Opening an Existing Archive

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To open an existing archive, select Open Archive from the EasyZip File pull-down menu. This activates the standard Open Archive dialog box. Then select the archive you want to open in the Open dialog box. Opening an archive is just like opening a document in Write or a spreadsheet in Excel; the only difference is that you open an archive instead of a document or spreadsheet. Use the Create in combo box to select the appropriate folder and click on the archive in the list below. Press the OK button when you have made your selection.

To list self-extracting archives in the New and Open dialog boxes, select the “
archives and .exe files” entry in the Files of type combo box. Note: when self-extracting archives are listed in the open dialog box, all EXE in the selected folder will be listed, even if they are not self-extracting archives. EasyZip is not able to check whether a file is a self-extracting archive until it is opened

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