovomestsk² oste≥ö - NovΘ Mesto nad Vßhom, Czechoslovakia û 3rd prize |
1987 |
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Cuba û honorable mention |
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ôHumorestö, Hradec KrßlovΘ, Czechoslovakia û special prize of journalists |
1989 |
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öNovomestsk² oste≥ö - NovΘ Mesto nad Vßhom, Czechoslovakia û 2nd prize |
1990 |
1991 |
- |
common founder of private architectural bureau öArchitektonick² ateliΘr B P (AABP)ö in PieÜ¥any (about this too, but at any other time and any other place) |
1992 |
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common founder of international cartoon competition about architecture ARCHIKATURA û author of name and logo. Here is working till now |
publishing and illustrations: |
1990 |
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wrote and draw book for little children My(Ü) zo ZOO (Mouse from ZOO). It was edited like My zo ZOO (We from ZOO) in MladΘ letß publishers |
1990-1998 |
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publishing in some Slovak magazines (Verejnos¥, èkrt, Slobodn² piatok, Kult·rny ₧ivot, Nßrodnß obroda, Bumerang...) and in foreign magazines (Witty World û USA) |
- |
publishing in catalogues of international contests and books about cartoon |
common exhibitions: |
1990-1998 |
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every year some common exhibition in Slovakia and foreign countries. Last time especially with Slovak union of cartoonists (SUK) |
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participation on international cartoon contests in Belgium (Knokke-Heist, Beringen, Kruishoutem...), Turkey (Ankara), Italy (Cuneo, Ancona...) ... |
one-man exhibitions: |
1990-1998 |
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some one-man exhibitions, e.g.: |
1990 |
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Belgium, Leuven, European poetry festival û parallel exhibition | |
1990 |
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PieÜ¥any, Cultural centre ( with friend Svetozßr Mydlo) | |
1990 |
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RadoÜina, öChristmas with Naive theatre from RadoÜinaö | |
1991 |
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Pieܥany, Congress centre of spa |
1990-1992 |
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serial of one-man exhibitions, or exhibitions with participation one belgian cartoonist, or two-men exhibition with Vladimir Kazanevsky (Ukraine) in some cities of Belgium (Brussels, Leuven, Antverpen...) |
1996 |
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Bratislava, IPM ART |
prizes: |
1991 |
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Italy, Ancona û 2nd prize |
1998 |
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öZlat² s·dokö, PreÜov, Slovakia - Grand Prix |