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About Homepageware

Homepageware is a new concept in software distribution.  Homepageware products are free, fully-functioning products which you may download from our site.  In return we ask that you use our homepageware homepage for all your browsers.  We have a variety of homepageware homepages for you to choose from, and until you make a choice we will randomly cycle through them so that you have the opportunity to see and experience all of them.

Homepageware is a great launching point whether you're interested in news, games, the latest downloads, or entry into many other online services.  In addition to our free homepageware products, you will also find a collection of other great products and services.  We work hard to make sure that using homepageware will be another good deal.

Each visit to homepageware adds to our ability to bring you more free products.  Help yourself and others by spreading the news and visiting often.

Link to our site.    Homepageware Home Page
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