Jammer 10-12-99 Jet4 H O T C L I C K S Yahoo! Messenger Today's Free File Weekly Top 10 Jammer helps to protect your system from unwanted visitors. When your computer is booted, Jammer requires a password to enter your system. The only other option is to reboot the machine. Jammer can also be run during your Windows session to display the password block, again preventing casual intruders from accessing your system. It maintains a log of invalid access attempts and lets you customize the appearance of the program by changing the background color, text message, and even adding a custom logo. Different security levels are provided, allowing you to hide drives and even your desktop while the program is active. As with most programs of this type, individuals with sufficient system knowledge can defeat the security. However, Jammer is useful and free for users wishing to keep most unwanted users out of their systems. Reviewed on Oct 12 1999. System Requirements Windows 95 or Windows 98 Purchase Information Free Version Number 3.01 Downloads to Date 13,761 Compressed Size 740,334 bytes