CorelDRAW and Corel PHOTO-PAINT will load the
default Regional Settings (e.g. units of measure ), as set in Control Panel,
Regional Settings. Should Regional Settings be changed at a later date,
the Coreldraw.ini (located in the \Workspace\Application\workspace name
folder) must be deleted in order for this change to be recognized by the
applications. Please note that custom application settings will be returned
to default settings after deleting these files.
The following list displays all the components available for installation with CorelDRAW 9 Suite Edition. An asterisk (*) indicates the component is part of the Typical installation option. All other items are available by running the Custom installation option and the Add Component installation.
& Fills*
and Script Effects*
Graphics Utilities
Productivity Tools
Script Editor
Import/Export File Types
Bitmap File Types
Vector File TypesCPT*, TIF*, PCX*, BMP*, GIF*, PCD*, JPG*, DCS*, WI*, PSD*, CAL, IMG*, MAC*, OS/2 BMP, PP4, PP5*, PNG*, SCT*, TGA*, EXE, ICO, CUR, RAW*, FPX*, RIFF Painter 5*
Animation File Types*WPG*, 3DMF*, AL*, DXF*, CGM*, CPX*, CDX*, CMX*, CDR*, CPH, EPS*, EMF*, GEM, PLT/HGL*, PF, PIC, PCT*, MET, DRW, NAP, PS/PRN/EPS*, WMF*, SCD, FMV, PDF*, DSF, DWG*, VSD*, PFB, TTF*
Text File Types
Internet File Types*WPM, WP4, WP5, WP8*, TXT*, SAM, MIF, DOC*, RTF*, WSD, WSW, XY, XLS*, WQ/WB*, WK*
Before Installing CorelDRAW® 9
Prior to running the setup for CorelDRAW 9, ensure that all applications are closed. This includes all virus detection programs and any other applications that may be open in the system tray or on the Windows taskbar. Not doing so may increase the installation time and may interfere with the normal setup process.
Removing Older Versions of Applications
Corel does not recommend installing CorelDRAW 9 applications over any previous release version (e.g., CorelDRAW 5, CorelDRAW 6, CorelDRAW 7, CorelDRAW 8). Please ensure that you install CorelDRAW 9 applications to a new folder.
To uninstall a previous version, run the Corel Uninstall program from Start menu, Programs, CorelDRAW > Setup and Notes (or Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs - Corel Applications).
If you choose to install over a previous installation of CorelDRAW 9, your user modifiable files will be backed up. The configuration files in CorelDRAW 9 will not be backed up (e.g., workspace changes), as these files are not affected by setup.
If you install CorelDRAW 9 onto a system that has any previous release version (e.g., CorelDRAW 5, CorelDRAW 6, CorelDRAW 7, CorelDRAW 8) and decide to uninstall CorelDRAW 9, you may encounter problems with your previous release version. If so, please re-run the previous version's setup.
When installing and uninstalling this application, take note of any color profiles, scripts or sample files that you may have modified and saved to its original name. To prevent the removal or overwriting of your current color profiles, scripts or sample files that you may have modified, ensure that you first copy the modified files to another location before installing updates or uninstalling this application.
Adding, deleting, and updating CorelDRAW® 9 components
After installing CorelDRAW 9, you can add components to the installation. You can delete CorelDRAW 9 components to free up disk space. You can also update components to refresh their configuration settings. Updating components also repairs CorelDRAW 9 if you have accidentally deleted application files.
Corel does not recommend installing additional CorelDRAW 9 components to different locations.
To add components to a CorelDRAW 9 installation
1. Close any open CorelDRAW 9 applications.
2. On the Windows taskbar, click Start, Programs,
CorelDRAW 9, Setup and Notes, Corel Setup Program.
3. Enable the Add New Components button.
4. Click the Next button, and follow the installation
instructions in the Setup Wizard.
To delete installed CorelDRAW 9 components
1. Close any open CorelDRAW 9 applications.
2. On the Windows taskbar, click Start, Programs,
CorelDRAW 9, Setup and Notes, Corel Uninstall Program.
3. Click the Next button, and follow the installation
instructions in the Corel Uninstaller.
To update a CorelDRAW 9 installation
1. Close any open CorelDRAW 9 applications.
2. On the Windows taskbar, click Start, Programs,
CorelDRAW 9, Setup and Notes, Corel Setup Program.
3. Enable the Update Current Installation button.
4. Click the Next button.
5. Click the Install button.
To remove other applications to preserve disk
1. Click Start on the Windows Taskbar, then click
Settings, Control Panel.
2. Click Add/Remove Programs, then follow the
on-screen prompts.
If Add/Remove Programs does not include an option to remove the program, see if the original Setup or Install program includes an Uninstall option. If there isn't an Uninstall option, delete the program files manually or use one of the uninstall programs available from your software retailer.
Under certain circumstances, the Corel Uninstaller program may be removed from the system prematurely. Should this occur, simply copy the file uninst32.exe from the root of CD#1 to the Operating System\Corel folder (e.g., \Windows\Corel).
Setup Issues with Video Drivers
If you have an ATI Rage 128 video card and are experiencing the following problem, please download new video drivers from ATIs web page (
After going through the Setup and clicking the Install button on the Ready to install setup screen, the Setup will start to copy files and then reboot the machine without warning. After reboot, the Setup will not continue.
The new ATI Rage 128 video drivers will address this Setup problem.
Disk space requirement
Disk space required for this installation may vary depending on drive configuration. For example, a 2Kb file on a FAT (File Allocation Table) formatted disk will occupy 16Kb on a 1Gb drive, and 32Kb on a 2Gb drive. The install bases its calculation on the actual file size and not the required disk space size. Therefore, installing to a large, partitioned drive that is FAT formatted, and is quite full, lack of space errors may be encountered towards the end of the installation.
To conserve disk space on install, not all the Frames and bitmap fills will be installed. They are however, all included on the CD in their corresponding folders (\Custom\Frames and \Custom\Tiles).
Importing a *.cdr file will not maintain layers and pages.
In order to maintain the position and size of all objects created in a file while importing, press Space Bar or Enter key when the import handle appears.
Exporting a *.cdr file to a *.cmx file format will not maintain the page layout.
When saving CorelDRAW files (*.cdr) to previous versions, Visual Basic for Applications projects will not be saved with the file. A prompt to this effect will appear on save.
All roll-ups from CorelDRAW 8 have been converted to dockers. Some dockers which are not accessible from the menus can be customized in by going into Tool, Options, Customize.
Full details of Info Line on the Status bar can be viewed in its entirety by invoking its tooltip.
This feature can also be sensitive to movement when using a Pen tablet. Select and move slowly for best results.
A Texture fill is an algorithmically generated fill. Due to the complexity of these fills, only the default parameters of the Texture fill will be stored in script recordings. This affects the saving of Texture fills performed through the Favorite Fills and Outlines page in the Scrapbook Docker. Any changes to the default Texture fill will not be saved and must be re-applied after running the script or applying the Favorite Fill.
The CorelDRAW 8 clipart collection that is contained on CorelDRAW 8 CD#2 is in Corel Media Folders. To view this clipart in Windows NT 4.0, the Corel Media Folders 8 application must be installed or Internet Explorer 4.0 (Standard Installation) is required.
Some refresh issues may be encountered when editing text on systems that use a Matrox card; updating to the latest drivers (v4.12 or later) will correct the problems.
Some limitations may occur when embedding script fonts using TrueDoc.
If effects (such as blends, contours, lenses) are applied to text strings containing an embedded graphic, the graphic will not display on screen or when printed.
A discrepancy between Adobe Type1 font widths when creating and opening files across Microsoft Windows NT and Windows 9x was detected in CorelDRAW 8 and has been corrected in CorelDRAW 9. However, the new calculation has resulted in the following effects:
a) A file created in CorelDRAW 9 (running on any Operating System) then saved as a Version 8 file, will contain no font width discrepancy if opened in CorelDRAW 8 running on Windows NT, but the text will appear narrower if the file is opened in CorelDRAW 8 running on Windows 9x.
b) A file created in CorelDRAW 8 (running on Windows 9x) opened in CorelDRAW 9 (running on Windows 9x) will cause the text to appear wider (as though you had opened it in CorelDRAW 8 (running on Windows NT). A file created in CorelDRAW 8 (running on Windows NT), will open just fine in CorelDRAW 9 running on any Operating System.Asian Specific Text Featuresc) There are no problems saving and opening CorelDRAW 9 files between Operating Systems. All the discrepancies described above, affect the appearance of the file only, there is no corruption in the data in the file.
Vertical Text attributes cannot be saved in Text styles.
With the Inline-IME feature enabled, the automatic spell checking feature may not identify the misspelled text immediately.
The default font used Panose Font matching is an English font, therefore the default font must be manually changed to a Japanese Font in Tools, Options, Text, Fonts, Panose Font Matching.
Single clicking with this tool is reserved for selection purposes. You can create a straight line segment or curve by using the TAB key.
The Artistic media docker is only meant to be used for applying changes to strokes that have already been created. To change the brush type you must use the property bar.
It is not recommended that certain effects or bitmaps are used when creating and saving brush strokes. A warning dialog will let you know if the save transaction is not recommended. If you still decide to save the stroke the results are as is.
It is recommended that users avoid spraying complex objects over each other. This will result in long display times.
Several of the sample Spraylist files contain objects with low resolution texture fills. If you wish to print these to high quality media (e.g., an imagesetter, high-resolution ink jet printer, etc...), you should open these files in CorelDRAW and adjust the dpi of the texture fills accordingly.
Copy\paste and drag\drop from CorelDRAW into Microsoft® PowerPoint® 97 can be unreliable. To insert CorelDRAW objects into Microsoft® PowerPoint®, open Microsoft® PowerPoint® and select Insert\Object\CorelDRAW 9 Graphic.
To update a linked OLE object manually, select the manual radio button from the Links dialog before opening the linked object in its server application. The server application must be shut down and re-opened each time for a manual update to occur.
In order to insert a GIF, JPEG, TIF and other file types into CorelDRAW using Edit\Insert New Object, drag\drop or copy\paste, it is necessary to do a Custom installation and select the File Associations folder from both CorelDRAW and Corel PHOTO-PAINT components and check off the desired file types.
It is normal for a cropped bitmap to lose it's cropping path when certain bitmap effects are applied.
Certain bitmap effects will have color swatch and color picker tools inactive. This is because CorelDRAW does not utilize this functionality, but Corel PHOTO-PAINT does.
HTML output containing objects overlapped by form objects may yield fractured representation of the underlying object. This is dependent on browser convention for displaying the form object.
For most accurate results when creating hypergraphic objects with empty space inside the perimeter of the object, using the Trim command (and deleting the intersection object) is preferable to the Combine command. This is when the desired hotspot area will correspond to the objects outline.
When using Autocreate, and Automatically Link Similar Colors Together, a shift in color may be noticed. This is normal behavior as Color Styles set a link between the styles created and the objects in the document, and they are based on the HSB Color Model (Hue, Saturation and Brightness). The colors are converted from the documents color model (ie: CMYK) into the HSB color space and then back to the documents color model again, (CMYK).
Palette Editor
Navigation through the selected palette can be done using the arrow keys on the keyboard, but Enter, Spacebar, or F2 will need to be selected in order to update the Name field.
The Eyedropper in "Selection" mode will always return an RGB value in the Color Docker, when an area of 25 pixels or greater is selected.
The Eyedropper is a tool for the selection of color only, and will not pick up other properties, such as Outline Width, etc.
Multiple OnScreen Palettes
The ability to drag a color from one palette to another is only possible when the palette that you are dragging the color to is a custom palette. In other words, an editable palette. Fixed Palettes will not accept other colors.
Tinting of Objects or Color Mixing
When an object has a fill or an outline or both, you can tint or mix colors. To tint a fill only you use the CTRL + Click on a color. To tint an outline only, you use the CTRL + ALT+ Click on a color. To tint both the Fill and the Outline at the same time, you use CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+Click on a color.
Postscript Fills
Postscript Fills may take longer to render to the screen than other types of fills. To speed the display time of the Postscript Fill, deselect the "Show Postscript fills in enhanced view" setting in the Workspaces under Display. Deselecting this will not allow you to see the actual fill, but rather a "PS" placeholder.
CorelDRAW 9 allows you to enter dates into the Object Data Manager (ODM) datasheet for both the 20th and 21st centuries while still using 2-digit shortcuts. If you enter 00 to 49, the date will be assumed to be 2000 to 2049. If you enter 50 to 99, the date will be assumed to be 1950 to 1999. You can override the century assumption by entering 4 digits for the year, such as 4/26/2097.
To edit dates in the Object Data Manager:
If you remove and reenter the last two digits of a date entered into an ODM datasheet, the original century will remain. If you remove all 4 digits and reenter the last two digits, the century will be assumed according to the cutoff dates described above. If you want to change the century assumption, you must enter all 4 digits for the date.
To set the Object Data Manager datasheet display to default to 4 digits:
When you create a new ODM datasheet in CorelDRAW 8, the default date display is set to 2 digits. We recommend that you change the date default to display all 4 digits so that you can easily see which century is being assumed for the dates entered and displayed. To do this, double click on the field, which opens the Object Data Field Editor. Click on Change (under Format), and choose Format Type > Date/Time. Then select a 4 digit year display.
Dates entered into the Object Data Manager datasheets are stored as serial numbers. For example, if you typed a 1 into a date formatted datasheet, it would be displayed as 12/31/1899.
Corel Corporation has a Year 2000 policy web site. For the latest information, feel free to visit the site at
Layout/Switch page orientation only changes the orientation of the current page.
.CPT files created in previous versions will be opened as CPT 9 files. When you save the files, they will be saved as CPT 9. If you wish to save out a .CPT file in a previous version, you can use the File - Save As command.
File Open - Partial Load is now only available for movie format files.
Undo/Redo Docker keeps track of all steps done in Corel PHOTO-PAINT, this new feature can be used to undo steps. You can save these steps and run them from the Recorder docker or edit them through Corel SCRIPT Editor. Note that Edit - Undo and Edit - Redo are still available for use.
The default Undo Level in Corel PHOTO-PAINT 9 have been increased to 10. To improve in performance on slower machines, you can decrease the number of Undo Levels.
Corel SCRIPT Editor
If you have CorelDRAW 8 still active on your system, and install CorelDRAW 9 Suite (with Script Editor enabled on setup), the Corel SCRIPT Editor will no longer work. This can be easily fixed by copying the SCINT78.dll from the CorelDRAW 8 CD (Redist Folder) back onto your system folder (Windows 95/98) or System32 Folder (Windows NT). Both Editors will then work correctly.
The ContactSheet script is only working with file types specified in the Contact Sheet dialog box. Also when choosing a destination folder for the generated file, choose the same folder as your initial files.
A workaround to use the older paths in version 9 is to convert paths to mask in Corel PHOTO-PAINT 8. Save the masks and open in Corel PHOTO-PAINT 9. You may then use the Mask to Path function to convert them back in to vectors. Another option would be to save the file in Version 8 as an EPS file with a clipping path. The Clipping path will load as a path in Version 9.
Under certain circumstances, de-selecting a highlighted
piece of text becomes difficult, simply press one of the arrow keys on
the keyboard to
de-select the text
Editing Text objects
Editing text objects created in previous versions will cause single text objects to shift position a little. Multiple line text objects will shift significantly more. This is due to changes in the way that we handle text in the Corel PHOTO-PAINT 9.
Text spacing
Text sizing and spacing may appear differently in Version 9 due to fixes to the Text engine since Version 8.
Drop Shadow Performance Issue - Perspective Mode.
Users may encounter slow refresh rates when adding to an object that has a perspective Drop Shadow. Objects with flat Drop Shadows do not exhibit this behavior.
Though the Effects menu > Blur > Tune, ... > Noise > Tune, and ... > Sharpen > Tune are disabled for images in paletted color mode, these effects will work with duotone images. However, when previewing the effect in on-screen preview mode, the in-dialog thumbnail images with display in grayscale only.
LAB Color Mode
Due to the differences in the LAB color mode, it is recommended to apply certain effects in RGB mode, then convert to LAB mode. The following effects work best if first applied in RGB mode then converted to LAB mode.
Format Plug-ins (Plug-ins that appear in the Filter list for File - Open/Save and Import/Export dialogs) can now be installed to any location. They no longer have to be placed within the \Filters\Plugins directory.
When you using the repeat command, the plug-in
user interface is not necessarily accessed again. However this feature
varies with plug-ins. This pertains to the following 3 areas:
i) Edit - > Repeat (CTRL+L)
ii) Effects - > Repeat
iii) Undo/Redo list (Docker)
If you run into an error when trying to use an Extensis plug-in - "Could not load registration libraries, please reinstall plugin", this occurs because the file EtoolBox.dll was installed to another directory. Do a search for the file EtoolBox.dll , usually found in the area of where you installed the plug-in or in the Corel PHOTO-PAINT directory. After finding the file, copy it into the directory (where you had installed it to).
Input/Output plug-ins are supported for File - Open/Save and Export but not File - Import.
QuickTime® MOV and QuickTime® VR
To Open/Save QuickTime® MOV and QuickTime® VR files in Corel PHOTO-PAINT, you will need to have QuickTime® 3.0.2 or greater installed on your machine and have installed the associated animation filters from the CorelDRAW 9 Setup. Both MOV and QTVR filters are installed, by default, in a Typical CorelDRAW 9 installation. An Installer for QuickTime® 3.0.2 is included on the CorelDRAW 9 CD#1 and can be accessed from the Intro.exe located at the root of the CD.
Movie Compression schemes on File - Save
Compression options are provided by your Operating System and Third Party Sources for the different movie file formats. Not all compression options will save the movie correctly if the width of the movie is an odd number of pixels. To avoid this problem, resample your movie so that the movie width is an even number of pixels.
MOV format file with Sound track
It is not recommended to change the frame rate or number of frames for a MOV file which contains a Sound track. Doing so may cause corruption of the sound track or the addition of extra frames at end of movie to extend the movie to the length of the sound track.
QuickTime® MOV Compression dialog in Asian Localized Operating Systems
Some of the text in the QuickTime® MOV Compression dialog is unreadable in Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional and Korean Asian Operating Systems. Specifically, the drop down lists for the "Compressor", "Color depth" and "Frames per second" functions are affected. Clicking Ok in the dialog will still allow you to save the file using the default compression settings. Note: The QuickTime® MOV Compression dialog appears when you save a QuickTime® MOV format file and is provided by QuickTime®.
QuickTime® VR and Hot Spots
To reduce the operating time (loading hot spot and linked object) when playing a panorama movie file in QuickTime®, we recommend that you create Hotspot links from rectangular objects or non-rectangular objects without Anti-Aliased edges.
The Italic and the Bold buttons are not available for all Japanese and Korean fonts. Bold is not available in CorelDRAW or Corel PHOTO-PAINT for Korean Windows 95. These are Windows Specific issues.
Extracted profiles are saved in CorelDRAW Suite's Color folder as filename.icm. This profile will show up in CorelDRAW9 Suite's profile selection menus using its internal Manufacturer and Model tags. When selecting an ICC profile in the Profiles dialog, the description box will display the complete path and filename of the selected ICC profile.
CPT files are supported for versions 7 through 9.
Double click previews are support for CDR, CMX only.
There is a limit of 25 images per catalog. Only 2 catalogs may be open simultaneously.
Corel Media folders are supported. Notes and Keywords assigned within Corel Media Folders are not maintained in Canto® Cumulus® Desktop LE 4.
Spell Checker:
Afrikaans, Catalan, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English
(US, UK, CE, OZ), Finnish, French (FR, CF), Galician, German (DE,
SD), Greek, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese,
Russian, Slovak, Sotho, Spanish (ES, EA), Swedish, Turkish, Tswana, Xhosa,
Catalan, Danish, Dutch, English (US), English
(UK), Finnish, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish,
Dutch, English (US, UK, CE, OZ), German (DE,
SD), French (FR, CF), Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish (ES, EA), Swedish
Afrikaans, Catalan, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English
(US, UK, CE, OZ), Finnish, French (FR, CF), Galician, German (DE, SD),
Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Slovak,
Sotho, Spanish (ES, EA), Swedish, Tswana, Xhosa, Zulu
CorelDRAW 9.0 and Corel WordPerfect Office 2000 share common Writing Tool files and registry entries. It is for this reason that, should WordPerfect Office 2000 and CorelDRAW 9 both be installed on the same system, the Writing Tool languages installed will be available within both software applications.
The default VENTURA.INI file can be edited with any text editor and is located in C:\COREL\GRAPHICS8\WORKSPACE\VENTURA8\_DEFAULT. You should not have Corel VENTURA running when editing VENTURA.INI.