Multiple Disk Spanning

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EasyZip makes it easy to create Zip files that “span” multiple disks.  This is useful if the files you are working with will not fit on one disk.

To make a Zip file that spans multiple disks, simply create a Zip file on a removable disk, then click on Add button, select files you want to add and in the left bottom corner select "Automatic" from spanning listbox.  If the disk fills during Add operation, you will be prompted for another disk.  Simply insert the next disk and click the OK button.

Important: If you want later to extract something from a sppaned disk, you have to open the last disk to that set, and then you can select files to extract.


To zip the files in your c:\data folder to a Zip file called A:\DATA.ZIP:

1. Start EasyZip.

2. Click on New button and type "A:\data"

2. Click on Add button and select the folder "c:\data", and select Automatic from "Mulitple Disk Spanning" list box.

3. Click Add Button

If more than one disk is needed, you will be prompted for additional disks.   

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