SYSOP ORDER FORM (rev 2): Prices valid until January 1, 2001 TO: Date: ______________________ ARJ Software, Inc. P.O. Box 249 Norwood MA 02062 Fax number: 781-769-4893 USA Email: FROM: Name: ______________________________________________________ BBS/WEB Name: ______________________________________________________ [maximum of 50 characters for registration purposes] Address: ______________________________________________________ City: ____________________________ State: __________________ Country: ____________________________ Postal Code: ____________ Phone: ________________________ Fax: ________________________ ======================================================================== ARJ SYSOP SPECIAL This special ARJ offer is made only to electronic bulletin board sysops including FTP sites and WEB sites. This offer consists of one ARJ registration and one ARJ SECURITY envelope. Your BBS/WEB name will be used for the registration and the security envelope. __45__ ======================================================================== TOTAL PRODUCT __45__ Massachusetts USA state residents add 5 percent sales tax ______ TOTAL ORDER ______ Payment method: ( ) Cash ( ) Check ( ) Money order ( ) Credit card -> See instructions in file CREDIT.TXT ======================================================================== TERMS: Payment may be made by check, US POSTAL Money Order or International Money Order in USA funds payable through a USA bank and made out to ARJ Software, Inc. We also accept credit card orders. See the file CREDIT.TXT for details. Please allow a few weeks for delivery. end of document