EasyZip Self-Extractor - Operation

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The easiest way to start EasyZip Self-Extractor is to first create a normal Zip file with EasyZip, then select Make .Exe File from the EasyZip Actions pull-down menu. This will activate EasyZip Self-Extractor .

EasyZip Self-Extractor dialog box contains the following fields:

Name and foder where you want to leave this new SFX Archive: for exapmle, if the ZIP file was c:\test\test.zip then by default SFX file will be c:\test\test.exe. This field you can change.

Default “Unzip To” folder: Means where will be default folder to unzip those files. If you write %temp% then those files will be extracted to TEMP= folder (usually c:\windows\temp or c:\temp)

Caption: Caption which will be displayed when user starts you SFX Archive

Command line after extracting: Enter the file name which you want to run after the files have been extracted (for example SETUP.EXE).

Click OK to create the self-extracting Zip file. Be sure to test the Zip file before distributing it.

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