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Command Line Options

This section tells you how to run Zoom Shell from the Windows console or from scheduling programs.

zsh Open Zoom Shell

zsh {command} Run command and exit

zsh <commandfile Run each line in a commandfile and exit

zsh -r[un] {command} Run command and then open Zoom Shell

zsh -q [-r] [command] Disable most error messages

If you execute Zoom Shell with a command, as in "zsh system_backup", Zoom Shell will execute that command and terminate. This allows you to run Zoom Shell from a scheduling program, or, if you are using Windows NT and telnet to your NT machine, you can use your Zoom Shell aliases during your telnet session.

When you run Zoom Shell from the command line and you wish to start in a certain directory, run the cd command before doing anything else:

zsh cd d:\backup_files; zip backup *.*

If you want Zoom Shell to wait before executing the next command, use the sleep command, giving it the number of seconds to sleep:

zsh cd d:\backup_files; some_command; sleep 600; some_other_command

Better still, try the wait command. wait forces Zoom Shell to wait until the last command is done. It does not work with 16 bit applications (and a few others). If the status line says, "Job control disabled" after launching an executable, then the wait command will not work.

zsh some_command; wait ; some_other_command

Another option for Windows NT users is to use the sh command, which will cause NT to wait until the console shell (and thus the application) is complete before returning control to Zoom Shell.

zsh sh notepad; word (word will not start until notepad is closed)

Use the "-q" option to disable most interactive dialogs when running Zoom Shell from the command line. This can be dangerous, because Zoom Shell will not be able to warn you about bad directory changes, etc., but it is valuable if your command should run regardless of the warnings Zoom Shell might want to give you.

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