PLOT MAESTRO Plot Maestro is one of several educational programs from Russ & Ryan EdWare. For additional information, screen shots, program descriptions, feature lists, revision history and sample reports, please visit the Russ & Ryan EdWare home page at: The on-line help also includes extensive documentation. Plot Maestro is an advanced plotting program suitable for math and science teachers of all levels and their students. The license allows the teacher to distribute the program to their current students or to install the program on classroom computers used by their current students. It is ideal for doing demonstrations, analyzing lab data, creating graphs that may be included in tests, lesson plans, or technical papers or for assigning exercises for the student to complete. Teachers will find that it is much easier for the students to use than graphing calculators and that the charts, which may be printed at full printer resolution, are more functional. Plot Maestro will allow more time to be spent analyzing the math and physics involved in a particular chart compared to the mechanics involved in how to produce the chart. For starters, Plot Maestro allows you to plot graphs the old fashioned way using graph paper. It can print high resolution, accurately scaled graph paper for 20 of the most popular graph paper types including various square types (English and Metric), full log, semi-log, polar and isometric-orthographic types. Students can now print their own graph paper. Plot Maestro has full support for plotting data sets of x, y data pairs. The program can also calculate and plot the best fit curve to the data set using linear, exponential, logarithmic or power curve fits and will calculate the coefficient of determination. This allows the student to determine which method produces the best fit. Up to 10 different data sets may be plotted on the same chart. Plot Maestro may also plot any formula. Formulas may be entered using a simple BASIC like syntax and may include more than 50 built in functions, 18 operators and any number of user defined constants. Formulas may also contain variables that can be evaluated at run time. Up to 10 different formulas may be plotted on a single chart. Plot Maestro also includes a calculator that can evaluate any expression and an equation solver that can calculate the roots to any equation and numerically integrate formulas. Plot Maestro is a 32 bit program and requires Windows 95 or Windows NT. A Pentium CPU with a minimum of 16 MB of RAM is recommended to run the program. The included setup program requires Windows 95 or Windows NT. To install the programs, just run the setup.exe program. If you would like to review the on-line documentation prior to installing the programs, use the /x command line switch: SETUP /X You can then elect to only install the following help file: PMAESTRO.HLP You can view the help file by double clicking it from the Windows Explorer. The help file contains extensive documentation as well as an order form and pricing information. The help file also includes a tutorial to help get first time users proficient in using the program. The setup program may be run directly from your hard disk or CD-ROM if you have downloaded the program or obtained a CD-ROM copy. You may install over a previous installation if you are upgrading. However, you should not install a shareware copy over an existing registered copy. The setup program will not delete or modify any of your existing data. The default directory for installing the program is; C:\PROGRAM FILES\PMAESTRO The setup program will check all shared files for internal version information and only replace those that are the same revision or older. This allows you to replace any shared file that may have become corrupted by just running the setup program again. No other programs should be running when you run the setup program. If one of the shared files is in use, the setup program may not be able to replace it. If you get a message saying that a file is in use, you should shut down the program that is using it. If this is not feasible, you can elect to skip the file. Since the file is already in use, this is usually adequate unless the installed file happens to be an older version. Registered users may obtain technical support for the Plot Maestro program directly from the program author. Do not call the 800 order line for support or to ask questions about the latest version, desired features, etc. Please help keep the cost of the program low by only using the 800 number for actual orders. Technical questions will not be answered on the 800 line. Depending on how fast you need an answer, you may obtain support by mail, email, fax or phone. If requesting support by mail or email, please identify yourself (email screen names do not identify you), and describe the problem you are having. Students are not eligible for technical support. They should obtain technical support from the registered teacher. Russell Stevens Russ & Ryan EdWare 5191 Pine Grove Drive Spruce, MI 48762 517-727-2066 Compuserve 70150,323 or America Online RAStevens Internet Technical support for unregistered users is limited to setup and installation questions only.