What's new in ASP-Edit

New in this version (version 2.05 / Build 1),

Added This help-file :)
Added More sample scripts (see components and free scripts)
Added basic JavaScript tags (under insert menu), not all JavaScript statements are supported (yet).
Added Publishing Agent, allows you to upload the files, scripts and components to your web-server
Added Cookie wizard, allows you to create the code for cookies fast and efficient
Added Include file wizard, allows you to quickly scan and insert file includes (file & virtual includes)
Added Useful resources for ASP developers, lots of information on the internet on ASP and VBScript programming.
Added small SQL tutorial with most used commands within ASP
Added VBScript help-file,  (c) Microsoft corporation
Added Source beautifier, run this and your source will be nicely idented
Added Microsoft's encryption tool, which encrypts your code so nobody can get away with your code anymore.
Added a new page wizard
Added a link validator
Added a document structure validator
Added Email source this allows you to send your asp files via email (alternative to publishing)
Added update check, ASP-Edit checks if there new updates online
Added \ to / conversion (under edit menu)
Added / to \ conversion (under edit menu)
Added space to   conversion (under edit menu)
Added add url wizard
Added Font face select wizard
Added Font color select wizard
Added Remark wizard (generates remarks for VBS/ASP/JScript)
Added add image (image link) wizard
Added email form generator wizard
Added make function wizard
Added all html tags to filemanager panel
Added all webtv tags to filemanager panel
Added user-defined tags wizard (also resides on file-manager panel)
Added Assistant to assist you with the creating and maintenance of-
 your webpages
Added Table wizard, which help you create tables, and if desired turns the table in to a Visual Basic Script function
Added open url, this will (like the normal open file) open a file, with the difference that it can be anywhere on the internet.
Improved filemanager, now shows time needed to download the document via the internet.
Added table wizard
Added internal browser
Added Meta tag wizard
Ability to launch wizards from html tool bar, feature can be toggled to advanced user setting (which does not launch wizard but just inserts bare html)
Advanced mode toggle function
Added SQL Query generator, this enables you to create and test! SQL queries via selecting datasources, databases and fields.
Added DSN configuration tool