102 Removable Disk 103 Compressed Disk 104 Fixed Disk 105 The chosen directory does not exist. Would you like the setup to create it? 106 Browse Directory 108 The directory could not be created. You may not have write access. 109 The directory exists, however you do not have write access to this location. 110 The UNC path provided could not be opened because it does not exist. 111 The UNC path provided exists, however either you do not have write access, or you have not logged on properly to this drive. 112 You do not have access to this drive(directory). 113 The drive provided could not be accessed because it does not exist. 114 Welcome to %1 Floppy Setup 2001 Software\Corel 2002 (TrueType) 2003 Setup\Project.csw|Setup\Comp.csw 2004 COREL\SETUP.LOG 2005 /:*?"<>|,~ 2006 /\:*?"<>|,~ 2007 I&nstall 2008 Network Based &Setup 2009 CD-ROM Based &Setup 2010 Allows you to leave some files on the Network for any of the above setups. You will save disk space, but you will be required to have access to the network each time you wish to run the program. 2011 Allows you to leave some files on the CD-ROM for any of the above setups. You will save disk space, but you will be required to insert the CD-ROM each time you wish to run the program. 2012 The following components have been found your system. The version on your system is newer and they will not be installed. 2013 Select destination drive 2014 Drive 2015 Available space 2016 Required 2017 Dictionaries 2018 You must select at least one Spell Checker language before continuing. 2019 &Accept 2020 &Decline 2021 &Next > 2022 &Cancel 2023 Leave files on &CD (%1) 2024 Select the drive(s) where %1 can make temporary files. Select drive(s) by clicking on the check box. 2025 NOTE: Your current system 'TEMP PATH' will not be modified. This path is for %1 temporary files only. 2026 Temporary Folder(s) Selection 2027 To preview a particular font, expand the font group and double-click on its name. 2028 Click on a font name to see a preview. 2029 You do not have administrator privileges on this machine.\n\nSetup cannot continue. 2030 Please select a folder where you would like to install %1: 2031 You have changed the destination from the suggested folder. It is recommended that you install to the suggested folder. A previous installation was detected there and it could save you some disk space.\n\nWould you like to switch to the default folder? 2032 backup of 2033 Drive type 2034 Removable 2035 Fixed 2036 Remote 2037 CD-ROM 2038 Ramdisk 2039 \COREL\COREL.CSW 2040 Please wait while the setup wizard initializes. 2041 Please wait while the setup wizard updates your install information. 2042 Color Profiles 2043 Corel\\RECOVERY.CSW 2044 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\COREL\SETUP_WIZARD\9.0\ 2045 Recovery 2046 Resume Installation 2047 The previous installation of %1 was interrupted.\nPlease select what you would like to do. 2048 You have previously installed %1. Would you like to install additional components?\nPlease select what you would like to do. 2049 Add additional components 2050 Network Administrator Options 2051 Corel\\NETREC.CSW 2052 Corel\\WSREC.CSW 2053 Select your Shared Windows System Folder. 2054 Workstation Install Options 2055 Please wait while the setup wizard initializes the fonts tree. 2056 Unable to preview this font. 2057 Sorry, the source path does not seem to be a valid path.\nYou may need to map a drive to this network location. 2058 S&ave RSP 2059 Please select a component that you wish to change the destination for and try again. 2060 An invalid destination path was entered at the command prompt.\nPlease enter a valid drive and path. 2061 An invalid source path was entered at the command prompt.\nPlease enter a valid drive and path. 2062 The response file cannot be created.\nPlease check the filename and/or path and try again. 2063 Destination 2064 You cannot use long path name in Short Mode 2065 &Page Down > 2066 The log file cannot be created.\nPlease check the available space and/or path and try again. 2067 RSP File not found : 2068 COREL\COMPLIST.CSW 2069 The ShowComp file cannot be created.\nPlease check the filename and/or path and try again. 2070 **Root of drive selected** 2071 You have to enter one or more numbers between 0 to 3 after /Batch 2072 The %1 cannot be created.\nYour drive(%2) is Read only. 2073 The %1 cannot be created.\nPlease check the filename and/or path and try again. 2074 Not enough disk space on drive (%1) to create the %2 2075 Successfully compressed: 2076 Error compressing: 2077 Successfully decompressed: 2078 Error decompressing: 2079 Successfully split: 2080 Error splitting: 2081 Successfully merged: 2082 Error merging: 2083 Installation to floppy complete. 2084 Installation to floppy incomplete. 2085 Installation from floppy complete. 2086 Installation from floppy incomplete. 2087 Welcome to the Corel Floppy Disk Image Creator. The setup will allow you select components you wish to include as part of the floppy setup. It will compress them into image files. These image files will be placed onto your hard drive in separate numbered directories. Simply copy the contents of each directory onto a disk when you are ready to install. 2088 Welcome to the Corel Floppy Disk Installer : from the floppy. The setup will allow you to choose what components you wish to install, depending on what components where installed to the floppy.\n\nClick next to continue. 2089 Disk 2090 .cfi 2091 Please insert the last disk. 2092 Please insert disk %1\n\n 2093 Disk %1 is currently inserted 2094 There is no disk in the drive 2095 An unknown disk has been inserted 2096 Error reading disk 2097 Incorrect Disk 2098 Creating disk 2099 Extracting selected component(s) from 2100 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\nABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ\n1234567890 . : , ; ( " * ! ? ' )\nThe quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. 2101 The Following Component was not found and will not be installed: %s 2102 - 2103 This program will install components of %1\nto your system. 2104 The Corel Setup Wizard is ready to install %1.\nWhen you are ready to begin, click 'Install'. 2105 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Corel WordPerfect Suite 8 2106 UninstallString 2107 Corel\S8Uninst.exe 2108 OldString 2109 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Corel\Products\WordPerfect\8 2110 The response file cannot be created in silent mode. 2111 REGISTER.SEQ 2112 Preload.ini 2113 Corel\S8Uninst.csw 2114 COREL\StpLnch.exe 2115 Digital Cameras 2300 Welcome to the Corel Setup Wizard 2301 Welcome to %1 Setup 2302 User information 2303 Your product serial number 2304 Setup options 2305 Components 2306 Filters 2307 Fonts 2308 Destination folder 2309 Shortcut folder 2310 Ready to install 2311 Welcome to %1 Administrator Setup 2312 Welcome to %1 Workstation Setup 2313 License Agreement 2314 Scanners 2315 Component Destination 2400 &Typical (%1) 2401 &Compact (%1) 2402 C&ustom (currently %1) 2403 Common components 2404 currently 2405 &Leave files on network (currently %1) 2406 &Install files locally (currently %1) 2500 Preparing to copy files 2501 Copying file 2502 Registering file 2503 Creating shortcut 2504 You must accept the license agreement before continuing.\nDo you want to exit the setup? 2505 2506 Finalizing installation. This may take some time, please wait... 2507 Installation complete 2508 Installing %1 2509 Preparing for setup 2600 Cancel Setup 2601 Setup has not completed.\nDo you want to exit without installing any components? 2602 You are currently in the process of installing components.\nIf you exit now, your components will not be installed correctly.\n\nAre you sure you want to cancel? 2603 Are you sure you want to exit without creating the response file? 2604 Please type in your full name before continuing. 2605 Please type in your company name before continuing. 2606 A directory cannot contain any of the following characters:\n / * ? \ " < > | , 2608 You may not have enough free space on the destination drive to complete the installation.\nDo you want to proceed anyway?\n\n(It is recommended that you click 'No', and select a different directory.) 2610 You may not have enough free space on your Windows drive to complete the installation.\nDo you want proceed anyway?\n\n(It is recommended that you click 'No', and select a different directory.) 2611 The serial number you have entered is invalid.\nWithout a proper serial number you cannot get access to technical support.\n\nDo you wish to continue anyway?\n(Click 'No' to re-enter your serial number.) 2612 You must have a valid serial number to continue. 2613 Setup could not create the destination directory.\nPlease ensure you have selected a valid path and try again. 2614 A folder cannot contain any of the following characters:\n / : * ? " < > | , 2615 A folder cannot contain any of the following characters:\n /\:*?"<>|,~ 2616 Please enter a folder name before continuing. 2618 A required source file was not found: 2619 Could not install file to destination: 2620 You have not selected anything to install.\nPlease go back and select one or more items before continuing. 2621 If you have internet access you can register via our Registration Web Site.\nDo you wish to register now? 2622 The destination you have selected is the root directory of a drive.\nIt is recommended that you choose a subdirectory of a drive.\nDo you wish to install to the root anyway? 2623 The fonts directory you have selected is the root directory of a drive.\nIt is recommended that you choose a subdirectory of a drive.\nDo you wish to install to the root anyway? 2624 I could not create the fonts directory,\nplease ensure you have selected a valid path and try again. 2625 You may not have enough free space on your fonts drive to complete the installation.\nDo you want proceed anyway?\n\n(It is recommended that you click 'No', and select a different directory.) 2626 Some files were installed which require the system to be restarted.\nYou should restart your system before running any of the applications. 2627 Some files were installed which require the system to be restarted.\nWould you like to restart your computer now?\n\n(If you choose to restart, the screen may go blank or flicker.\nPlease be patient while setup restarts your machine.) 2628 Installing too many fonts can cause Windows to perform slowly. You already have a large number of fonts installed. It is recommended that you uninstall some Windows fonts before continuing.\nDo you wish to ignore this warning and continue? 2629 Installing too many fonts can cause Windows to perform slowly. You have selected fonts that will bring your system total to more than 500 fonts installed. It is recommended that you deselect some fonts before continuing.\nDo you wish to ignore this warning and continue? 2630 Installing too many fonts can cause Windows to perform slowly. The TYPICAL install you have selected includes fonts that will bring your system total to more than 500 fonts installed. It is recommended that you go BACK, and choose a CUSTOM install.\nDo you wish to ignore this warning and continue? 2631 Installing too many fonts can cause Windows to perform slowly. The COMPACT install you have selected includes fonts that will bring your system total to more than 500 fonts installed. It is recommended that you go BACK, and choose a CUSTOM install.\nDo you wish to ignore this warning and continue? 2632 Installing too many fonts will cause Windows to perform improperly. You must deselect some fonts to continue. You may also uninstall some fonts from Windows and restart the Corel Setup. 2633 Installing too many fonts will cause Windows to perform improperly. You must uninstall some fonts from Windows and restart the Corel Setup. 2634 You must choose a default language. 2635 Applications 2636 Filters 2637 Writing Tools 2638 Color Profiles 2639 Fonts 2640 &Help 2641 < &Back 2642 (Installed) 2643 Please select the type of setup that most applies to you. 2644 &Recovery Setup 2645 The setup has detected that the previous installation of this product did not finish. It is recommended that you select this option to complete the unfinished installation. 2646 &Do not recover previous install attempt 2647 Select this option to abort the previously incomplete setup, and start a new one. 2648 &Add New Components 2649 Select this option to add new components to your currently installed 2650 &Update Current Installation 2651 Select this option to refresh the files and configurations for your currently installed . 2652 Cus&tom Setup 2653 This option allows you select from the available install types and options. 2654 Some files were installed which require the system to be restarted.\nSetup will now restart your computer and continue. 2655 I cannot create the shared directory,\nplease ensure you have selected(entered) a valid path and drive. 2656 The shared directory you have selected is the root directory of a drive.\nIt is recommended that you choose a subdirectory of a drive.\nDo you wish to install to the root anyway? 2657 Digital Cameras 2700 Installation complete! 2701 Installation incomplete 2702 Your installation is complete.\nThank you and enjoy %1. 2703 The setup wizard did not complete the installation successfully. You must rerun this setup program again if you wish to run %1. 2704 A required initialization file was not found:\n 2705 Unable to Backup: 2706 Response File:\n (%1)\n successfully created. 2707 The destination drive you have selected does not support long file names and the product you are installing requires them. Please select another drive to install to. 2708 ShowComp File:\n(%1)\n successfully created. 2709 Save the Response file As: 2710 Response Files (*.rsp)|*.rsp|All Files (*.*)|*.*| 2800 The destination drive (%1) has %2 free space. 2801 Your installation requires %1 of this space 2802 %1 of space on your Windows drive (%2) 2803 %1 of space on your fonts drive (%2) 2804 , \n 2805 , \nand 2806 to 2807 It is possible you do not have enough free space to continue. 2808 Unable to restart windows : Error(%1), you must manually restart for the changes to take effect. 2809 Registering File: 2810 Another instance of this program is currently running. 2811 Drive(s): 2812 Space Available: 2813 Not Determined 2814 Not Available 2815 Fixed Drive 2816 Network Drive 2817 CDROM 2818 RAMDISK 2819 Drive Type: 2820 Volume Label: 2821 Removable Drive 2822 (Required)" 2823 (Suggested)" 2824 Screen Colors 2825 RAM Memory 2826 CPU 2827 Operating System 2828 Screen Resolution 2829 System Attribute: 2830 Required or Suggested 2831 Current System 2832 The following system requirements or suggestions were not met. \nClick Yes to continue the setup or click No to cancel the setup. 2833 The following system requirements or suggestions were not met. \nThe setup cannot continue. 2834 \Setup\Slfregen.exe 2835 \Corel\Slfregen.exe 2836 Selfreg 2837 \Corel\Selfreg.dat 2838 Successfully Created directory: 2839 Successfully Processed: 2840 Successfully Copied file: 2841 to 2842 Successfully Updated information file: 2843 Successfully Registered file: 2844 Successfully Customized file: 2845 Successfully Created shortcut: 2846 Successfully Installed font: 2847 Successfully backed up file: 2848 Successfully deleted file: 2849 Unable to launch executable or DLL: 2850 An Unknown Error Occurred 2851 Creating directory 2852 Updating installation, please wait. 2853 Updating information file. 2854 Customizing file 2855 Installing font 2856 Checking previous install 2857 Fonts Destination Folder 2858 User Name 2859 Some Fonts Selected 2860 Workspace profiles 2861 \\SERVER1\SHARE1 2862 \WORKSPACE 2863 You have chosen to use UNC paths, you must identify your server with two slashes i.e. '\\server1\share1' 2864 You have chosen to use drives, you cannot enter UNC paths. 2865 Section : 2866 Key : 2867 Value : 2868 Search For : 2869 Replace With : 2870 Error Setting Directory Attributes: 2871 The following system requirements or suggestions were not met. But the setup will continue. 2872 Your installation requires %1 2873 You are not allowed to enter removable drives. 2874 Successfully appended file: 2875 File Successfully NOT copied, (file with newer version found): 2876 File Successfully NOT copied, (file with newer date found): 2877 File Successfully NOT copied (Residual install): 2878 Successfully copied file on Reboot: 2879 File copy error: 2880 Successfully copied file (with version checking): 2881 Successfully copied file (with date and size checking): 2882 File Successfully NOT copied, (Never Overwrite): 2883 Backup 2884 Backing up 2885 File Successfully deleted, (File not found): 2886 Could not delete file: 2887 Could not set attributes: 2888 File Successfully copied, (Never Overwrite): 2889 (with version checking): 2890 (with date and size checking): 2891 (Never Overwrite): 2892 Could not create path: 2893 Insufficient Space: 2894 (Append): 2895 Could not register font: 2896 Error writing profile string: 2897 Successfully wrote profile string: 2898 Unable to Customize File: 2899 File Not Found: 2900 Search and Replace Error: 2901 Error Registering File: 2902 LoadLibrary("%1") failed.\nGetLastError returns %2. 2903 DLL Register Failed: 2904 Get Proc Address Failed: 2905 Error creating shortcut: 2906 Sharing violation -- file in use by another user: 2907 Launch and wait success: 2908 Successfully launched: 2909 Shell execute success: 2910 WinExec Success: 2911 Error executing file: 2912 Launch and wait failed: 2913 Launch Failed: 2914 Shell execute failed: 2915 WinExec Failed: 2916 Launch returned 0x01: 2917 Launch returned 0x02: 2918 Launch returned 0x03: 2919 Launch returned 0x04: 2970 Corel\\Corel.rsp 2971 Successfully registered Font 2972 Font copied on reboot, successfully not registered 2973 Error registering Font 2974 Binding File 2975 error during bind 2976 Successfully performed Bind on file 2977 Self Registering 2978 Binding File 2979 Successfuly set default string: 2980 Successfully set registry string: 2981 Successfully added key: 2982 Successfully set dword: 2983 Error, Invalid Root Key: 2984 Error, Value is for Root Key only: 2985 Error, Use Root Key only: 2986 Error setting default string: 2987 Error adding key: 2988 Error, default key is not a string: 2989 Error setting DWORD: 2990 Error DWORD is to large: 2991 Source Folder 2992 Destination Folder 2993 Font Folder 2994 Shortcut Folder 2995 Install Locale 2996 Install Sub-Locale 2997 Default Writing Tools Language 2998 This program will install components of to your system. \n\n\nClick 'Next' to start the installation. 2999 No Font Directory for Admin Install. Files are copied only. 3000 No shortcuts are created for admin install. 3001 Forced install on reboot: 3002 Are you sure you want to delete the directory (%1) and all its contents permanently? 3003 Delete Confirm 3004 System Locale 3005 System Sub-Locale 3087 Default Language 3088 Setup Option 3089 Typical 3090 Compact 3091 Custom 3092 Yes 3093 No 3094 Residual 3095 OleInitialize Failed: 3096 AUTO-RETRY: 3097 Error loading imagehlp.dll 3098 Fatal Exception: 3099 Shared Folder 3100 The name you entered already exists.Folder cannot be renamed. 3101 Error: (%1) could not be renamed. 3102 Error: Access denied to file:(%1) 3103 Error: Cannot access the file :(%1)\nbecause it is being used by another process. 3104 Error: Access denied to path:(%1) 3105 Error: Cannot access the path :(%1)\nbecause it is being used by another process. 57344 Corel Setup Wizard 57345 Please Select Removable Media Size 57346 720KB 57347 1.44 MB 57348 2.88 MB 57349 100 MB 57350 250 MB 57351 640 MB 57352 Other size... 57358 KB 57359 MB 57360 Please enter a valid floppy size 57361 Custom Floppy Size 57362 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\COREL\ADMIN_SETUP\Network Administrator Options 57363 \setup\shfolder.dll 57364 Setup has not created all the files necessary for installing %1 from floppies. You must run floppy creator again if you wish to create all the files necessary for a floppy setup. 57365 File creation incomplete 57366 The Corel Setup Wizard has finished creating all necessary files. You can now copy them to floppies for a future installation of %1. 57367 File Creation Complete 57368 OK 61440 Open 61441 Save As 61442 All Files (*.*) 61443 Untitled 61446 an unnamed file 61457 &Hide 61472 No error message is available. 61473 An unsupported operation was attempted. 61474 A required resource was unavailable. 61475 Out of memory. 61476 An unknown error has occurred. 61696 Invalid filename. 61697 Failed to open document. 61698 Failed to save document. 61699 Save changes to %1? 61700 Failed to create empty document. 61701 The file is too large to open. 61702 Could not start print job. 61703 Failed to launch help. 61704 Internal application error. 61705 Command failed. 61706 Insufficient memory to perform operation. 61707 System registry entries have been removed and the INI file (if any) was deleted. 61708 Not all of the system registry entries (or INI file) were removed. 61709 This program requires the file %s, which was not found on this system. 61710 This program is linked to the missing export %s in the file %s. This machine may have an incompatible version of %s. 61712 Please enter an integer. 61713 Please enter a number. 61714 Please enter an integer between %1 and %2. 61715 Please enter a number between %1 and %2. 61716 Please enter no more than %1 characters. 61717 Please select a button. 61718 Please enter an integer between 0 and 255. 61719 Please enter a positive integer. 61720 Please enter a date and/or time. 61721 Please enter a currency. 61728 Unexpected file format. 61729 %1\nCannot find this file.\nPlease verify that the correct path and file name are given. 61730 Destination disk drive is full. 61731 Unable to read from %1, it is opened by someone else. 61732 Unable to write to %1, it is read-only or opened by someone else. 61733 An unexpected error occurred while reading %1. 61734 An unexpected error occurred while writing %1. 61836 Unable to read write-only property. 61837 Unable to write read-only property. 61840 Unable to load mail system support. 61841 Mail system DLL is invalid. 61842 Send Mail failed to send message. 61856 No error occurred. 61857 An unknown error occurred while accessing %1. 61858 %1 was not found. 61859 %1 contains an invalid path. 61860 %1 could not be opened because there are too many open files. 61861 Access to %1 was denied. 61862 An invalid file handle was associated with %1. 61863 %1 could not be removed because it is the current directory. 61864 %1 could not be created because the directory is full. 61865 Seek failed on %1 61866 A hardware I/O error was reported while accessing %1. 61867 A sharing violation occurred while accessing %1. 61868 A locking violation occurred while accessing %1. 61869 Disk full while accessing %1. 61870 An attempt was made to access %1 past its end. 61872 No error occurred. 61873 An unknown error occurred while accessing %1. 61874 An attempt was made to write to the reading %1. 61875 An attempt was made to access %1 past its end. 61876 An attempt was made to read from the writing %1. 61877 %1 has a bad format. 61878 %1 contained an unexpected object. 61879 %1 contains an incorrect schema. 61888 pixels