#PC#Protect Stealth Activity Monitor 10-22-99 IOPUS H O T C L I C K S Yahoo! Messenger Today's Free File Weekly Top 10 #PC#Protect Stealth Activity Monitor can record activity on your PC for later study. A tabbed options Control Center lets you start and stop the system and choose to have the program start every time the PC is booted. Settings let you selectively log keystrokes and passwords, window titles and the time, and application paths, as well as timestamp the log at user-defined intervals. These flexible options let you tailor the type of reporting you need, from general surveillance to total coverage. The easy-to-read log file can be encrypted, and access to the Control Center can be password-protected. This trial version is limited to a 300-character log. Reviewed on Sep 17 1999. System Requirements Windows 95, 98, or NT Purchase Information Shareware: Free to try, $29.95 if you decide to keep it. Version Number 4.2 Downloads to Date 1,680 Compressed Size 140,134 bytes