15435 Puzzle 15436 Gears 15437 Marbles 15438 Candy 15439 Ceramic Tile 15440 Poker Chips 15441 Ignore 15442 Color 15505 Original Image 15506 Inverse Image 15507 Black 15508 White 15509 Other 15511 Lite Pegs 15512 Building Blocks 15513 Finger Paint 15514 Paint By Numbers 15515 Sprayed Stroke 15516 Round Stroke 15517 Default 15518 Cotton Ball 15519 Ice Cube 15520 Sponge 15521 Default 15522 Last Used 15523 Remove Light Style 15524 Remove '%s' ? 15525 Can't remove '%s'. 15526 Modify Light Style 15527 Modify '%s' ? 15528 Can't modify '%s'. 15529 None 15530 Ambient 15531 Spotlight 15532 Omni 15533 Directional 15534 Light 15535 Position 15536 Blue Omni 15537 Default 15538 Five Down 15539 Five Up 15540 Floodlight 15541 RGB Lights 15542 Texturize 15543 Three Up 15544 Three Down 15545 Square 15546 Round 15547 Line 15548 Cross 15549 Fixed 4x4 15550 Fixed 8x8 15551 Line Art 15552 Ordered 15553 Jarvis 15554 Stucki 15555 Floyd-Steinberg 15556 Halftone 15557 Cardinality-Distribution 15558 Plug-In Folders 15559 Select a Plug-In Folder 15560 Plug-in File 15561 The selected plug-in directory is either a duplicate or not a fixed local drive and will be deleted. 15562 Plug-Ins 15563 Plug-In directories must be on fixed local drives. 15564 The directory %s does not exist. Do you wish to create it? 15565 Directory Options 15566 The specified directory could not be created. 15567 One 15568 Two 15569 Three 15570 Four 15571 Five 15572 Six 15573 Seven 15574 Eight 15575 Nine 15576 Ten 15577 Eleven 15578 Twelve 15579 Thirteen 15580 Fourteen 15581 Fifteen 15582 Sixteen 15583 Seventeen 15584 Eighteen 15585 Nineteen 15586 Twenty 15587 Brush: 15588 No Variation 15589 Randomly 15590 By Radial Distance 15591 By Vertical Position 15592 By Horizontal Position 15593 By Hue 15594 By Saturation 15595 By Brightness 15596 Center: 15597 Edge: 15598 This: 15599 That: 15600 Top: 15601 Bottom: 15602 Left: 15603 Right: 15604 Warm: 15605 Cool: 15606 Unsaturated: 15607 Saturated: 15608 Dark: 15609 Bright: 15610 From left to right 15611 From top to bottom 15612 From dark to bright 15613 From center to edge 15614 From unsaturated to saturated 15615 From warm to cool 15616 Between this and that 15617 Set brush angle 15618 Set brush size 15619 Set brush transparency 15620 Angle: 15621 Size: 15622 Transparency: 15623 Load Brush 15624 Brushed 15625 Layered 15626 Thick 15627 Thin 15628 Needlepoint 15629 Rug Hooking 15630 Quilt 15631 Strings 15632 Ribbons 15633 Tissue Collage 15634 Load Displacement Map Files 15635 (no file) 15636 Shear Map Files (*.shr)|*.shr| 15637 Load Shear Map Files 15638 Save Shear Map Files 15639 This is not a PHOTO-PAINT 8.0 Shear Map File! 15640 Draft 15641 Better 15642 Best 15643 Load Canvas Map Files 15644 (no file) 15645 Monotone 15646 Duotone 15647 Tritone 15648 Quadtone 15649 Tone 1 + 2 15650 Tone 1 + 3 15651 Tone 1 + 4 15652 Tone 2 + 3 15653 Tone 2 + 4 15654 Tone 3 + 4 15655 Tone 1 + 2 + 3 15656 Tone 1 + 2 + 4 15657 Tone 1 + 3 + 4 15658 Tone 2 + 3 + 4 15659 Tone 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 15660 Pos 15661 % 15662 Load Duotone Files 15663 Save Duotone Files 15664 Duotone Files (*.cpd)|*.cpd|Ink Files (*.cik)|*.cik| 15665 Unnamed Color 15666 Default 15667 Options 15668 Range Sensitivity 15669 Processed Palette 15670 Batch 15671 Uniform 15672 Standard VGA 15673 Adaptive 15674 Optimized 15675 Black body 15676 Grayscale 15677 System 15678 Microsoft Internet Explorer 15679 Netscape Navigator(TM) 15680 Custom 15681 None 15682 Ordered 15683 Jarvis 15684 Stucki 15685 Floyd-Steinberg 15686 Index: 15687 R,G,B: 15688 Hex: 15689 8 bits(256 colors) 15690 4 bits(16 colors) 15691 2 bits(4 colors) 15693 Meshwarp Files (*.msh)|*.msh| 15694 Default 15695 Load Meshwarp Files 15696 Save Meshwarp Files 15697 Mesh Warp 15698 Delete the current style? 15699 RGB Channels 15700 Red Channel 15701 Green Channel 15702 Blue Channel 15703 CMYK Channels 15704 Cyan Channel 15705 Magenta Channel 15706 Yellow Channel 15707 Black Channel 15708 Gray Channel 15709 Index Channel 15710 Lab Channels 15711 Lightness Channel 15712 a Channel 15713 b Channel 15714 Current Mask 15715 Curve 15716 Linear 15717 Freehand 15718 Gamma 15719 Load Tone Curve Files 15720 Save Tone Curve Files 15721 Tone Curve Files (*.crv)|*.crv|Paint 7 - Tone Map Files (*.map)|*.map| 15722 Incompatible color model in this Tone Curve File. 15723 This is not a PHOTO-PAINT 8.0 Tone Curve File! 15724 This is not a PHOTO-PAINT 7.0 Tone Map File! 15725 This is an invalid file type. 15726 Photo Paint 7 Tone Map file 15727 Default 15728 Brush Strokes 15729 Crystallize 15730 Fountains 15731 Rings 15732 Smudger 15733 Super Warpo 15734 Are you sure you want to remove %s ? 15735 A problem occurred when opening the file. 15736 A problem occurred when reading the file. 15737 A problem occurred when writing the file. The disk may be full. 15738 A problem occurred when closing the file. 15739 Error 15740 Gaussian 15741 Flat 15742 Mesa 15743 Paint 15744 Paper 15745 Leaded 15746 Default 15747 Paint Color 15748 Paper Color 15749 Lens 15750 Colored lens 15751 Smooth 15752 Warp 15753 Wet 15755 No Effects... 15756 Sample 15757 Target 15758 Exists 15759 Preset 15760 Last Used 15761 Default 15762 Last Used may not be deleted. 15763 Delete Preset? 15764 Cannot save as Last Used. 15765 Add Preset? 15766 Preset with the same name already exist. Add Preset? 15767 Default may not be deleted. 15768 (no file) 15769 Load Bump-map Files 15773 Gaussian 15774 Flat 15775 Mesa 15776 Default 15777 Flat Dropoff 15778 Mesa Dropoff 15779 Rounded Dropoff 15780 Smooth 15781 Wet 15782 Dry 15784 User Defined Files (*.usr)|*.usr| 15785 Load User Defined Filter Files 15786 Save User Defined Filter Files 15787 Invalid User Defined Filter File 15788 Normal 15789 Add 15790 Multiply 15791 Load Frame File 15792 Default 15793 View 15794 Path 15796 Select Frame 15797 Active Path 15798 Wrap Around 15799 Repeat Edges 15800 Other Color 15970 ToneCrve 15971 Frames\ 15972 UserDef 15973 MeshWarp 15974 ShearMap 15975 Displace\ 15976 Canvas\ 15977 Duotone 15978 BumpMap\ 15991 The color you have selected is not a valid duotone color. Do you want to convert the color to a valid duotone color? 15992 Invalid Duotone 19296 Default 19297 Aztec 19298 Brick 19299 Burlap 19300 Cobblestone 19301 Corduroy 19302 Cracks 19303 Crumpled 19304 Dimples 19305 Dunes 19306 Ice 19307 Jigsaw 19308 Painted Brick 19309 Paper Mache 19310 Rings 19311 Ripples 19312 Siding 19313 Steel Plate 19314 Swirls 19315 Tablecloth 19316 Thatch 19317 Tiles 19318 Twigs 19319 Veins 19320 Vertical Concrete 19321 Waves 19325 Art 19326 Autumn 19327 Bark 19328 Brush Strokes Random 19329 Brush Strokes 19330 Bubbles Grid 19331 Bubbles Opaque 19332 Bubbles Pastel 19333 Canvas Dense 19334 Canvas Sparse 19335 Charcoal 19336 Colored Pencil 19337 Cotton Ball 19338 Crayons Textured Dense 19339 Crayons Textured Sparse 19340 Crowd 19341 Cubist 19342 Dabble 19343 Default 19344 Diagonal Brick 19345 Diagonal Brick Pastel 19346 Granite 19347 Ice Cubes 19348 Molecules Full 19349 Molecules Medium 19350 Molecules Ordered 19351 Molecules Sparse 19352 Mosaic medium 19353 Mosaic Small 19354 Mosaic Sparse 19355 Mosaic Subtle 19356 Mosaic Vignette 19357 Newsprint 19358 Newsprint Soft 19359 Oil Canvas Blur 19360 Oil Canvas Detail 19361 Oil Canvas Wide 19362 Pastel 19363 Pastel Soft 19364 Planet Paint 19365 Pointed Brush 19366 Pointed Brush Blueprint 19367 Pointillist 19368 Pyramid 19369 Ripple Detail 19370 Screen Door 19371 Screen Door Dark 19372 Screen Mosaic 19373 Sharp Smudge 19374 Sketch Color 19375 Sketch Pencil 19376 Smoke 19377 Smoke Detail 19378 Soft Pencil Dark 19379 Soft Pencil Light 19380 Spatula 19381 Spatula Abstract 19382 Spatula Angular 19383 Spatula Crosshatch 19384 Spatula Horizontal 19385 Sponge Clip 19386 Sponge Print 19387 Threads 19388 Trees 19389 Trees Texture 19390 Vasili 19391 Vortex Brushed 19392 Vortex Layered 19393 Vortex Mosaic 19394 Vortex Thick 19395 Vortex Thin 19396 Water Marker 19397 Wave Paper 19398 Weave Thatch 19399 Woven Mat 19400 Zigzag Canvas