Plot Maestro 08-10-98 R&R EdWare H O T C L I C K S Yahoo! Messenger Today's Free File Weekly Top 10 Plot Maestro is an advanced plotting program designed to enhance math and physics courses. It easily plots x,y data sets and can plot up to 10 different data sets on the same chart. It can also calculate and plot the best fit curve to the data set using linear, exponential, logarithmic, or power curve fits and will calculate the coefficient of determination. Formulas can be entered using a simple syntax and can include more than 50 built-in functions, 18 operators, and any number of user-defined constants. Variables within the formulas can be evaluated at run time. Plot Maestro also includes a calculator that can be used to evaluate expressions, solve equations, or integrate expressions. Picklists are utilized to select constants, functions, and operators. If you prefer that your students plot the data themselves, the program can print out 20 of the most common graph paper types, including Metric and English squares, full log, semi-log, polar, and isometric-orthographic types. Charts can be printed, exported, or copied to the Clipboard for easy inclusion in other programs. Plot Maestro includes a detailed help file and tutorial to assist you with its multitude of features. Reviewed on May 20 1998. System Requirements Windows 95 Purchase Information Shareware: Free to try, $35 if you decide to keep it. Version Number 1.05 Downloads to Date 1,396 Compressed Size 2,257,597 bytes