Instructions: WebSiteRobot can be installed on Windows95, Windows98 and WindowsNT. Double-click setup.exe to begine installation. Summary: WebSiteRobot embeds non-HTML content (spreadsheets, slide presentations, anything!) in web with a navigation tree. Detail: Using WebSiteRobot, you can embed tons of files (HTML, Word, Excel, anything!) in your web site without editing those files or writing HTML. It works like this: Use the WebSiteRobot GUI to select files on your hard drive that you wish to publish in a web site. Click 'Publish' and WebSiteRobot instantly generates HTML frames that wrap around you files and include a customizable navigation tree linking these files together. By generating frames that 'wrap' your files, WebSiteRobot makes it possible to embed all kinds of content (spreadsheets, slide presentations,...) in your site. Commercial sites and especially project-team intranets sites can benefit greatly. The free version of WebSiteRobot has no expiration date, and supports web generation for sites with up to 10 content pages! The registered version of WebSiteRobot has no page limit. Visit our web site to glimpse an example of the power and style WebSiteRobot can deliver. Distribution: The free version of WebSiteRobot limits the user to embedding at most 10 content pages in his/her web site. Registering your copy of WebSiteRobot will obliterate this limit. Contacts: Visit or send email to for assistance.