DOCAS Tel: 02/2312881 ADRESSE: Sokolovsk 88/109 186 00 Praha 8 Stadtpolizeicie Tel.: 02/61022583 ADRESA: Michelsk (stanice C - Ka erov) 140 00 Praha 4 policieY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/61022583 ADDRESS: Michelsk (stanice C - Ka erov) 140 00 Praha 4 TYPE: Municipal policeY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/61022583 ADRESSE: Michelsk (stanice C - Ka erov) 140 00 Praha 4 Stadtpolizeicie Tel.: 02/2312881 ADRESA: ch 56/321 181 00 Praha 8 policie4 TYPE: Municipal policeKY PREKLAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/2312881 ADDRESS: ch 56/321 181 00 Praha 8 TYPE: Municipal police 140 00 Praha 4 ANGLICKY PREKLAD: ANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/2312881 ADRESSE: ch 56/321 181 00 Praha 8 Stadtpolizeicie Tel.: 02/24482222 ADRESA: m. 2/2 110 00 Praha 1 policieY PREKLAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/24482222 ADDRESS: m. 2/2 110 00 Praha 1 TYPE: Municipal police PREKLAD: ANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/24482222 ADRESSE: m. 2/2 110 00 Praha 1 Stadtpolizeicie Tel.: 02/6831739, 24134795 ADRESA: 2/2176 130 51 Praha 3 Cizineck policie a pasov baCKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/6831739, 24134795 ADDRESS: 2/2176 130 51 Praha 3 TYPE: Alien police and customs serviceLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/6831739, 24134795 ADRESSE: 2/2176 130 51 Praha 3 Fremden und Reisepasspolizeilu Tel.: 02/6834173, 6834167 ADRESA: 2/2176 130 51 Praha 3 Cizineck policie a pasov baiceECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/6834173, 6834167 ADDRESS: 2/2176 130 51 Praha 3 TYPE: Alien police and customs service ANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/6834173, 6834167 ADRESSE: 2/2176 130 51 Praha 3 Fremden und Reisepasspolizeilu Tel.: 02/24215416 Fax : 02/81343 ADRESA: kova 8/279 186 00 Praha 8 Cizineck policie a pasov baEKLAD: Phone: 02/24215416 Fax : 02/81343 ADDRESS: kova 8/279 186 00 Praha 8 TYPE: Alien police and customs servicePREKLAD: Tel: 02/24215416 Fax : 02/81343 ADRESSE: kova 8/279 186 00 Praha 8 Fremden und Reisepasspolizeilu Tel.: 02/24217959 Fax : 02/4743 ADRESA: Zborovsk 13/1505 150 00 Praha 5 Cizineck policie a pasov baceECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/24217959 Fax : 02/4743 ADDRESS: Zborovsk 13/1505 150 00 Praha 5 TYPE: Alien police and customs serviceANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/24217959 Fax : 02/4743 ADRESSE: Zborovsk 13/1505 150 00 Praha 5 Fremden und Reisepasspolizeilu Tel.: 02/826603 ADRESA: ku 688/11 190 00 Praha 9 Policie republikyerviceECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/826603 ADDRESS: ku 688/11 190 00 Praha 9 TYPE: Police of Czech republicepublikCKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/826603 ADRESSE: ku 688/11 190 00 Praha 9 Polizei der Tschechischen Republik Tel.: 02/66311077 ADRESA: akovick 9 190 00 Praha 9 Cizineck policie a pasov ba of Czech republicAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/66311077 ADDRESS: akovick 9 190 00 Praha 9 TYPE: Alien police and customs service ANGLICKY PREKLAD: ANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/66311077 ADRESSE: akovick 9 190 00 Praha 9 Fremden und Reisepasspolizeilu Tel.: 02/24133133-4 ADRESA: Zborovsk 13/1505 150 93 Praha 5 Cizineck policie a pasov baCKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/24133133-4 ADDRESS: Zborovsk 13/1505 150 93 Praha 5 TYPE: Alien police and customs serviceLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/24133133-4 ADRESSE: Zborovsk 13/1505 150 93 Praha 5 Fremden und Reisepasspolizeilu Tel.: 02/24132063 ADRESA: Konviktsk 4/318 110 00 Praha 1 Cizineck policie a pasov baviceECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/24132063 ADDRESS: Konviktsk 4/318 110 00 Praha 1 TYPE: Alien police and customs service ANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/24132063 ADRESSE: Konviktsk 4/318 110 00 Praha 1 Fremden und Reisepasspolizeilu Tel.: 02/67310759 ADRESA: kirsk 1/1404 101 00 Praha 10 Cizineck policie a pasov baceECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/67310759 ADDRESS: kirsk 1/1404 101 00 Praha 10 TYPE: Alien police and customs serviceANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/67310759 ADRESSE: kirsk 1/1404 101 00 Praha 10 Fremden und Reisepasspolizeilu Tel.: 02/6926831 ADRESA: ichova 7/278 128 00 Praha 2 Cizineck policie a pasov baiceECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/6926831 ADDRESS: ichova 7/278 128 00 Praha 2 TYPE: Alien police and customs service ANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/6926831 ADRESSE: ichova 7/278 128 00 Praha 2 Fremden und Reisepasspolizeilu Tel.: 02/61453234, 61453286 ADRESA: ova 11/1065 130 00 Praha 3 Cizineck policie a pasov baKLAD: Phone: 02/61453234, 61453286 ADDRESS: ova 11/1065 130 00 Praha 3 TYPE: Alien police and customs serviceREKLAD: Tel: 02/61453234, 61453286 ADRESSE: ova 11/1065 130 00 Praha 3 Fremden und Reisepasspolizeilu Tel.: 02/6436409 ADRESA: K Zelen m domk m 415 148 00 Praha 4 Cizineck policie a pasov bas serviceECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/6436409 ADDRESS: K Zelen m domk m 415 148 00 Praha 4 TYPE: Alien police and customs serviceKLAD: ANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/6436409 ADRESSE: K Zelen m domk m 415 148 00 Praha 4 Fremden und Reisepasspolizeilu Tel.: 02/528716 ADRESA: Nad n 155 00 Praha 5 Cizineck policie a pasov ba serviceECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/528716 ADDRESS: Nad n 155 00 Praha 5 TYPE: Alien police and customs serviceLAD: ANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/528716 ADRESSE: Nad n 155 00 Praha 5 Fremden und Reisepasspolizeilu Tel.: 02/325148 ADRESA: Dejvick 4/184 160 00 Praha 6 Cizineck policie a pasov baceECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/325148 ADDRESS: Dejvick 4/184 160 00 Praha 6 TYPE: Alien police and customs serviceANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/325148 ADRESSE: Dejvick 4/184 160 00 Praha 6 Fremden und Reisepasspolizeilu Tel.: 02/370941 ADRESA: Kosteln 26/364 170 00 Praha 7 Cizineck policie a pasov baeECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/370941 ADDRESS: Kosteln 26/364 170 00 Praha 7 TYPE: Alien police and customs serviceNGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/370941 ADRESSE: Kosteln 26/364 170 00 Praha 7 Fremden und Reisepasspolizeilu Tel.: 02/8591889 ADRESA: 52/553 182 00 Praha 8 Cizineck policie a pasov baeECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/8591889 ADDRESS: 52/553 182 00 Praha 8 TYPE: Alien police and customs serviceNGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/8591889 ADRESSE: 52/553 182 00 Praha 8 Fremden und Reisepasspolizeilu Tel.: 02/886642 ADRESA: U chaloupek 11 182 00 Praha 8 Cizineck policie a pasov barviceECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/886642 ADDRESS: U chaloupek 11 182 00 Praha 8 TYPE: Alien police and customs service: ANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/886642 ADRESSE: U chaloupek 11 182 00 Praha 8 Fremden und Reisepasspolizeilu Tel.: 02/6831487 ADRESA: 33/1360 190 00 Praha 9 Cizineck policie a pasov baKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/6831487 ADDRESS: 33/1360 190 00 Praha 9 TYPE: Alien police and customs serviceICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/6831487 ADRESSE: 33/1360 190 00 Praha 9 Fremden und Reisepasspolizeilu Tel.: 02/861531 ADRESA: bradsk 120/689 190 00 Praha 9 Cizineck policie a pasov baECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/861531 ADDRESS: bradsk 120/689 190 00 Praha 9 TYPE: Alien police and customs serviceGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/861531 ADRESSE: bradsk 120/689 190 00 Praha 9 Fremden und Reisepasspolizeilu Tel.: 02/61411111 ADRESA: Kongresov 140 00 Praha 4 Cizineck policie a pasov ba serviceECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/61411111 ADDRESS: Kongresov 140 00 Praha 4 TYPE: Alien police and customs serviceLAD: ANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/61411111 ADRESSE: Kongresov 140 00 Praha 4 Fremden und Reisepasspolizeilu Tel.: 02/379595, 878571 ADRESA: Trojsk ostrov 170 00 Praha 7 Policie republiky Phone: 02/379595, 878571 ADDRESS: Trojsk ostrov 170 00 Praha 7 TYPE: Police of Czech republicepublik Tel: 02/379595, 878571 ADRESSE: Trojsk ostrov 170 00 Praha 7 Polizei der Tschechischen Republik Tel.: 02/67313952-7 Fax : 02/67313961 ADRESA: Korunn 98/2456 101 00 Praha 10 policieice of Czech republicAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/67313952-7 Fax : 02/67313961 ADDRESS: Korunn 98/2456 101 00 Praha 10 TYPE: Municipal police 7 ANGLICKY PREKLAD: ANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/67313952-7 Fax : 02/67313961 ADRESSE: Korunn 98/2456 101 00 Praha 10 Stadtpolizeicie Tel.: 02/264174, 261518 ADRESA: Uheln trh 10/415 110 00 Praha 1 policie Municipal policeKY PREKLAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/264174, 261518 ADDRESS: Uheln trh 10/415 110 00 Praha 1 TYPE: Municipal policeaha 10 ANGLICKY PREKLAD: ANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/264174, 261518 ADRESSE: Uheln trh 10/415 110 00 Praha 1 Stadtpolizeicie Tel.: 02/7925311 ADRESA: stavn 149 00 Praha 4 policie Municipal policeKY PREKLAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/7925311 ADDRESS: stavn 149 00 Praha 4 TYPE: Municipal policePraha 1 ANGLICKY PREKLAD: ANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/7925311 ADRESSE: stavn 149 00 Praha 4 Stadtpolizeicie Tel.: 02/4023752 ADRESA: K Nouzovu 6/2090 143 00 Praha 4 policieY PREKLAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/4023752 ADDRESS: K Nouzovu 6/2090 143 00 Praha 4 TYPE: Municipal police PREKLAD: ANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/4023752 ADRESSE: K Nouzovu 6/2090 143 00 Praha 4 Stadtpolizeicie Tel.: 02/6511145 ADRESA: skova 38/1593 155 00 Praha 5 policieoliceKY PREKLAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/6511145 ADDRESS: skova 38/1593 155 00 Praha 5 TYPE: Municipal policeGLICKY PREKLAD: ANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/6511145 ADRESSE: skova 38/1593 155 00 Praha 5 Stadtpolizeicie Tel.: 02/67312787, 67312728-9 ADRESA: Moskevsk 101 00 Praha 10 policieLAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/67312787, 67312728-9 ADDRESS: Moskevsk 101 00 Praha 10 TYPE: Municipal policeAD: ANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/67312787, 67312728-9 ADRESSE: Moskevsk 101 00 Praha 10 Stadtpolizeicie Tel.: 02/257142 ADRESA: ru 20/600 120 00 Praha 2 policienicipal policeKY PREKLAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/257142 ADDRESS: ru 20/600 120 00 Praha 2 TYPE: Municipal police 10 ANGLICKY PREKLAD: ANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/257142 ADRESSE: ru 20/600 120 00 Praha 2 Stadtpolizeicie Tel.: 02/272886 ADRESA: sova 8/695 130 00 Praha 3 policie policeKY PREKLAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/272886 ADDRESS: sova 8/695 130 00 Praha 3 TYPE: Municipal policeANGLICKY PREKLAD: ANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/272886 ADRESSE: sova 8/695 130 00 Praha 3 Stadtpolizeicie Tel.: 02/61192620-1, 6924692 ADRESA: borsk 36/372 140 00 Praha 4 policie NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/61192620-1, 6924692 ADDRESS: borsk 36/372 140 00 Praha 4 TYPE: Municipal police ANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/61192620-1, 6924692 ADRESSE: borsk 36/372 140 00 Praha 4 Stadtpolizeicie Tel.: 02/544941, 544942 ADRESA: nikova 13/236 150 00 Praha 5 policiepoliceKY PREKLAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/544941, 544942 ADDRESS: nikova 13/236 150 00 Praha 5 TYPE: Municipal policeNGLICKY PREKLAD: ANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/544941, 544942 ADRESSE: nikova 13/236 150 00 Praha 5 Stadtpolizeicie Tel.: 02/24312359-60, 24316167 ADRESA: eskomal 25/776 160 00 Praha 6 policieEKLAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/24312359-60, 24316167 ADDRESS: eskomal 25/776 160 00 Praha 6 TYPE: Municipal policeKLAD: ANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/24312359-60, 24316167 ADRESSE: eskomal 25/776 160 00 Praha 6 Stadtpolizeicie Tel.: 02/801993 ADRESA: Bubensk 170 00 Praha 7 policieTYPE: Municipal policeKY PREKLAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/801993 ADDRESS: Bubensk 170 00 Praha 7 TYPE: Municipal police00 Praha 6 ANGLICKY PREKLAD: ANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/801993 ADRESSE: Bubensk 170 00 Praha 7 Stadtpolizeicie Tel.: 02/6897246 ADRESA: kova 5/457 182 00 Praha 8 policieliceKY PREKLAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/6897246 ADDRESS: kova 5/457 182 00 Praha 8 TYPE: Municipal policeLICKY PREKLAD: ANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/6897246 ADRESSE: kova 5/457 182 00 Praha 8 Stadtpolizeicie Tel.: 02/886845 ADRESA: Veltrusk 33/576 190 00 Praha 9 policieliceKY PREKLAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/886845 ADDRESS: Veltrusk 33/576 190 00 Praha 9 TYPE: Municipal policeLICKY PREKLAD: ANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/886845 ADRESSE: Veltrusk 33/576 190 00 Praha 9 Stadtpolizeicie Tel.: 02/24810321 ADRESA: Benediktsk 1/692 110 00 Praha 1 Policie republikyLAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/24810321 ADDRESS: Benediktsk 1/692 110 00 Praha 1 TYPE: Police of Czech republicepublikGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/24810321 ADRESSE: Benediktsk 1/692 110 00 Praha 1 Polizei der Tschechischen Republik Tel.: 02/24216534 ADRESA: Hybernsk 2/997 110 00 Praha 1 Policie republikypublicAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/24216534 ADDRESS: Hybernsk 2/997 110 00 Praha 1 TYPE: Police of Czech republicepublik: ANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/24216534 ADRESSE: Hybernsk 2/997 110 00 Praha 1 Polizei der Tschechischen Republik Tel.: 02/547135 ADRESA: Konviktsk 14/296 110 00 Praha 1 Policie republikyblicAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/547135 ADDRESS: Konviktsk 14/296 110 00 Praha 1 TYPE: Police of Czech republicepublik ANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/547135 ADRESSE: Konviktsk 14/296 110 00 Praha 1 Polizei der Tschechischen Republik Tel.: 02/24228596 ADRESA: Krakovsk 11/1432 110 00 Praha 1 Policie republikylicAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/24228596 ADDRESS: Krakovsk 11/1432 110 00 Praha 1 TYPE: Police of Czech republicepublikANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/24228596 ADRESSE: Krakovsk 11/1432 110 00 Praha 1 Polizei der Tschechischen Republik Tel.: 02/533304 ADRESA: 3/362 118 00 Praha 1 Policie republiky republicAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/533304 ADDRESS: 3/362 118 00 Praha 1 TYPE: Police of Czech republicepublikLAD: ANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/533304 ADRESSE: 3/362 118 00 Praha 1 Polizei der Tschechischen Republik Tel.: 02/753779 ADRESA: Jablo 15/3000 106 00 Praha 10 Policie republikyAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/753779 ADDRESS: Jablo 15/3000 106 00 Praha 10 TYPE: Police of Czech republicepublikLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/753779 ADRESSE: Jablo 15/3000 106 00 Praha 10 Polizei der Tschechischen Republik Tel.: 02/7868059 ADRESA: 409 109 00 Praha 10 Policie republikyepublicAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/7868059 ADDRESS: 409 109 00 Praha 10 TYPE: Police of Czech republicepublikD: ANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/7868059 ADRESSE: 409 109 00 Praha 10 Polizei der Tschechischen Republik Tel.: 02/7862650 ADRESA: plk. Mr ze 13 102 00 Praha 10 Policie republikyblicKLAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/7862650 ADDRESS: plk. Mr ze 13 102 00 Praha 10 TYPE: Police of Czech republicepublik: ANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/7862650 ADRESSE: plk. Mr ze 13 102 00 Praha 10 Polizei der Tschechischen Republik Tel.: 02/67310514 ADRESA: 101 00 Praha 10 Policie republikyicAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/67310514 ADDRESS: 101 00 Praha 10 TYPE: Police of Czech republicepublikNGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/67310514 ADRESSE: 101 00 Praha 10 Polizei der Tschechischen Republik Tel.: 02/7815654 ADRESA: ce 1/42 100 00 Praha 10 Policie republikylicAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/7815654 ADDRESS: ce 1/42 100 00 Praha 10 TYPE: Police of Czech republicepublikANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/7815654 ADRESSE: ce 1/42 100 00 Praha 10 Polizei der Tschechischen Republik Tel.: 02/254473 ADRESA: kova 12/607 120 00 Praha 2 Policie republikyblicAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/254473 ADDRESS: kova 12/607 120 00 Praha 2 TYPE: Police of Czech republicepublik ANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/254473 ADRESSE: kova 12/607 120 00 Praha 2 Polizei der Tschechischen Republik Tel.: 02/291889 ADRESA: ehradsk 20/1711 128 00 Praha 2 Policie republikylicAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/291889 ADDRESS: ehradsk 20/1711 128 00 Praha 2 TYPE: Police of Czech republicepublikANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/291889 ADRESSE: ehradsk 20/1711 128 00 Praha 2 Polizei der Tschechischen Republik Tel.: 02/6440524, 272089 ADRESA: vova 105/1142 130 00 Praha 3 Policie republiky NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/6440524, 272089 ADDRESS: vova 105/1142 130 00 Praha 3 TYPE: Police of Czech republicepublikKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/6440524, 272089 ADRESSE: vova 105/1142 130 00 Praha 3 Polizei der Tschechischen Republik Tel.: 02/61453306 ADRESA: ova 11/1065 130 00 Praha 3 Policie republikyech republicAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/61453306 ADDRESS: ova 11/1065 130 00 Praha 3 TYPE: Police of Czech republicepublikREKLAD: ANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/61453306 ADRESSE: ova 11/1065 130 00 Praha 3 Polizei der Tschechischen Republik Tel.: 02/763679 ADRESA: Bojanovick 1/2848 140 00 Praha 4 Policie republikyblicAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/763679 ADDRESS: Bojanovick 1/2848 140 00 Praha 4 TYPE: Police of Czech republicepublik ANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/763679 ADRESSE: Bojanovick 1/2848 140 00 Praha 4 Polizei der Tschechischen Republik Tel.: 02/4714495-6 ADRESA: Durychova 671 142 00 Praha 4 Policie republikypublicAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/4714495-6 ADDRESS: Durychova 671 142 00 Praha 4 TYPE: Police of Czech republicepublik: ANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/4714495-6 ADRESSE: Durychova 671 142 00 Praha 4 Polizei der Tschechischen Republik Tel.: 02/7953626 ADRESA: ho 25/2231 148 00 Praha 4 Policie republikylicAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/7953626 ADDRESS: ho 25/2231 148 00 Praha 4 TYPE: Police of Czech republicepublikANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/7953626 ADRESSE: ho 25/2231 148 00 Praha 4 Polizei der Tschechischen Republik Tel.: 02/6921697 ADRESA: Milevsk 4/875 148 00 Praha 4 Policie republikyublicAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/6921697 ADDRESS: Milevsk 4/875 148 00 Praha 4 TYPE: Police of Czech republicepublik ANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/6921697 ADRESSE: Milevsk 4/875 148 00 Praha 4 Polizei der Tschechischen Republik Tel.: 02/424338 ADRESA: Na Pankr ci 9/403 148 00 Praha 4 Policie republikyicAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/424338 ADDRESS: Na Pankr ci 9/403 148 00 Praha 4 TYPE: Police of Czech republicepublikNGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/424338 ADRESSE: Na Pankr ci 9/403 148 00 Praha 4 Polizei der Tschechischen Republik Tel.: 02/4019602-3 ADRESA: Soukalova 3408 143 00 Praha 4 Policie republikyublicAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/4019602-3 ADDRESS: Soukalova 3408 143 00 Praha 4 TYPE: Police of Czech republicepublik ANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/4019602-3 ADRESSE: Soukalova 3408 143 00 Praha 4 Polizei der Tschechischen Republik Tel.: 02/7918350, 7917575 ADRESA: Steinerova 12/604 149 00 Praha 4 Policie republikyMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/7918350, 7917575 ADDRESS: Steinerova 12/604 149 00 Praha 4 TYPE: Police of Czech republicepublikREKLAD: Tel: 02/7918350, 7917575 ADRESSE: Steinerova 12/604 149 00 Praha 4 Polizei der Tschechischen Republik Tel.: 02/6925055, 6925060 ADRESA: Svatoslavova 10/288 140 00 Praha 4 Policie republikyicAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/6925055, 6925060 ADDRESS: Svatoslavova 10/288 140 00 Praha 4 TYPE: Police of Czech republicepublikNGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/6925055, 6925060 ADRESSE: Svatoslavova 10/288 140 00 Praha 4 Polizei der Tschechischen Republik Tel.: 02/57321243 ADRESA: Ostrovsk ho 3 150 00 Praha 5 Policie republikyECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/57321243 ADDRESS: Ostrovsk ho 3 150 00 Praha 5 TYPE: Police of Czech republicepublikEKLAD: Tel: 02/57321243 ADRESSE: Ostrovsk ho 3 150 00 Praha 5 Polizei der Tschechischen Republik Tel.: 02/597305 ADRESA: ho 5/1985 155 00 Praha 5 Policie republiky: Police of Czech republicAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/597305 ADDRESS: ho 5/1985 155 00 Praha 5 TYPE: Police of Czech republicepublik5 ANGLICKY PREKLAD: ANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/597305 ADRESSE: ho 5/1985 155 00 Praha 5 Polizei der Tschechischen Republik Tel.: 02/592481 ADRESA: Na Ban ch 1304 156 00 Praha 5 Policie republiky republicAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/592481 ADDRESS: Na Ban ch 1304 156 00 Praha 5 TYPE: Police of Czech republicepublikLAD: ANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/592481 ADRESSE: Na Ban ch 1304 156 00 Praha 5 Polizei der Tschechischen Republik Tel.: 02/544950 ADRESA: nikova 13/236 150 00 Praha 5 Policie republikyD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/544950 ADDRESS: nikova 13/236 150 00 Praha 5 TYPE: Police of Czech republicepublikICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/544950 ADRESSE: nikova 13/236 150 00 Praha 5 Polizei der Tschechischen Republik Tel.: 02/5811096 ADRESA: Werichova 981 152 00 Praha 5 Policie republiky republicAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/5811096 ADDRESS: Werichova 981 152 00 Praha 5 TYPE: Police of Czech republicepublikLAD: ANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/5811096 ADRESSE: Werichova 981 152 00 Praha 5 Polizei der Tschechischen Republik Tel.: 02/363418, 3164873 ADRESA: Arabsk 681b 160 00 Praha 6 Policie republiky NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/363418, 3164873 ADDRESS: Arabsk 681b 160 00 Praha 6 TYPE: Police of Czech republicepublikKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/363418, 3164873 ADRESSE: Arabsk 681b 160 00 Praha 6 Polizei der Tschechischen Republik Tel.: 02/3017143, 3018689 ADRESA: Makovsk ho 1349 163 00 Praha 6 Policie republikyAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/3017143, 3018689 ADDRESS: Makovsk ho 1349 163 00 Praha 6 TYPE: Police of Czech republicepublikLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/3017143, 3018689 ADRESSE: Makovsk ho 1349 163 00 Praha 6 Polizei der Tschechischen Republik Tel.: 02/24311319 ADRESA: V. P. kalova 18/478 160 00 Praha 6 Policie republikypublicKLAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/24311319 ADDRESS: V. P. kalova 18/478 160 00 Praha 6 TYPE: Police of Czech republicepublikAD: ANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/24311319 ADRESSE: V. P. kalova 18/478 160 00 Praha 6 Polizei der Tschechischen Republik Tel.: 02/352101, 351465 ADRESA: Ve St ch 55/1990 169 00 Praha 6 Policie republikyNEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/352101, 351465 ADDRESS: Ve St ch 55/1990 169 00 Praha 6 TYPE: Police of Czech republicepublik PREKLAD: Tel: 02/352101, 351465 ADRESSE: Ve St ch 55/1990 169 00 Praha 6 Polizei der Tschechischen Republik Tel.: 02/371830 ADRESA: Za elektr rnou 170 00 Praha 7 Policie republiky NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/371830 ADDRESS: Za elektr rnou 170 00 Praha 7 TYPE: Police of Czech republicepublikY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/371830 ADRESSE: Za elektr rnou 170 00 Praha 7 Polizei der Tschechischen Republik Tel.: 02/8552547 ADRESA: 5/750 181 00 Praha 8 Policie republikyPE: Police of Czech republicAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/8552547 ADDRESS: 5/750 181 00 Praha 8 TYPE: Police of Czech republicepublika 7 ANGLICKY PREKLAD: ANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/8552547 ADRESSE: 5/750 181 00 Praha 8 Polizei der Tschechischen Republik Tel.: 02/24218614 ADRESA: tkova 16/266 186 00 Praha 8 Policie republikyicAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/24218614 ADDRESS: tkova 16/266 186 00 Praha 8 TYPE: Police of Czech republicepublikNGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/24218614 ADRESSE: tkova 16/266 186 00 Praha 8 Polizei der Tschechischen Republik Tel.: 02/66310975 ADRESA: ova 3/2145 180 00 Praha 8 Policie republikylicAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/66310975 ADDRESS: ova 3/2145 180 00 Praha 8 TYPE: Police of Czech republicepublikANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/66310975 ADRESSE: ova 3/2145 180 00 Praha 8 Polizei der Tschechischen Republik Tel.: 02/66410049 ADRESA: Zenklova 225/91 182 00 Praha 8 Policie republikylicAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/66410049 ADDRESS: Zenklova 225/91 182 00 Praha 8 TYPE: Police of Czech republicepublikANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/66410049 ADRESSE: Zenklova 225/91 182 00 Praha 8 Polizei der Tschechischen Republik Tel.: 02/898304 ADRESA: Bechy 639 199 00 Praha 9 Policie republiky republicAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/898304 ADDRESS: Bechy 639 199 00 Praha 9 TYPE: Police of Czech republicepublikLAD: ANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/898304 ADRESSE: Bechy 639 199 00 Praha 9 Polizei der Tschechischen Republik Tel.: 02/889207, 880586 ADRESA: ovick 10/485 190 00 Praha 9 Policie republikyMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/889207, 880586 ADDRESS: ovick 10/485 190 00 Praha 9 TYPE: Police of Czech republicepublikREKLAD: Tel: 02/889207, 880586 ADRESSE: ovick 10/485 190 00 Praha 9 Polizei der Tschechischen Republik Tel.: 02/868198, 869926 ADRESA: glerova 1139 198 00 Praha 9 Policie republiky republicAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/868198, 869926 ADDRESS: glerova 1139 198 00 Praha 9 TYPE: Police of Czech republicepublikLAD: ANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/868198, 869926 ADRESSE: glerova 1139 198 00 Praha 9 Polizei der Tschechischen Republik Tel.: 02/8590443, 8590683 ADRESA: Cukrovarsk 196 00 Praha 9 Policie republikycAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/8590443, 8590683 ADDRESS: Cukrovarsk 196 00 Praha 9 TYPE: Police of Czech republicepublikGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/8590443, 8590683 ADRESSE: Cukrovarsk 196 00 Praha 9 Polizei der Tschechischen Republik Tel.: 02/6855196, 6856922 ADRESA: chodsk 2032 193 00 Praha 9 Policie republikyublicAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/6855196, 6856922 ADDRESS: chodsk 2032 193 00 Praha 9 TYPE: Police of Czech republicepublik ANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/6855196, 6856922 ADRESSE: chodsk 2032 193 00 Praha 9 Polizei der Tschechischen Republik Tel.: 02/6842181 ADRESA: 33/1360 190 00 Praha 9 Policie republikyh republicKLAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/6842181 ADDRESS: 33/1360 190 00 Praha 9 TYPE: Police of Czech republicepublikREKLAD: ANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/6842181 ADRESSE: 33/1360 190 00 Praha 9 Polizei der Tschechischen Republik Tel.: 02/24213141-4, 24131349 ADRESA: kova 8/279 186 00 Praha 8 Policie republikyECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/24213141-4, 24131349 ADDRESS: kova 8/279 186 00 Praha 8 TYPE: Police of Czech republicepublikEKLAD: Tel: 02/24213141-4, 24131349 ADRESSE: kova 8/279 186 00 Praha 8 Polizei der Tschechischen Republik Tel.: 02/24131111, 24134749 ADRESA: Zborovsk 13/1505 150 00 Praha 5 Policie republikyublicAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/24131111, 24134749 ADDRESS: Zborovsk 13/1505 150 00 Praha 5 TYPE: Police of Czech republicepublik ANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/24131111, 24134749 ADRESSE: Zborovsk 13/1505 150 00 Praha 5 Polizei der Tschechischen Republik Tel.: 02/24131111 Fax : 02/24134759 ADRESA: Bartolom 6/312 110 00 Praha 1 Policie republikyECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/24131111 Fax : 02/24134759 ADDRESS: Bartolom 6/312 110 00 Praha 1 TYPE: Police of Czech republicepublikEKLAD: Tel: 02/24131111 Fax : 02/24134759 ADRESSE: Bartolom 6/312 110 00 Praha 1 Polizei der Tschechischen Republik Tel.: 02/67105111 Fax : 02/67105349 ADRESA: 101 33 Praha 10 Policie republiky republicAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/67105111 Fax : 02/67105349 ADDRESS: 101 33 Praha 10 TYPE: Police of Czech republicepublikLAD: ANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/67105111 Fax : 02/67105349 ADRESSE: 101 33 Praha 10 Polizei der Tschechischen Republik Tel.: 02/426709 Fax : 02/24136849 ADRESA: 140 00 Praha 4 Policie republikych republicAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/426709 Fax : 02/24136849 ADDRESS: 140 00 Praha 4 TYPE: Police of Czech republicepublikEKLAD: ANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/426709 Fax : 02/24136849 ADRESSE: 140 00 Praha 4 Polizei der Tschechischen Republik Tel.: 02/278551-4 Fax : 02/24137049 ADRESA: ova 11/1065 130 72 Praha 3 Policie republiky NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/278551-4 Fax : 02/24137049 ADDRESS: ova 11/1065 130 72 Praha 3 TYPE: Police of Czech republicepublikY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/278551-4 Fax : 02/24137049 ADRESSE: ova 11/1065 130 72 Praha 3 Polizei der Tschechischen Republik Tel.: 02/61193111 Fax : 02/61193349 ADRESA: U plyn rny 2/972 145 00 Praha 4 Policie republikylicAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/61193111 Fax : 02/61193349 ADDRESS: U plyn rny 2/972 145 00 Praha 4 TYPE: Police of Czech republicepublikANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/61193111 Fax : 02/61193349 ADRESSE: U plyn rny 2/972 145 00 Praha 4 Polizei der Tschechischen Republik Tel.: 02/24511623 Fax : 02/24137349 ADRESA: 150 00 Praha 5 Policie republiky republicAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/24511623 Fax : 02/24137349 ADDRESS: 150 00 Praha 5 TYPE: Police of Czech republicepublikLAD: ANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/24511623 Fax : 02/24137349 ADRESSE: 150 00 Praha 5 Polizei der Tschechischen Republik Tel.: 02/24311319 ADRESA: V. P. kalova 18/478 160 00 Praha 6 Policie republikyCzech republicAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/24311319 ADDRESS: V. P. kalova 18/478 160 00 Praha 6 TYPE: Police of Czech republicepublik PREKLAD: ANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/24311319 ADRESSE: V. P. kalova 18/478 160 00 Praha 6 Polizei der Tschechischen Republik Tel.: 02/370941-4 Fax : 02/24138849 ADRESA: Franti ka 24/735 170 05 Praha 7 Policie republikyAD: Phone: 02/370941-4 Fax : 02/24138849 ADDRESS: Franti ka 24/735 170 05 Praha 7 TYPE: Police of Czech republicepublik Tel: 02/370941-4 Fax : 02/24138849 ADRESSE: Franti ka 24/735 170 05 Praha 7 Polizei der Tschechischen Republik Tel.: 02/66311489-92 Fax : 02/24138049 ADRESA: tova 1 180 00 Praha 8 Policie republikyf Czech republicAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/66311489-92 Fax : 02/24138049 ADDRESS: tova 1 180 00 Praha 8 TYPE: Police of Czech republicepublikKY PREKLAD: ANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/66311489-92 Fax : 02/24138049 ADRESSE: tova 1 180 00 Praha 8 Polizei der Tschechischen Republik Tel.: 02/66310184 Fax : 02/24130049 ADRESA: Jandova 1/598 191 00 Praha 9 Policie republikyicAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/66310184 Fax : 02/24130049 ADDRESS: Jandova 1/598 191 00 Praha 9 TYPE: Police of Czech republicepublikNGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/66310184 Fax : 02/24130049 ADRESSE: Jandova 1/598 191 00 Praha 9 Polizei der Tschechischen Republik Tel.: 02/290162 ADRESA: Sokolsk 12/1885 120 00 Praha 2 Policie republikyolice of Czech republicAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/290162 ADDRESS: Sokolsk 12/1885 120 00 Praha 2 TYPE: Police of Czech republicepublik ANGLICKY PREKLAD: ANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/290162 ADRESSE: Sokolsk 12/1885 120 00 Praha 2 Polizei der Tschechischen Republik Tel.: 02/279294 ADRESA: emyslovsk 2/848 130 00 Praha 3 Policie republikycAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/279294 ADDRESS: emyslovsk 2/848 130 00 Praha 3 TYPE: Police of Czech republicepublikGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/279294 ADRESSE: emyslovsk 2/848 130 00 Praha 3 Polizei der Tschechischen Republik Tel.: 02/57003310 ADRESA: Ostrovsk ho 3 150 00 Praha 5 Policie republikyD: Phone: 02/57003310 ADDRESS: Ostrovsk ho 3 150 00 Praha 5 TYPE: Police of Czech republicepublik Tel: 02/57003310 ADRESSE: Ostrovsk ho 3 150 00 Praha 5 Polizei der Tschechischen Republik Tel.: 02/363125 ADRESA: Arabsk 681b 160 00 Praha 6 Policie republiky TYPE: Police of Czech republicAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/363125 ADDRESS: Arabsk 681b 160 00 Praha 6 TYPE: Police of Czech republicepublik Praha 5 ANGLICKY PREKLAD: ANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/363125 ADRESSE: Arabsk 681b 160 00 Praha 6 Polizei der Tschechischen Republik Tel.: 02/356117 (20513473) Fax : 02/356781 (20513561) ADRESA: 169 00 Praha 6 Policie republiky Phone: 02/356117 (20513473) Fax : 02/356781 (20513561) ADDRESS: 169 00 Praha 6 TYPE: Police of Czech republicepublik Tel: 02/356117 (20513473) Fax : 02/356781 (20513561) ADRESSE: 169 00 Praha 6 Polizei der Tschechischen Republik Tel.: 02/8552547 ADRESA: 5/750 181 00 Praha 8 Policie republiky 6 TYPE: Police of Czech republicAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/8552547 ADDRESS: 5/750 181 00 Praha 8 TYPE: Police of Czech republicepublik0 Praha 6 ANGLICKY PREKLAD: ANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/8552547 ADRESSE: 5/750 181 00 Praha 8 Polizei der Tschechischen Republik Tel.: 02/6880049, 66410049 ADRESA: Zenklova 225/91 182 00 Praha 8 Policie republikyCKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/6880049, 66410049 ADDRESS: Zenklova 225/91 182 00 Praha 8 TYPE: Police of Czech republicepublikKLAD: Tel: 02/6880049, 66410049 ADRESSE: Zenklova 225/91 182 00 Praha 8 Polizei der Tschechischen Republik Tel.: 02/4722286, 4722287 ADRESA: lovsk 14/1148 140 00 Praha 4 Policie republikypublicAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/4722286, 4722287 ADDRESS: lovsk 14/1148 140 00 Praha 4 TYPE: Police of Czech republicepublik: ANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/4722286, 4722287 ADRESSE: lovsk 14/1148 140 00 Praha 4 Polizei der Tschechischen Republik Tel.: 02/24213141-4 Fax : 02/24131349 ADRESA: kova 8/279 180 00 Praha 8 Policie republikyCKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/24213141-4 Fax : 02/24131349 ADDRESS: kova 8/279 180 00 Praha 8 TYPE: Police of Czech republicepublikKLAD: Tel: 02/24213141-4 Fax : 02/24131349 ADRESSE: kova 8/279 180 00 Praha 8 Polizei der Tschechischen Republik Tel.: 02/24131111 Fax : 02/24134749 ADRESA: Zborovsk 13/1505 150 49 Praha 5 Policie republikyublicAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/24131111 Fax : 02/24134749 ADDRESS: Zborovsk 13/1505 150 49 Praha 5 TYPE: Police of Czech republicepublik ANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/24131111 Fax : 02/24134749 ADRESSE: Zborovsk 13/1505 150 49 Praha 5 Polizei der Tschechischen Republik Tel.: 02/261163 Fax : 02/9604781 ADRESA: Krakovsk 11/1432 110 00 Praha 1 Cizineck policie a pasov NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/261163 Fax : 02/9604781 ADDRESS: Krakovsk 11/1432 110 00 Praha 1 TYPE: Alien police and customs service: ANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/261163 Fax : 02/9604781 ADRESSE: Krakovsk 11/1432 110 00 Praha 1 Fremden und Reisepasspolizeilu Tel.: 02/745949 Fax : 02/734040 ADRESA: Uzbeck 1/1463 101 00 Praha 10 Cizineck policie a pasov barviceECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/745949 Fax : 02/734040 ADDRESS: Uzbeck 1/1463 101 00 Praha 10 TYPE: Alien police and customs service: ANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/745949 Fax : 02/734040 ADRESSE: Uzbeck 1/1463 101 00 Praha 10 Fremden und Reisepasspolizeilu Tel.: 02/24136830 Fax : 02/24136843-4 ADRESA: 140 00 Praha 4 Cizineck policie a pasov baeECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/24136830 Fax : 02/24136843-4 ADDRESS: 140 00 Praha 4 TYPE: Alien police and customs serviceNGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/24136830 Fax : 02/24136843-4 ADRESSE: 140 00 Praha 4 Fremden und Reisepasspolizeilu Tel.: 02/61441589, 61441339 Fax : 02/24134794, 9604794 ADRESA: 2/2176 130 00 Praha 3 Cizineck policie a pasov Phone: 02/61441589, 61441339 Fax : 02/24134794, 9604794 ADDRESS: 2/2176 130 00 Praha 3 TYPE: Alien police and customs service Tel: 02/61441589, 61441339 Fax : 02/24134794, 9604794 ADRESSE: 2/2176 130 00 Praha 3 Fremden und Reisepasspolizeilu Tel.: 02/533781 Fax : 02/24137343 ADRESA: 16/274 150 00 Praha 5 Cizineck policie a pasov bace and customs serviceECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/533781 Fax : 02/24137343 ADDRESS: 16/274 150 00 Praha 5 TYPE: Alien police and customs service ANGLICKY PREKLAD: ANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/533781 Fax : 02/24137343 ADRESSE: 16/274 150 00 Praha 5 Fremden und Reisepasspolizeilu Tel.: 02/20513298 Fax : 02/20513298 ADRESA: Na Pet ch 82/310 162 00 Praha 6 Cizineck policie a pasov ba PREKLAD: Phone: 02/20513298 Fax : 02/20513298 ADDRESS: Na Pet ch 82/310 162 00 Praha 6 TYPE: Alien police and customs serviceKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/20513298 Fax : 02/20513298 ADRESSE: Na Pet ch 82/310 162 00 Praha 6 Fremden und Reisepasspolizeilu Tel.: 02/376772 Fax : 02/24138842 ADRESA: . Kapit na Jaro e 7/1000 170 00 Praha 7 Cizineck policie a pasov ba PREKLAD: Phone: 02/376772 Fax : 02/24138842 ADDRESS: . Kapit na Jaro e 7/1000 170 00 Praha 7 TYPE: Alien police and customs serviceKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/376772 Fax : 02/24138842 ADRESSE: . Kapit na Jaro e 7/1000 170 00 Praha 7 Fremden und Reisepasspolizeilu Tel.: 02/2319428 Fax : 02/24138901 ADRESA: Sokolovsk 111/337 180 00 Praha 8 Cizineck policie a pasov bams serviceECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/2319428 Fax : 02/24138901 ADDRESS: Sokolovsk 111/337 180 00 Praha 8 TYPE: Alien police and customs serviceEKLAD: ANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/2319428 Fax : 02/24138901 ADRESSE: Sokolovsk 111/337 180 00 Praha 8 Fremden und Reisepasspolizeilu Tel.: 02/66311301 Fax : 02/24130046 ADRESA: Drahobejlova 41/1413 190 00 Praha 9 Cizineck policie a pasov baECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/66311301 Fax : 02/24130046 ADDRESS: Drahobejlova 41/1413 190 00 Praha 9 TYPE: Alien police and customs serviceGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/66311301 Fax : 02/24130046 ADRESSE: Drahobejlova 41/1413 190 00 Praha 9 Fremden und Reisepasspolizeilu Tel.: 02/372088, 371469 Fax : 02/61461603 ADRESA: Strojnick 27/935 170 89 Praha 7 Policie republiky serviceECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/372088, 371469 Fax : 02/61461603 ADDRESS: Strojnick 27/935 170 89 Praha 7 TYPE: Police of Czech republicepublikLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/372088, 371469 Fax : 02/61461603 ADRESSE: Strojnick 27/935 170 89 Praha 7 Polizei der Tschechischen Republik Tel.: 02/4025865 ADRESA: 140 00 Praha 4 Policie republikyrepublicAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/4025865 ADDRESS: 140 00 Praha 4 TYPE: Police of Czech republicepublikAD: ANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/4025865 ADRESSE: 140 00 Praha 4 Polizei der Tschechischen Republik Tel.: 02/61411111 Fax : 02/423401 ADRESA: Kongresov 140 00 Praha 4 Policie republikyCzech republicAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/61411111 Fax : 02/423401 ADDRESS: Kongresov 140 00 Praha 4 TYPE: Police of Czech republicepublik PREKLAD: ANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/61411111 Fax : 02/423401 ADRESSE: Kongresov 140 00 Praha 4 Polizei der Tschechischen Republik Tel.: 02/24911106 ADRESA: Na boji ti 5/1452 120 00 Praha 2 Policie republikyf Czech republicAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/24911106 ADDRESS: Na boji ti 5/1452 120 00 Praha 2 TYPE: Police of Czech republicepublikKY PREKLAD: ANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/24911106 ADRESSE: Na boji ti 5/1452 120 00 Praha 2 Polizei der Tschechischen Republik Tel.: 02/24131111 Fax : 02/24134725 ADRESA: Bartolom 14/347 110 01 Praha 1 Policie republikyD: Phone: 02/24131111 Fax : 02/24134725 ADDRESS: Bartolom 14/347 110 01 Praha 1 TYPE: Police of Czech republicepublik Tel: 02/24131111 Fax : 02/24134725 ADRESSE: Bartolom 14/347 110 01 Praha 1 Polizei der Tschechischen Republik ADRESA: Katovick 4/411 181 00 Praha 8 policie347 110 01 Praha 1 TYPE: Police of Czech republicAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: ADDRESS: Katovick 4/411 181 00 Praha 8 TYPE: Municipal policeBartolom 14/347 110 01 Praha 1 ANGLICKY PREKLAD: ANGLICKY PREKLAD: ADRESSE: Katovick 4/411 181 00 Praha 8 Stadtpolizeiie Tel.: 02/351450 ADRESA: lohorsk 110/1655 169 00 Praha 6 policie Phone: 02/351450 ADDRESS: lohorsk 110/1655 169 00 Praha 6 TYPE: Municipal police Tel: 02/351450 ADRESSE: lohorsk 110/1655 169 00 Praha 6 Stadtpolizeicie Tel.: 02/81913108 ADRESA: Gener la Janou ka 17/902 198 00 Praha 14 policieEKLAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/81913108 ADDRESS: Gener la Janou ka 17/902 198 00 Praha 14 TYPE: Municipal policeKLAD: ANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/81913108 ADRESSE: Gener la Janou ka 17/902 198 00 Praha 14 Stadtpolizeicie Tel.: 02/24312529 ADRESA: clavkova 6/313 160 00 Praha 6 policieicipal policeKY PREKLAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/24312529 ADDRESS: clavkova 6/313 160 00 Praha 6 TYPE: Municipal police14 ANGLICKY PREKLAD: ANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/24312529 ADRESSE: clavkova 6/313 160 00 Praha 6 Stadtpolizeicie ADRESA: m. Hrdin 190 00 Praha 9 policie 6 TYPE: Municipal policeKY PREKLAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: ADDRESS: m. Hrdin 190 00 Praha 9 TYPE: Municipal police 160 00 Praha 6 ANGLICKY PREKLAD: ANGLICKY PREKLAD: ADRESSE: m. Hrdin 190 00 Praha 9 Stadtpolizeiie ADRESA: 52/553 182 00 Praha 8 policie: NEMECKY PREKLAD: ADDRESS: 52/553 182 00 Praha 8 TYPE: Municipal police ANGLICKY PREKLAD: ADRESSE: 52/553 182 00 Praha 8 Stadtpolizeiie Tel.: 02/7940930, 7925311 ADRESA: stavn 149 00 Praha 11 policie Phone: 02/7940930, 7925311 ADDRESS: stavn 149 00 Praha 11 TYPE: Municipal police Tel: 02/7940930, 7925311 ADRESSE: stavn 149 00 Praha 11 Stadtpolizeicie Tel.: 02/66712488 ADRESA: Bubensk . 13/306 170 00 Praha 7 policieceKY PREKLAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/66712488 ADDRESS: Bubensk . 13/306 170 00 Praha 7 TYPE: Municipal policeCKY PREKLAD: ANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/66712488 ADRESSE: Bubensk . 13/306 170 00 Praha 7 Stadtpolizeicie ADRESA: skova 1805 149 00 Praha 11 policiePraha 7 TYPE: Municipal policeKY PREKLAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: ADDRESS: skova 1805 149 00 Praha 11 TYPE: Municipal police3/306 170 00 Praha 7 ANGLICKY PREKLAD: ANGLICKY PREKLAD: ADRESSE: skova 1805 149 00 Praha 11 Stadtpolizeiie Tel.: 02/2310760 ADRESA: 22/694 110 00 Praha 1 policieD: Phone: 02/2310760 ADDRESS: 22/694 110 00 Praha 1 TYPE: Municipal police: Tel: 02/2310760 ADRESSE: 22/694 110 00 Praha 1 Stadtpolizeicie ADRESA: Sokolovsk 91/88 186 00 Praha 8 policie: Municipal policeKY PREKLAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: ADDRESS: Sokolovsk 91/88 186 00 Praha 8 TYPE: Municipal police Praha 1 ANGLICKY PREKLAD: ANGLICKY PREKLAD: ADRESSE: Sokolovsk 91/88 186 00 Praha 8 Stadtpolizeiie Tel.: 02/7881751 ADRESA: m 234 190 14 Praha 9 policiePREKLAD: Phone: 02/7881751 ADDRESS: m 234 190 14 Praha 9 TYPE: Municipal policeREKLAD: Tel: 02/7881751 ADRESSE: m 234 190 14 Praha 9 Stadtpolizeicieie Tel.: 02/6897773 ADRESA: kova 5/457 182 00 Praha 8 policieECKY PREKLAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/6897773 ADDRESS: kova 5/457 182 00 Praha 8 TYPE: Municipal policeCKY PREKLAD: ANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/6897773 ADRESSE: kova 5/457 182 00 Praha 8 Stadtpolizeicie ADRESA: Pod d 1/1282 141 00 Praha 4 policieYPE: Municipal policeKY PREKLAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: ADDRESS: Pod d 1/1282 141 00 Praha 4 TYPE: Municipal police00 Praha 8 ANGLICKY PREKLAD: ANGLICKY PREKLAD: ADRESSE: Pod d 1/1282 141 00 Praha 4 Stadtpolizeiie ADRESA: Kosteln m. 34 148 00 Praha 4 policieice: NEMECKY PREKLAD: ADDRESS: Kosteln m. 34 148 00 Praha 4 TYPE: Municipal police ANGLICKY PREKLAD: ADRESSE: Kosteln m. 34 148 00 Praha 4 Stadtpolizeiieie Tel.: 02/4024605 ADRESA: Lhoteck 1/1867 143 00 Praha 12 policieEKLAD: Phone: 02/4024605 ADDRESS: Lhoteck 1/1867 143 00 Praha 12 TYPE: Municipal policeKLAD: Tel: 02/4024605 ADRESSE: Lhoteck 1/1867 143 00 Praha 12 Stadtpolizeicie Tel.: 02/824486 ADRESA: torsk 34/539 180 00 Praha 8 policieceKY PREKLAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/824486 ADDRESS: torsk 34/539 180 00 Praha 8 TYPE: Municipal policeCKY PREKLAD: ANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/824486 ADRESSE: torsk 34/539 180 00 Praha 8 Stadtpolizeicie ADRESA: rensk 165 00 Praha 6 policie 8 TYPE: Municipal policeKY PREKLAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: ADDRESS: rensk 165 00 Praha 6 TYPE: Municipal police 180 00 Praha 8 ANGLICKY PREKLAD: ANGLICKY PREKLAD: ADRESSE: rensk 165 00 Praha 6 Stadtpolizeiie ADRESA: 164 00 Praha 6 policieice: NEMECKY PREKLAD: ADDRESS: 164 00 Praha 6 TYPE: Municipal policeAD: ANGLICKY PREKLAD: ADRESSE: 164 00 Praha 6 Stadtpolizeiie Tel.: 02/24214220 ADRESA: Politick 21/1272 110 00 Praha 1 policie Phone: 02/24214220 ADDRESS: Politick 21/1272 110 00 Praha 1 TYPE: Municipal police Tel: 02/24214220 ADRESSE: Politick 21/1272 110 00 Praha 1 Stadtpolizeicie Tel.: 02/61192610 ADRESA: borsk 32/350 140 00 Praha 4 policieicipal policeKY PREKLAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/61192610 ADDRESS: borsk 32/350 140 00 Praha 4 TYPE: Municipal police 1 ANGLICKY PREKLAD: ANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/61192610 ADRESSE: borsk 32/350 140 00 Praha 4 Stadtpolizeicie Tel.: 02/7868989 ADRESA: Edisonova 51 109 00 Praha 10 policiepoliceKY PREKLAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/7868989 ADDRESS: Edisonova 51 109 00 Praha 10 TYPE: Municipal policeNGLICKY PREKLAD: ANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/7868989 ADRESSE: Edisonova 51 109 00 Praha 10 Stadtpolizeicieie Tel.: 02/886841-4 ADRESA: Veltrusk 33/576 190 00 Praha 9 policieeECKY PREKLAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/886841-4 ADDRESS: Veltrusk 33/576 190 00 Praha 9 TYPE: Municipal policeICKY PREKLAD: ANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/886841-4 ADRESSE: Veltrusk 33/576 190 00 Praha 9 Stadtpolizeicie ADRESA: 15/1075 153 00 Praha 5 policie TYPE: Municipal policeKY PREKLAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: ADDRESS: 15/1075 153 00 Praha 5 TYPE: Municipal police190 00 Praha 9 ANGLICKY PREKLAD: ANGLICKY PREKLAD: ADRESSE: 15/1075 153 00 Praha 5 Stadtpolizeiie Tel.: 02/30171431 ADRESA: Makovsk ho 1349 163 00 Praha 6 policieD: Phone: 02/30171431 ADDRESS: Makovsk ho 1349 163 00 Praha 6 TYPE: Municipal police: Tel: 02/30171431 ADRESSE: Makovsk ho 1349 163 00 Praha 6 Stadtpolizeicieie Tel.: 02/544941-2 ADRESA: nikova 13/236 150 00 Praha 5 policieECKY PREKLAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/544941-2 ADDRESS: nikova 13/236 150 00 Praha 5 TYPE: Municipal policeCKY PREKLAD: ANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/544941-2 ADRESSE: nikova 13/236 150 00 Praha 5 Stadtpolizeicie ADRESA: Hlavn 114/2930 141 00 Praha 4 policie 5 TYPE: Municipal policeKY PREKLAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: ADDRESS: Hlavn 114/2930 141 00 Praha 4 TYPE: Municipal police 150 00 Praha 5 ANGLICKY PREKLAD: ANGLICKY PREKLAD: ADRESSE: Hlavn 114/2930 141 00 Praha 4 Stadtpolizeiie Tel.: 02/6511145 ADRESA: 1539 155 00 Praha 13 policieLAD: Phone: 02/6511145 ADDRESS: 1539 155 00 Praha 13 TYPE: Municipal policeAD: Tel: 02/6511145 ADRESSE: 1539 155 00 Praha 13 Stadtpolizeicie ADRESA: Internacion 734 165 00 Praha 6 policie Municipal policeKY PREKLAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: ADDRESS: Internacion 734 165 00 Praha 6 TYPE: Municipal police aha 13 ANGLICKY PREKLAD: ANGLICKY PREKLAD: ADRESSE: Internacion 734 165 00 Praha 6 Stadtpolizeiieie ADRESA: K Hrn m 34 149 00 Praha 4 policiel policeAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: ADDRESS: K Hrn m 34 149 00 Praha 4 TYPE: Municipal police PREKLAD: ANGLICKY PREKLAD: ADRESSE: K Hrn m 34 149 00 Praha 4 Stadtpolizeiieie ADRESA: Trojsk 133/158 171 00 Praha 7 policieceAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: ADDRESS: Trojsk 133/158 171 00 Praha 7 TYPE: Municipal policeLAD: ANGLICKY PREKLAD: ADRESSE: Trojsk 133/158 171 00 Praha 7 Stadtpolizeiie Tel.: 02/67710960-1 ADRESA: telstv 104 00 Praha 10 policie Phone: 02/67710960-1 ADDRESS: telstv 104 00 Praha 10 TYPE: Municipal police Tel: 02/67710960-1 ADRESSE: telstv 104 00 Praha 10 Stadtpolizeicie Tel.: 02/257142 ADRESA: ru 20/600 120 00 Praha 2 policiepoliceKY PREKLAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/257142 ADDRESS: ru 20/600 120 00 Praha 2 TYPE: Municipal policeNGLICKY PREKLAD: ANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/257142 ADRESSE: ru 20/600 120 00 Praha 2 Stadtpolizeicie Tel.: 02/591105 ADRESA: Zbraslavsk m. 464 156 00 Praha 5 policieKY PREKLAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/591105 ADDRESS: Zbraslavsk m. 464 156 00 Praha 5 TYPE: Municipal policeY PREKLAD: ANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/591105 ADRESSE: Zbraslavsk m. 464 156 00 Praha 5 Stadtpolizeicieie ADRESA: ivatcova 244 153 00 Praha 5 policiea 5 TYPE: Municipal policeECKY PREKLAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: ADDRESS: ivatcova 244 153 00 Praha 5 TYPE: Municipal police464 156 00 Praha 5 ANGLICKY PREKLAD: ANGLICKY PREKLAD: ADRESSE: ivatcova 244 153 00 Praha 5 Stadtpolizeiie Tel.: 02/61216163-4 ADRESA: 9/1159 130 00 Praha 3 policie Phone: 02/61216163-4 ADDRESS: 9/1159 130 00 Praha 3 TYPE: Municipal police Tel: 02/61216163-4 ADRESSE: 9/1159 130 00 Praha 3 Stadtpolizeicie Tel.: 02/272886 ADRESA: sova 8/695 130 00 Praha 3 policieipal policeKY PREKLAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/272886 ADDRESS: sova 8/695 130 00 Praha 3 TYPE: Municipal police ANGLICKY PREKLAD: ANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/272886 ADRESSE: sova 8/695 130 00 Praha 3 Stadtpolizeicie Tel.: 02/24221870 ADRESA: Wilsonova 80 120 00 Praha 2 Policie republikyREKLAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/24221870 ADDRESS: Wilsonova 80 120 00 Praha 2 TYPE: Police of Czech republicepublik ANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/24221870 ADRESSE: Wilsonova 80 120 00 Praha 2 Polizei der Tschechischen Republik Tel.: 02/808667, 808663 ADRESA: Partyz 170 00 Praha 7 Policie republiky NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/808667, 808663 ADDRESS: Partyz 170 00 Praha 7 TYPE: Police of Czech republicepublikY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/808667, 808663 ADRESSE: Partyz 170 00 Praha 7 Polizei der Tschechischen Republik Tel.: 02/24210795 ADRESA: kova 1/1030 110 00 Praha 1 Policie republikyepublicAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/24210795 ADDRESS: kova 1/1030 110 00 Praha 1 TYPE: Police of Czech republicepublikD: ANGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/24210795 ADRESSE: kova 1/1030 110 00 Praha 1 Polizei der Tschechischen Republik Tel.: 02/548611 ADRESA: chov 150 00 Praha 5 Policie republikyLAD: Phone: 02/548611 ADDRESS: chov 150 00 Praha 5 TYPE: Police of Czech republicepublik Tel: 02/548611 ADRESSE: chov 150 00 Praha 5 Polizei der Tschechischen Republik Tel.: 02/24615858 ADRESA: ovice 101 00 Praha 10 Policie republikycAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/24615858 ADDRESS: ovice 101 00 Praha 10 TYPE: Police of Czech republicepublikGLICKY PREKLAD: Tel: 02/24615858 ADRESSE: ovice 101 00 Praha 10 Polizei der Tschechischen Republik Phone: 02/24615858 ADDRESS: ovice 101 00 Praha 10 TYPE: Police of Czech republicAD: NEMECKY PREKLAD: Tel.: 02/2312881 ADRESA: Sokolovsk 88/109 186 00 Praha 8 policie 101 00 Praha 10 ANGLICKY PREKLAD: ANGLICKY PREKLAD: Phone: 02/2312881 ADDRESS: Sokolovsk 88/109 186 00 Praha 8 TYPE: Municipal police