Release Notes ============= Version 2.01 - Added option to reschedule *all* tasks to the first normal occurance after a date and time (great for when you go on vacation for a week and want most or all tasks moved, or when you temporarily reset your system date for Y2K testing!). (File->Setup->Housekeeping) - Added support for command-line parameters to ADSBACK.EXE ( and RESTORE= so that Schedule Wizard database backups can be easily scheduled. - Added timeout to Window Title logic so that other hung applications would not hang Schedule Wizard. - Reverted to previous version of e-mail library. Version 2.0 - Added Hot Keys feature: Type text or start any standard Schedule Wizard task at the press of a key! - Added Custom Report wizard: Create your own reports! - Enhanced external Clipboard Manager: Option to automatically type information to another application. (Plus Edition only) - Optional password-protection for task maintenance. * Free upgrade to version 2.0 for users who purchase Schedule Wizard 2000 v1.94 on or after July 1, 1999. Version 1.94 - Added "Birthday/Anniversary" Wizard. - Fixed GPF where 2 messages (internal, stay on top) needed to presented simultaneously. Version 1.93 - Fixed case where "N/A" overwrote task command when entered. - Added "Birthday" Wizard. Version 1.92 - Expanded support for text to locate within a window (script actions - If Window Exists, Set Focus, Wait for Window) - Press ESC on calendar restores last date. - When browsing for alarm WAV files, the initial path is the last path used. - Help file no longer requires INETWH32.DLL. - Additional functions on right-click menus: Output to printer, HTML, or ASCII; Best fit or reset list box columns. - Added Last Run Date and Time to standard List of Scheduled Tasks. - Added option to launch 16-bit applications as a separate process (NT only). - Compiled in Clarion 5b Gold. Version 1.91 - Fixed "If Window Exists" logic - was reversed in some situations. - FTP operations now translate [DATE] token, even if "Translate "values" when starting a program" is unchecked in options. - Plus and NT Service Editions now include external Clipboard Manager for faster access to clipboard records from the Windows system tray. - NT Service Edition - Fixed COPY() script action so that "Window Not Open" error no longer occurs. Version 1.9 - File Actions: Added Recycle, Rename. Now using shell to perform file operations, so wildcards can be used. - Re-organized menu; moved task entry wizards to an "Actions" menu. - Re-organized script entry window. - Fixed problem where a script would briefly lose focus on the target window when key press instructions were divided into multiple script actions. - Script: Edit as text now shows blank parameters as "". This fixes the problem where parameters did not translate correct when saving. - Added FTP upload/download support with wildcards. - Fixed "Start Script" regression. - Added option to skip task if any script is active. - Changed Schedule Type column in list of Scheduled Tasks to give more detail. - Updated help file. - Improved backup and restore utilities (included in registered version only). Version 1.88 - Win-W (the "Windows" key and the "W" key pressed simultaneously) restores from the tray. - Tray behaviour now Windows standard (stays in tray at all times). - Added option to ignore hidden windows during comparisons. - Increased size of message and keystroke fields in scripting. - Advanced settings for IF EXIST/WAIT FOR/FOCUS ON window title selection: If the requested window currently exists, a drop down list containing its visible text elements is now available. - Added right-click menu to external display message program that allows variable snooze times and custom fonts for the message. - Fixed bug: "Accept loop required - GPF?" message no longer given after closing internal Display Message window. - [=] token now accepts any valid "Clarion" statement. Version 1.87 - Added "Edit as Text" option to Scripting window (right-click menu). - Task times now rounded to the nearest minute. Version 1.86a - Double-left-click restores from tray rather than single-left-click. - Fixed: Email messages where recipient was not in the contact database did not display recipient name information when editing. Version 1.86 - Fixed: User interface would hang when minimized on some NT systems. - [MM-DD-YY] now returns 01-01-99 rather than 1-01-99. Version 1.85 - Added Bug Reporting option, and other support tools. - Replaced "Search" tab with Query Wizard on View Schedule window. - Script action to display message supports customizable button text, and stores the response in a RESPONSE value. - Simple calculations can be performed in scripting using the [=] token (example: [=DATE-1]). - Added the [MM-DD-YY], [YY-MM-DD], and [DD-MM-YY] tokens (scripting). - Added option to export schedule to HTML/ASCII - Fixed problem where a long wait in a script caused remaining script items to wait twice the desired amount of time. - Fixed problem where scrollbars would not scroll under Windows NT. - Compiled under Clarion 5. **Known problems: - Using an Intellimouse wheel to scroll beyond the start or end of any list box will hang the application. Please use the keyboard, scrollbars or VCR buttons to scroll through lists. - Miscellaneous minor fixes. Version 1.84 - Fixed occasional hang during copy/delete task. Version 1.83 - Fixed display problem on Add Message Wizard. - Added external message display program. Version 1.82 - Restored logic to flash tray icon when script processed. Version 1.81 - Better defaults in holiday database. - Changed palette on image in Browse Scripting window to avoid "flashing" effect. Version 1.8 - Recompiled in Clarion 4. This eliminates the conflict with Intellimouse drivers. - Added script templates and script wizard for faster script creation. - Expanded toolbar. - Refined keypress sending logic; now supports VBA-like shorthand for CTRL (^), SHIFT (+), and ALT (%). - Added "Saved Entries" tab to Browse Clipboard Saver window. - Clipboard (text contents) are restored to last saved entry when Schedule Wizard starts. - Added option to send email to contact groups, and to post to newsgroups. - Expanded information on Contact Category setup window. - Added option to customize format of schedule, contact category, and schedule category list boxes. - Included utility programs to synchronize Schedule Wizard databases, and download URLs. Version 1.7f - Added variable time option to Snooze feature. - Fixed bug where Snooze would not copy an alarm to the new task. - Added option to limit number times alarm repeats. Version 1.7e - Expanded information on Schedule Category setup window. - Added "Minimize to system tray instead of exiting" option - Added "View current script" option to assist in debugging scripts. - Added option to include future task occurances on Brief Schedule and Checklist-style reports. - SW Chain can now use long file names when placed in the standard Windows "Start Up" folder. - Browse for alarm file in Add Program Wizard activated. Version 1.7d - Added "Checklist-style" report (landscape mode). Version 1.7c - Fixed calendar lookup - wasn't displaying all valid dates when month changed. - Added "customize format" feature to Contacts browse (available on the right-click pop-up menu). - Added [EXITCODE] internal variable (scripting). - Added status icon to SW Chain (Plus Edition). - "Run Now" now executes scripts when the task scheduler is inactive. Version 1.7b - Added support for "Twice Monthly" events. - Fixed bug in "First Day of Month" logic. - Added support for SWCHAIN.EXE, which allows you to close Schedule Wizard 2000, run another program and script, then restart Schedule Wizard 2000. (Plus Edition) Version 1.7a - Detection of text within windows is no longer case-sensitive (see scripting). Version 1.7 - Major scripting enhancements: - Send Email - Use variables (values) - File commands such as copy, move, delete, get file date and time. - Directory commands such as create and remove directories. - Run other scripts from within a currently executing script. - Added email message library. - Minor fixes. Version 1.6e - Lengthened repeating alarm file field to 255 characters. - Fixed installation script; had been corrupted due to cross-linked files! Version 1.6d - Removed duplicate error message. - NT Service no longer repeats check of history more than once per day. - Corrected log file name; now SW98EVNT.LOG. Version 1.6c - Added option to display "enabled" tasks only (right-click menu on View Schedule window to toggle). - Added option to "Start Program" advanced options: Start Type (open, print, view, explore, play, etc). - Fixed problem with "save scripts on completed tasks". :( Version 1.6b - Added selection criteria option for Brief Schedule Reports. - Fixed problem with exceptions that span midnight. - Added option to save scripts on completed tasks. Version 1.6a - Fixed occasional "wait for time" bug. Version 1.6 - Added "Run" URL/EXE feature to clipboard saver. - Added Synchronize feature. - Reduced size of date on status bar; increased size of status message on status bar. - No longer waits for end of program when a wait wasn't requested. - Conflict with Intellimouse drivers in Windows NT solved. - Updated installation packages. - Updated help file. Version 1.5a - View Schedule now refreshes after "Quick Start" used. - Added support for Message Manager and Macro Recorder Add-On modules. Version 1.5 - Expanded command, program, alarm file and path fields. - Added "Save" support to the Clipboard Saver to allow certain clippings to be saved even if they are the oldest by capture date. - Added "Resolution" tab to To Do list. - Changed order of To Do List by Category (now Priority within Category). - Updated Search Schedule interface. - Added "Quick Start" option to right-click menu on "View Schedule" window. This allows any task (even disabled) to be copied to a new active task that will run immediately, in 5 minutes, in 10 minutes, in 1 hour, or some other interval related to "now". - Added "Exceptions" option to scheduling dates and times. This allows repeated tasks to be skipped during certain times or on certain dates/days of the week. - Added "Last Day of Month" repetition option. - Message window can now be resized. - Miscellaneous minor enhancements and fixes. - Upgrade note: If you are using the "Wait for..." time or window title script item, we recommend reviewing these items after you have installed the upgrade. This item now includes an option for "And/Or". It previously made a "best guess" based on the other information entered. Although this "best guess" logic was retained for cases where "And/Or" is not specified, you should select "And" or "Or" for the best results. Version 1.4c - Fixed occasional Invalid Page Fault when accessing system tray. - Added tips to main toolbar. - Fixed move up/down buttons on Browse Scripting window (no swap error when pressed after an Insert). Version 1.4b - Added BEEP option to use the system speaker for the alarm. - Fixed disappearing contact category on Update Contact window. Version 1.4a - Added advanced options to Start Program script command, including "Wait for Program End". - Added "Display Message" script command. - Added option to repeat alarm while waiting for message to be acknowledged. - Added option to set To Do List report titles at runtime. - Added option of log events to a text file. Version 1.4 - Expanded To Do information to includes notes and categories. - Added simple Contact manager. - Added Clipboard Saver with option to monitor clipboard. - Added Import/Export options for To Do and Contact databases. - Fixed right-mouse-button popups on Browse Schedule and Browse To Do windows (now selects record before popping up). - WAV file name is defaulted to last used for alarms. - Added option to have messages appear over all other active windows and applications. - Window positions now saved in an INI file (POSITION.INI) located in the directory where Schedule Wizard 2000 is started. - Scripting now uses the "global delay" setting between script items rather than one second. There is no delay before an "...End If" command. - When a "Wait n seconds" scripting command follows a "Wait for Window" command, the number of seconds that have passed is now correctly calculated. Version 1.3i - Recompiled under Clarion for Windows release 2003. This fixes the sporadic and cryptic "CTLMAIN" error. - Enhanced report previews. Version 1.3g - Fixed "file not open" bug on Move Up/Down buttons (Browse Script window). - Changed "Add" button on Browse Script window to add new items at the currently highlighted position. - Added "Print" button to Browse Script. Version 1.3e - Added "Snooze" button to message display. - Message now defaults to description given to task. - Fixed the "occasionally disappearing icons" problem on the To Do List. - Registered users may request to receive a special edition that can be started as an NT 4.0 Service. This edition in currently in beta. Email for more information. Version 1.3d - Added import, export and clear all to script editor. - Added access to scripting via right mouse pop-up on "View Schedule" window. - Fixed problem where "...End If" script item was ignored. Version 1.3c - Now refreshes "View Schedule" window when tasks are run. - Added option to control speed of scripted keypresses. - Added options to right-click on tray-icon menu. - Added [Pause] to the list of valid keys in scripting. - Animated tray icon to indicate when scripting (yellow) and scripted keypresses (red flashing) are operating. - Fixed problem with extra spaces being sent at the end of scripted keypresses. Version 1.3b - Added option to stay minimized when running programs. Version 1.3a - 32-bit version now works under Windows NT 4.0. Version 1.3 - Displayed messages now also include the "description" or title of the task. - Added support for Windows 95 file associations (for example, starting KEYCODES.TXT will call NOTEPAD.EXE, or "This is my shortcut.URL" may call Internet Explorer or Netscape). This also fixes a problem calling Norton Utilities. - Add new script types: Start Program, If Window..., If Time Elapsed..., and ...End If. - Added "Copy", "Move to End", and "Move to Start" buttons to scripting. - Copying a task will now copy the associated script items. - Fixed timing problem where two scripts were run simultaneously. - Added option to "Skip task if missed (+/- 10 minutes). - Added option - "Do not add to history when completed" - Added "one category" report. - Changed name to Schedule Wizard 2000. If you are upgrading from a previous version, you may delete SW96.* after installing this version. - Updated help file. Version 1.2d - Made "View Schedule" and "Scripting" windows resizable. - Scripting: slowed the sending of keypresses to other applications - many couldn't handle larger strings. Version 1.2c - Simplified scripting keypresses by adding [Enter], [Tab], [Esc], [F1]...[F12] to list of valid keys in scripting. [EnterKey], [TabKey], [EscKey], [F1Key]...[F12Key] can still be used. Version 1.2b - Fixed problem where scripting commands were occasionally ignored. Version 1.2a - Added options to import and export schedules to comma-delimited text files. - Added "Copy" button to View Schedule. - Added spin control to date fields for easier date changes. Version 1.2 - Added "Scripting" (32-bit version). - Added option to minimize to tray (32-bit version). - Added option to removed expired uncompleted tasks. - Fixed problem with "Remove Completed Tasks" function not removing under some circumstances. - Fixed problem with "last day of week of month" being one week early when falling on the last day of the month. - Added options to clear to do list, all completed or disabled tasks, and to reset "saved window positions and settings". Version 1.1b - Added "Toggle Done Status" button to To Do List and related right-mouse-button pop-up menu. Version 1.1a - Corrected installation program to use "StartUp" group rather than "Start Menu". Version 1.1 - Added graphics for a more pleasing user interface - Added toolbar for faster access to commonly used features - Added "brief" schedule report - Expanded help file