Setting your preferences

ASP-Edit allows you to set preferences and change its appearance.
Fill in the details, do not forget to fill in your name and email address which is important in case of support related questions. You can alter the editor screen and text colors, the font size and color of the text within the editor boxes.
Optionally you can alter the color of the ASP/VBScript and HTML commands to suit your color need.
You can set the total amount of documents you want to have open, the less documents are open the less resources of windows will be used.
You can also determine how the tags are added to the document (normal,. uppercase, lowercase or capitalized (Every First Letter Of A Word Is Uppercase)
Here you set the level of ident, and if you want to ident html and/or VBScript during the beatify process

Do not forget to save your changes, click on save information to save the configuration, or click on cancel if you want to discard the changed information.