WordTabs v3.00 (for Windows 95, 98, and NT)

© Copyright 1996-1999 Skip Bremer. All Rights Reserved.

This program is freeware for everyone and absolutely no warranties or guarantees are provided.

The latest version can always be found at www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Foothills/1307/


History of changes

Install--new or upgrade



History of changes

(Most of these changes happen because of user feedback.)


Install--new or upgrade

Unpack the zip file into any directory and then run Setup.exe. Run WordTabs from the directory you installed it in.

Later, if you decide you want WordTabs to be your default system editor, run "Replace Windows Notepad" from the Help menu. This functions does not work under NT, so here are the DOS commands to accomplish it manually:

  1. copy "C:\WINNT\notepad.exe" "notepad-original.exe"
  2. copy "C:\WINNT\System32\notepad.exe" "notepad-original.exe"
  3. copy "[path]WordTabs.exe" "C:\WINNT\notepad.exe"
  4. copy "[path]WordTabs.exe" "C:\WINNT\System32\notepad.exe"

Then you just run Notepad like you normally do, and you'll always get WordTabs.

 Quick Install

If you downloaded only the wt.zip file containing WordTabs.exe and this document, then simply copy WordTabs.exe over the WordTabs.exe you already have installed. Also, don't forget to rename it and then copy it to notepad.exe if you have previously replaced notepad.exe.


To uninstall WordTabs, run the Control Panel applet "Add/Remove Programs" and choose WordTabs. REMEMBER to undo your replace notepad from the WordTabs Help menu if you have previously replaced notepad. Also REMEMBER to undo WordTabs is the RTF file editor by default option if you have previously ran the "Make Default RTF File Editor" menu item on the Help menu.


Please let me know if you have any problems or think something should be changed.
