1 An internal error occurred while reading this VRML file. 2 Insufficient memory 3 File '%s' does not exist or is inaccessible. 4 File '%s' is not a recognizable VRML file.\n\n(Versions 1.0, 1.1, 2.0, and 97 of VRML are supported.) 5 Nodes of type '%s' are not supported and have been ignored. 6 The '%s' field of '%s' nodes is not supported and has been ignored. 7 Nodes of type '%s' contain animation, sound, or other dynamic information and have been ignored. 8 The '%s' field of '%s' nodes contains animation, sound, or other dynamic information and has been ignored. 9 International characters (UTF-8 encoding) were encountered in the input file. They have been converted to underscores ('_'). 10 Syntax error: Double '[' detected. '[' cannot be nested. 11 Syntax error: Unmatched ']' detected. Make sure you use '[' before using ']'. 12 Syntax error: String expected. 13 Syntax error: Unexpected character '%c'. 14 Syntax error: Unexpected unprintable character. 15 Syntax error: Badly formed integer. 16 Syntax error: Badly formed floating-point number. 17 Syntax error: Badly formed boolean value. 18 Syntax error: Badly formed identifier. 19 Syntax error: String contains illegal characters or is improperly formatted. 20 File is not valid VRML or contains unsupported VRML features.\n\n(This Beta version of the VRML filter does not yet support all features of VRML\nand may not be able to import some models.) 21 Could not open inline '%s'. It has been ignored. 22 Inline '%s' is not a valid VRML file. It has been ignored. 23 Inline '%s' is not the same version of VRML as the file that is including it. It has been ignored. 40 Line %li: