object FormQRUdalost: TFormQRUdalost Left = 192 Top = 146 Width = 833 Height = 559 VertScrollBar.Position = 532 Caption = 'FormQRUdalost' Color = clBtnFace Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] OldCreateOrder = False Scaled = False PixelsPerInch = 96 TextHeight = 13 object QReport: TQuickRep Left = 0 Top = -532 Width = 794 Height = 1123 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False DataSet = QryMaster Font.Charset = EASTEUROPE_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [] Functions.Strings = ( 'PAGENUMBER' 'COLUMNNUMBER' 'REPORTTITLE' 'BANDPAGER') Functions.DATA = ( '0' '0' #39#39 #39#39) OnPreview = QReportPreview Options = [FirstPageHeader, LastPageFooter] Page.Columns = 1 Page.Orientation = poPortrait Page.PaperSize = A4 Page.Values = ( 100.000000000000000000 2970.000000000000000000 100.000000000000000000 2100.000000000000000000 100.000000000000000000 100.000000000000000000 0.000000000000000000) PrinterSettings.Copies = 1 PrinterSettings.Duplex = False PrinterSettings.FirstPage = 0 PrinterSettings.LastPage = 0 PrinterSettings.OutputBin = Auto PrintIfEmpty = True SnapToGrid = True Units = MM Zoom = 100 object QRBand1: TQRBand Left = 38 Top = 38 Width = 718 Height = 413 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False AlignToBottom = False Color = clWhite ForceNewColumn = False ForceNewPage = True Size.Values = ( 1092.729166666667000000 1899.708333333333000000) BandType = rbDetail object QRShape18: TQRShape Left = 4 Top = 200 Width = 713 Height = 17 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 44.979166666666670000 10.583333333333330000 529.166666666666700000 1886.479166666667000000) Shape = qrsRectangle end object QRShape11: TQRShape Left = 368 Top = 280 Width = 349 Height = 21 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 55.562500000000000000 973.666666666666700000 740.833333333333300000 923.395833333333300000) Shape = qrsRectangle end object QRLabel13: TQRLabel Left = 376 Top = 284 Width = 34 Height = 17 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 44.979166666666670000 994.833333333333300000 751.416666666666700000 89.958333333333330000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = True AutoStretch = False Caption = 'Firma' Color = clWhite Transparent = True WordWrap = True FontSize = 10 end object QRShape17: TQRShape Left = 4 Top = 320 Width = 341 Height = 21 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 55.562500000000000000 10.583333333333330000 846.666666666666700000 902.229166666666700000) Shape = qrsRectangle end object QRLabel1: TQRLabel Left = 276 Top = 64 Width = 108 Height = 17 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 44.979166666666670000 730.250000000000000000 169.333333333333300000 285.750000000000000000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = True AutoStretch = False Caption = 'Zodpov�dn� osoba' Color = clWhite Transparent = False WordWrap = True FontSize = 10 end object QRShape13: TQRShape Left = 368 Top = 320 Width = 349 Height = 21 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 55.562500000000000000 973.666666666666700000 846.666666666666700000 923.395833333333300000) Shape = qrsRectangle end object QRShape12: TQRShape Left = 368 Top = 300 Width = 349 Height = 21 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 55.562500000000000000 973.666666666666700000 793.750000000000000000 923.395833333333300000) Shape = qrsRectangle end object QRShape10: TQRShape Left = 368 Top = 260 Width = 349 Height = 21 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 55.562500000000000000 973.666666666666700000 687.916666666666700000 923.395833333333300000) Shape = qrsRectangle end object QRShape8: TQRShape Left = 4 Top = 300 Width = 341 Height = 21 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 55.562500000000000000 10.583333333333330000 793.750000000000000000 902.229166666666700000) Shape = qrsRectangle end object QRShape7: TQRShape Left = 4 Top = 280 Width = 341 Height = 21 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 55.562500000000000000 10.583333333333330000 740.833333333333300000 902.229166666666700000) Shape = qrsRectangle end object QRShape6: TQRShape Left = 4 Top = 260 Width = 341 Height = 21 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 55.562500000000000000 10.583333333333330000 687.916666666666700000 902.229166666666700000) Shape = qrsRectangle end object QRShape5: TQRShape Left = 368 Top = 236 Width = 349 Height = 17 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 44.979166666666670000 973.666666666666700000 624.416666666666700000 923.395833333333300000) Brush.Color = clSilver Shape = qrsRectangle end object QRShape4: TQRShape Left = 4 Top = 236 Width = 341 Height = 17 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 44.979166666666670000 10.583333333333330000 624.416666666666700000 902.229166666666700000) Brush.Color = clSilver Shape = qrsRectangle end object QRShape3: TQRShape Left = 283 Top = 84 Width = 433 Height = 89 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 235.479166666666700000 748.770833333333300000 222.250000000000000000 1145.645833333333000000) Brush.Color = clSilver Pen.Color = clSilver Shape = qrsRectangle end object QRShape1: TQRShape Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 717 Height = 29 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 76.729166666666670000 0.000000000000000000 0.000000000000000000 1897.062500000000000000) Brush.Color = clBlack Shape = qrsRectangle end object QRShape2: TQRShape Left = 276 Top = 80 Width = 433 Height = 85 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 224.895833333333300000 730.250000000000000000 211.666666666666700000 1145.645833333333000000) Shape = qrsRectangle end object QRDBText2: TQRDBText Left = 288 Top = 96 Width = 405 Height = 25 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 66.145833333333330000 762.000000000000000000 254.000000000000000000 1071.562500000000000000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = False AutoStretch = False Color = clWhite DataSet = QryPrac DataField = 'prijmeni' Font.Charset = EASTEUROPE_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -21 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [fsBold] OnPrint = QRDBText2Print ParentFont = False Transparent = False WordWrap = True FontSize = 16 end object QRDBText4: TQRDBText Left = 288 Top = 128 Width = 405 Height = 20 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 52.916666666666670000 762.000000000000000000 338.666666666666700000 1071.562500000000000000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = False AutoStretch = False Color = clWhite DataSet = QryPrac DataField = 'oddeleni' Font.Charset = EASTEUROPE_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -16 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [fsBold] ParentFont = False Transparent = False WordWrap = True FontSize = 12 end object QRDBText17: TQRDBText Left = 680 Top = 2 Width = 29 Height = 25 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 66.145833333333330000 1799.166666666667000000 5.291666666666667000 76.729166666666670000) Alignment = taRightJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = True AutoStretch = False Color = clWhite DataSet = QryMaster DataField = 'typ' Font.Charset = EASTEUROPE_CHARSET Font.Color = clWhite Font.Height = -21 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False Transparent = True WordWrap = True FontSize = 16 end object QRDBText1: TQRDBText Left = 8 Top = 2 Width = 17 Height = 25 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 66.145833333333330000 21.166666666666670000 5.291666666666667000 44.979166666666670000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = True AutoStretch = False Color = clWhite DataSet = QryMaster DataField = 'id' Font.Charset = EASTEUROPE_CHARSET Font.Color = clWhite Font.Height = -21 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [] OnPrint = QRDBText1Print ParentFont = False Transparent = True WordWrap = True FontSize = 16 end object QRDBText3: TQRDBText Left = 124 Top = 200 Width = 39 Height = 17 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 44.979166666666670000 328.083333333333300000 529.166666666666700000 103.187500000000000000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = True AutoStretch = False Color = clWhite DataSet = QryMaster DataField = 'nazev' Font.Charset = EASTEUROPE_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [fsBold] ParentFont = False Transparent = True WordWrap = True FontSize = 10 end object QRDBText5: TQRDBText Left = 500 Top = 284 Width = 20 Height = 17 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 44.979166666666670000 1322.916666666667000000 751.416666666666700000 52.916666666666670000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = True AutoStretch = False Color = clWhite DataSet = QryMaster DataField = 'ico' Font.Charset = EASTEUROPE_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [fsBold] OnPrint = QRDBText5Print ParentFont = False Transparent = True WordWrap = True FontSize = 10 end object QRLabel4: TQRLabel Left = 12 Top = 236 Width = 86 Height = 17 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 44.979166666666670000 31.750000000000000000 624.416666666666700000 227.541666666666700000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = True AutoStretch = False Caption = 'Term�ny, stav' Color = clWhite Font.Charset = EASTEUROPE_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [fsBold] ParentFont = False Transparent = True WordWrap = True FontSize = 10 end object QRLabel5: TQRLabel Left = 12 Top = 264 Width = 47 Height = 17 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 44.979166666666670000 31.750000000000000000 698.500000000000000000 124.354166666666700000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = True AutoStretch = False Caption = 'Za��tek' Color = clWhite Font.Charset = EASTEUROPE_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False Transparent = True WordWrap = True FontSize = 10 end object QRLabel6: TQRLabel Left = 12 Top = 284 Width = 38 Height = 17 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 44.979166666666670000 31.750000000000000000 751.416666666666700000 100.541666666666700000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = True AutoStretch = False Caption = 'Konec' Color = clWhite Font.Charset = EASTEUROPE_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False Transparent = True WordWrap = True FontSize = 10 end object QRLabel7: TQRLabel Left = 12 Top = 304 Width = 56 Height = 17 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 44.979166666666670000 31.750000000000000000 804.333333333333300000 148.166666666666700000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = True AutoStretch = False Caption = 'Upozornit' Color = clWhite Font.Charset = EASTEUROPE_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False Transparent = True WordWrap = True FontSize = 10 end object QRDBText6: TQRDBText Left = 124 Top = 264 Width = 217 Height = 17 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 44.979166666666670000 328.083333333333300000 698.500000000000000000 574.145833333333300000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = False AutoStretch = False Color = clWhite DataSet = QryMaster DataField = 'zacatek' Font.Charset = EASTEUROPE_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [fsBold] ParentFont = False Transparent = True WordWrap = True FontSize = 10 end object QRDBText7: TQRDBText Left = 124 Top = 284 Width = 217 Height = 17 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 44.979166666666670000 328.083333333333300000 751.416666666666700000 574.145833333333300000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = False AutoStretch = False Color = clWhite DataSet = QryMaster DataField = 'konec' Font.Charset = EASTEUROPE_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [fsBold] ParentFont = False Transparent = True WordWrap = True FontSize = 10 end object QRDBText8: TQRDBText Left = 124 Top = 304 Width = 217 Height = 17 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 44.979166666666670000 328.083333333333300000 804.333333333333300000 574.145833333333300000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = False AutoStretch = False Color = clWhite DataSet = QryMaster DataField = 'upozornit' Font.Charset = EASTEUROPE_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [fsBold] ParentFont = False Transparent = True WordWrap = True FontSize = 10 end object QRLabel8: TQRLabel Left = 376 Top = 236 Width = 137 Height = 17 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 44.979166666666670000 994.833333333333300000 624.416666666666700000 362.479166666666700000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = True AutoStretch = False Caption = 'Dodate�n� informace' Color = clWhite Font.Charset = EASTEUROPE_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [fsBold] ParentFont = False Transparent = True WordWrap = True FontSize = 10 end object QRLabel9: TQRLabel Left = 12 Top = 324 Width = 93 Height = 17 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 44.979166666666670000 31.750000000000000000 857.250000000000000000 246.062500000000000000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = True AutoStretch = False Caption = 'Rozpracovanost' Color = clWhite Font.Charset = EASTEUROPE_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False Transparent = True WordWrap = True FontSize = 10 end object QRLabel10: TQRLabel Left = 376 Top = 264 Width = 42 Height = 17 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 44.979166666666670000 994.833333333333300000 698.500000000000000000 111.125000000000000000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = True AutoStretch = False Caption = 'Priorita' Color = clWhite Font.Charset = EASTEUROPE_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False Transparent = True WordWrap = True FontSize = 10 end object QRLabel11: TQRLabel Left = 376 Top = 304 Width = 32 Height = 17 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 44.979166666666670000 994.833333333333300000 804.333333333333300000 84.666666666666670000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = True AutoStretch = False Caption = 'Zadal' Color = clWhite Font.Charset = EASTEUROPE_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False Transparent = True WordWrap = True FontSize = 10 end object QRDBText9: TQRDBText Left = 124 Top = 324 Width = 217 Height = 17 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 44.979166666666670000 328.083333333333300000 857.250000000000000000 574.145833333333300000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = False AutoStretch = False Color = clWhite DataSet = QryMaster DataField = 'stav' Font.Charset = EASTEUROPE_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [fsBold] ParentFont = False Transparent = True WordWrap = True FontSize = 10 end object QRDBText10: TQRDBText Left = 500 Top = 264 Width = 47 Height = 17 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 44.979166666666670000 1322.916666666667000000 698.500000000000000000 124.354166666666700000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = True AutoStretch = False Color = clWhite DataSet = QryMaster DataField = 'priorita' Font.Charset = EASTEUROPE_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [fsBold] ParentFont = False Transparent = True WordWrap = True FontSize = 10 end object QRDBText11: TQRDBText Left = 500 Top = 304 Width = 36 Height = 17 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 44.979166666666670000 1322.916666666667000000 804.333333333333300000 95.250000000000000000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = True AutoStretch = False Color = clWhite DataSet = QryMaster DataField = 'zadal' Font.Charset = EASTEUROPE_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [fsBold] ParentFont = False Transparent = True WordWrap = True FontSize = 10 end object QRLabel12: TQRLabel Left = 376 Top = 324 Width = 43 Height = 17 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 44.979166666666670000 994.833333333333300000 857.250000000000000000 113.770833333333300000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = True AutoStretch = False Caption = 'Zad�no' Color = clWhite Font.Charset = EASTEUROPE_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False Transparent = True WordWrap = True FontSize = 10 end object QRDBText12: TQRDBText Left = 500 Top = 324 Width = 48 Height = 17 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 44.979166666666670000 1322.916666666667000000 857.250000000000000000 127.000000000000000000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = True AutoStretch = False Color = clWhite DataSet = QryMaster DataField = 'zadano' Font.Charset = EASTEUROPE_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [fsBold] ParentFont = False Transparent = True WordWrap = True FontSize = 10 end object QRShape9: TQRShape Left = 104 Top = 260 Width = 17 Height = 81 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 214.312500000000000000 275.166666666666700000 687.916666666666700000 44.979166666666670000) Shape = qrsVertLine end object QRShape14: TQRShape Left = 476 Top = 260 Width = 17 Height = 81 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 214.312500000000000000 1259.416666666667000000 687.916666666666700000 44.979166666666670000) Shape = qrsVertLine end object QRLabel2: TQRLabel Left = 12 Top = 200 Width = 36 Height = 17 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 44.979166666666670000 31.750000000000000000 529.166666666666700000 95.250000000000000000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = True AutoStretch = False Caption = 'N�zev' Color = clWhite Transparent = True WordWrap = True FontSize = 10 end object QRShape19: TQRShape Left = 104 Top = 200 Width = 17 Height = 17 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 44.979166666666670000 275.166666666666700000 529.166666666666700000 44.979166666666670000) Shape = qrsVertLine end object QRDBText14: TQRDBText Left = 0 Top = 388 Width = 717 Height = 21 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 55.562500000000000000 0.000000000000000000 1026.583333333333000000 1897.062500000000000000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = False AutoStretch = True Color = clWhite DataSet = QryMaster DataField = 'popis' Transparent = False WordWrap = True FontSize = 10 end object QRLabel3: TQRLabel Left = 0 Top = 362 Width = 108 Height = 19 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 50.270833333333330000 0.000000000000000000 957.791666666666700000 285.750000000000000000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = True AutoStretch = False Caption = 'Popis ud�losti' Color = clWhite Font.Charset = EASTEUROPE_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -16 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [fsBold, fsItalic] ParentFont = False Transparent = False WordWrap = True FontSize = 12 end object QRShape20: TQRShape Left = 0 Top = 378 Width = 717 Height = 9 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 23.812500000000000000 0.000000000000000000 1000.125000000000000000 1897.062500000000000000) Pen.Width = 2 Shape = qrsHorLine end end object QRBandZdroje: TQRBand Left = 38 Top = 451 Width = 718 Height = 72 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = True Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False AlignToBottom = False Color = clWhite Font.Charset = EASTEUROPE_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [] ForceNewColumn = False ForceNewPage = False ParentFont = False Size.Values = ( 190.500000000000000000 1899.708333333333000000) BandType = rbGroupHeader object QRShape15: TQRShape Left = 0 Top = 46 Width = 717 Height = 19 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 50.270833333333330000 0.000000000000000000 121.708333333333300000 1897.062500000000000000) Brush.Color = clSilver Pen.Color = clSilver Shape = qrsRectangle end object QRShape16: TQRShape Left = 0 Top = 32 Width = 717 Height = 9 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 23.812500000000000000 0.000000000000000000 84.666666666666700000 1897.062500000000000000) Pen.Width = 2 Shape = qrsHorLine end object QRLabel18: TQRLabel Left = 0 Top = 16 Width = 165 Height = 19 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 50.270833333333330000 0.000000000000000000 42.333333333333330000 436.562500000000000000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = True AutoStretch = False Caption = 'Rezervace prost�edk�' Color = clWhite Font.Charset = EASTEUROPE_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -16 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [fsBold, fsItalic] ParentFont = False Transparent = False WordWrap = True FontSize = 12 end object QRLabel20: TQRLabel Left = 8 Top = 47 Width = 69 Height = 17 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 44.979166666666670000 21.166666666666670000 124.354166666666700000 182.562500000000000000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = True AutoStretch = False Caption = 'Prost�edek' Color = clWhite Font.Charset = EASTEUROPE_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [fsBold] ParentFont = False Transparent = True WordWrap = True FontSize = 10 end object QRLabel22: TQRLabel Left = 308 Top = 47 Width = 19 Height = 17 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 44.979166666666670000 814.916666666666700000 124.354166666666700000 50.270833333333330000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = True AutoStretch = False Caption = 'Od' Color = clWhite Font.Charset = EASTEUROPE_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [fsBold] ParentFont = False Transparent = True WordWrap = True FontSize = 10 end object QRLabel24: TQRLabel Left = 480 Top = 47 Width = 18 Height = 17 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 44.979166666666670000 1270.000000000000000000 124.354166666666700000 47.625000000000000000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = True AutoStretch = False Caption = 'Do' Color = clWhite Font.Charset = EASTEUROPE_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [fsBold] ParentFont = False Transparent = True WordWrap = True FontSize = 10 end end object QRSubDetailZdroje: TQRSubDetail Left = 38 Top = 523 Width = 718 Height = 20 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = True Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False AlignToBottom = False Color = clWhite Font.Charset = EASTEUROPE_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [] ForceNewColumn = False ForceNewPage = False ParentFont = False Size.Values = ( 52.916666666666670000 1899.708333333333000000) Master = QReport DataSet = QryZdroje HeaderBand = QRBandZdroje PrintBefore = False PrintIfEmpty = True object QRDBText15: TQRDBText Left = 8 Top = 2 Width = 293 Height = 17 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 44.979166666666670000 21.166666666666670000 5.291666666666667000 775.229166666666700000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = False AutoStretch = False Color = clWhite DataSet = QryZdroje DataField = 'id_prostredek' Font.Charset = EASTEUROPE_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [] ParentFont = False Transparent = False WordWrap = True FontSize = 10 end object QRDBText13: TQRDBText Left = 308 Top = 2 Width = 15 Height = 17 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 44.979166666666670000 814.916666666666700000 5.291666666666667000 39.687500000000000000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = True AutoStretch = False Color = clWhite DataSet = QryZdroje DataField = 'od' Transparent = False WordWrap = True FontSize = 10 end object QRDBText19: TQRDBText Left = 480 Top = 2 Width = 15 Height = 17 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 44.979166666666670000 1270.000000000000000000 5.291666666666667000 39.687500000000000000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = True AutoStretch = False Color = clWhite DataSet = QryZdroje DataField = 'do' Transparent = False WordWrap = True FontSize = 10 end end object QRBandSubEvents: TQRBand Left = 38 Top = 543 Width = 718 Height = 86 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = True Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False AlignToBottom = False Color = clWhite Font.Charset = EASTEUROPE_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [] ForceNewColumn = False ForceNewPage = False ParentFont = False Size.Values = ( 227.541666666666700000 1899.708333333333000000) BandType = rbGroupHeader object QRShape21: TQRShape Left = 0 Top = 48 Width = 717 Height = 33 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 87.312500000000000000 0.000000000000000000 127.000000000000000000 1897.062500000000000000) Brush.Color = clSilver Pen.Color = clSilver Shape = qrsRectangle end object QRShape22: TQRShape Left = 0 Top = 32 Width = 717 Height = 9 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 23.812500000000000000 0.000000000000000000 84.666666666666700000 1897.062500000000000000) Pen.Width = 2 Shape = qrsHorLine end object QRLabel14: TQRLabel Left = 0 Top = 16 Width = 153 Height = 19 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 50.270833333333330000 0.000000000000000000 42.333333333333330000 404.812500000000000000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = True AutoStretch = False Caption = 'Seznam podud�lost�' Color = clWhite Font.Charset = EASTEUROPE_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -16 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [fsBold, fsItalic] ParentFont = False Transparent = False WordWrap = True FontSize = 12 end object QRLabel15: TQRLabel Left = 8 Top = 48 Width = 32 Height = 17 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 44.979166666666670000 21.166666666666670000 127.000000000000000000 84.666666666666670000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = True AutoStretch = False Caption = '��slo' Color = clWhite Font.Charset = EASTEUROPE_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [fsBold] ParentFont = False Transparent = True WordWrap = True FontSize = 10 end object QRLabel16: TQRLabel Left = 8 Top = 64 Width = 40 Height = 17 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 44.979166666666670000 21.166666666666670000 169.333333333333300000 105.833333333333300000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = True AutoStretch = False Caption = 'N�zev' Color = clWhite Font.Charset = EASTEUROPE_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [fsBold] ParentFont = False Transparent = True WordWrap = True FontSize = 10 end object QRLabel17: TQRLabel Left = 344 Top = 48 Width = 24 Height = 17 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 44.979166666666670000 910.166666666666700000 127.000000000000000000 63.500000000000000000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = True AutoStretch = False Caption = 'Typ' Color = clWhite Font.Charset = EASTEUROPE_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [fsBold] ParentFont = False Transparent = True WordWrap = True FontSize = 10 end object QRLabel19: TQRLabel Left = 552 Top = 48 Width = 67 Height = 17 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 44.979166666666670000 1460.500000000000000000 127.000000000000000000 177.270833333333300000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = True AutoStretch = False Caption = 'Zodpov�d�' Color = clWhite Font.Charset = EASTEUROPE_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [fsBold] ParentFont = False Transparent = True WordWrap = True FontSize = 10 end object QRLabel21: TQRLabel Left = 208 Top = 48 Width = 50 Height = 17 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 44.979166666666670000 550.333333333333300000 127.000000000000000000 132.291666666666700000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = True AutoStretch = False Caption = 'Za��tek' Color = clWhite Font.Charset = EASTEUROPE_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [fsBold] ParentFont = False Transparent = True WordWrap = True FontSize = 10 end object QRLabel23: TQRLabel Left = 208 Top = 64 Width = 41 Height = 17 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 44.979166666666670000 550.333333333333300000 169.333333333333300000 108.479166666666700000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = True AutoStretch = False Caption = 'Konec' Color = clWhite Font.Charset = EASTEUROPE_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [fsBold] ParentFont = False Transparent = True WordWrap = True FontSize = 10 end object QRLabel25: TQRLabel Left = 344 Top = 64 Width = 29 Height = 17 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 44.979166666666670000 910.166666666666700000 169.333333333333300000 76.729166666666670000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = True AutoStretch = False Caption = 'Stav' Color = clWhite Font.Charset = EASTEUROPE_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [fsBold] ParentFont = False Transparent = True WordWrap = True FontSize = 10 end object QRLabel26: TQRLabel Left = 552 Top = 64 Width = 48 Height = 17 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 44.979166666666670000 1460.500000000000000000 169.333333333333300000 127.000000000000000000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = True AutoStretch = False Caption = 'Priorita' Color = clWhite Font.Charset = EASTEUROPE_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [fsBold] ParentFont = False Transparent = True WordWrap = True FontSize = 10 end end object QRSubDetailSubEvents: TQRSubDetail Left = 38 Top = 629 Width = 718 Height = 36 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = True Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False AlignToBottom = False Color = clWhite Font.Charset = EASTEUROPE_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [] ForceNewColumn = False ForceNewPage = False ParentFont = False Size.Values = ( 95.250000000000000000 1899.708333333333000000) Master = QReport DataSet = QrySubEvents HeaderBand = QRBandSubEvents PrintBefore = False PrintIfEmpty = True object QRDBText16: TQRDBText Left = 8 Top = 0 Width = 193 Height = 17 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 44.979166666666670000 21.166666666666670000 0.000000000000000000 510.645833333333300000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = False AutoStretch = False Color = clWhite DataSet = QrySubEvents DataField = 'id' Transparent = False WordWrap = True FontSize = 10 end object QRDBText18: TQRDBText Left = 208 Top = 0 Width = 47 Height = 17 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 44.979166666666670000 550.333333333333300000 0.000000000000000000 124.354166666666700000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = True AutoStretch = False Color = clWhite DataSet = QrySubEvents DataField = 'zacatek' Transparent = False WordWrap = True FontSize = 10 end object QRDBText20: TQRDBText Left = 8 Top = 16 Width = 193 Height = 17 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 44.979166666666670000 21.166666666666670000 42.333333333333330000 510.645833333333300000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = False AutoStretch = False Color = clWhite DataSet = QrySubEvents DataField = 'nazev' Transparent = False WordWrap = True FontSize = 10 end object QRDBText21: TQRDBText Left = 208 Top = 16 Width = 36 Height = 17 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 44.979166666666670000 550.333333333333300000 42.333333333333330000 95.250000000000000000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = True AutoStretch = False Color = clWhite DataSet = QrySubEvents DataField = 'konec' Transparent = False WordWrap = True FontSize = 10 end object QRDBText22: TQRDBText Left = 344 Top = 0 Width = 201 Height = 17 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 44.979166666666670000 910.166666666666700000 0.000000000000000000 531.812500000000000000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = False AutoStretch = False Color = clWhite DataSet = QrySubEvents DataField = 'typ' Transparent = False WordWrap = True FontSize = 10 end object QRDBText23: TQRDBText Left = 344 Top = 16 Width = 201 Height = 17 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 44.979166666666670000 910.166666666666700000 42.333333333333330000 531.812500000000000000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = False AutoStretch = False Color = clWhite DataSet = QrySubEvents DataField = 'stav' Transparent = False WordWrap = True FontSize = 10 end object QRDBText24: TQRDBText Left = 552 Top = 0 Width = 165 Height = 17 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 44.979166666666670000 1460.500000000000000000 0.000000000000000000 436.562500000000000000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = False AutoStretch = False Color = clWhite DataSet = QrySubEvents DataField = 'prijmeni' OnPrint = QRDBText24Print Transparent = False WordWrap = True FontSize = 10 end object QRDBText25: TQRDBText Left = 552 Top = 16 Width = 165 Height = 17 Frame.Color = clBlack Frame.DrawTop = False Frame.DrawBottom = False Frame.DrawLeft = False Frame.DrawRight = False Size.Values = ( 44.979166666666670000 1460.500000000000000000 42.333333333333330000 436.562500000000000000) Alignment = taLeftJustify AlignToBand = False AutoSize = False AutoStretch = False Color = clWhite DataSet = QrySubEvents DataField = 'priorita' Transparent = False WordWrap = True FontSize = 10 end end end object QryMaster: TQueryPlus DatabaseName = 'BRAIN_' SQL.Strings = ( 'SELECT id, nazev, priorita, stav, ico, zadal, zadano, zacatek, k' + 'onec, upozornit, master, typ, popis, id_pracovnik' 'FROM ukoly' 'ORDER BY zacatek desc, konec desc') AutoTranslate = True SelectType = stNormal SQLSelect = 'id, nazev, priorita, stav, ico, zadal, zadano, zacatek, konec, u' + 'pozornit, master, typ, popis, id_pracovnik' SQLFrom = 'ukoly' SQLOrderBy = 'zacatek desc, konec desc' Left = 8 Top = 4 end object QryZdroje: TQuery DatabaseName = 'BRAIN_' DataSource = DataSource SQL.Strings = ( 'SELECT id_prostredek, od, do' 'FROM ukoly_prostr' 'WHERE id_ukol=:id' 'ORDER BY id_prostredek') Left = 52 Top = 4 ParamData = < item DataType = ftString Name = 'id' ParamType = ptUnknown end> end object DataSource: TDataSource DataSet = QryMaster Left = 52 Top = 32 end object QryFirma: TQuery DatabaseName = 'BRAIN_' DataSource = DataSource SQL.Strings = ( 'SELECT nazev' 'FROM firmy' 'WHERE ico = :ico') Left = 108 Top = 4 ParamData = < item DataType = ftString Name = 'ico' ParamType = ptUnknown end> end object QrySubEvents: TQueryPlus DatabaseName = 'BRAIN_' DataSource = DataSource SQL.Strings = ( 'SELECT u.id, u.typ, u.nazev, u.zacatek, u.konec, u.stav, u.prior' + 'ita, o.prijmeni, o.jmeno, o.titul' 'FROM ukoly as u, uzivatele as o' 'WHERE (u.id_pracovnik=o.id) and (u.master=:id)' 'ORDER BY u.zacatek desc, u.konec desc') AutoTranslate = False SelectType = stNormal SQLSelect = 'u.id, u.typ, u.nazev, u.zacatek, u.konec, u.stav, u.priorita, o' + '.prijmeni, o.jmeno, o.titul' SQLFrom = 'ukoly as u, uzivatele as o' SQLWhere = '(u.id_pracovnik=o.id) and (u.master=:id)' SQLOrderBy = 'u.zacatek desc, u.konec desc' Left = 80 Top = 4 ParamData = < item DataType = ftString Name = 'id' ParamType = ptUnknown end> end object QryPrac: TQuery DatabaseName = 'BRAIN_' DataSource = DataSource SQL.Strings = ( 'SELECT prijmeni, jmeno, titul, oddeleni' 'FROM uzivatele' 'WHERE id = :id_pracovnik') Left = 136 Top = 4 ParamData = < item DataType = ftInteger Name = 'id_pracovnik' ParamType = ptUnknown end> end end