Stirling Technologies, Inc. (c) 1990-1994 SRCDIR SRCDISK TARGETDISK TARGETDIR WINDIR WINDISK WINSYSDIR WINSYSDISK ERRORFILENAME INFOFILENAME SUPPORTDIR CMDLINE ISVERSION SHARED UNINST ISRES ISUSER FOLDER_DESKTOP FOLDER_STARTMENU FOLDER_STARTUP PROGRAMFILES COMMONFILESm LAST_RESULT CMDVALUE HINST_INSTALL BATCH_INSTALL LOGHANDLE _sdRECT right bottom _sdSIZE SelectObject GetTextExtentPoint EnableWindow GetClassName GetDC GetDlgItem GetFocus GetWindowLong GetWindowRect GetWindowWord IsIconic IsWindow IsWindowEnabled MoveWindow USER ReleaseDC SetFocus SetWindowText ShowWindow LoadString KERNEL GetModuleHandle GetClientRect SetWindowPos PostMessage ShowCursor SystemParametersInfo InvalidateRect CreateScalableFontResource AddFontResource USER GetWindow AdobeISF AdobeFunc1 AdobeISF AdobeFunc2 AdobeISF AdobeFunc3 AdobeISF AdobeFunc4 AdobeISF AdobeFunc5 AdobeISF OpenFileThenMap AdobeISF CloseFileAfterUnmap AdobeISF GetAdobeProfileString AdobeISF BuildLongName AdobeISF A_GetFreeDiskSpace AdobeISF AdobeGetPrintDriverDir AdobeISF InstallPDFWritr AdobeRSC OpenRscFile AdobeRSC TransID AdobeRSC CloseRscFile All Components List of Custom Selection Lists AppList LanguageList ProductList 13020, Unable to find resource string %sa IDS_NONESELECTED All Componentsb@ Typical, Compact, SdComponentDialog2! SdComponentDialog! SdComponentDialogAdv! SdComponentMult! SdComponentDialog2! SdComponentDialog! SdComponentDialogAdv! SdComponentMult! Default Default Unable to find resource string %sa IDS_CONFIRM1 Unable to find resource string %sa IDS_CONFIRM2 Unable to find resource string %sa IDS_CONFIRM3 Generic File Set( Generic File Set Unable to find resource string %sa IDS_UNKNOWNOS Win32! Win95! Win98! Win9X! WinNT! WinNT351! WinNTNew! WinNT4! WinNT5! !WinNT! Win32! Win95! Win98! Win9X! WinNT! WinNT351! WinNT4! WinNT5! !WinNT! Unable to find resource string %sa IDS_WRONGOS Unable to find resource ID = %dB Unable to find resource ID = %dB Unable to find resource string %sa IDS_WINDOWSNT Unable to find resource string %sa IDS_WINDOWS9X Unable to find resource string %sa IDS_UNKNOWNOS Unable to find resource string %sa IDS_NOMINOS ADOBERSC.DLL ADOBEISF.DLL Typical! Compact! Custom! Default! HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE! HKEY_CURRENT_USER! Unable to find resource string %sa IDS_CREATE_FOLDERS Uninst.dll Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\b UninstallStringB UninstallPathB ModifyPathB Unable to find resource string %sa IDS_CREATE_REGENTRIES DestDirType ProductName Version HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE$ Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\b. InstallLocationQ HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE$ Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\b InstallLocationQ InstallSourceQ DisplayVersionQ PublisherQ Adobe Systems, Inc.A ProductIDQ RegOwnerQ RegCompanyQ HelpTelephone! HelpLink! $AppPath! URLUpdateInfo! URLInfoAbout! HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE$ Software\b. OnlineRegistration Typical, Compact, Custom, Default Launch! DoInstall! BEFOREB PreNT4! Basea Basea OrigSize! OrigSizeWithSubDirs! PreNT4! OrigSize! OrigSizeWithSubDirs! AFTERB^ Unable to find resource string %sa IDS_XTRA_SPACE1 Unable to find resource string %sa IDS_XTRA_SPACE3 Unable to find resource string %sa IDS_XTRA_SPACE1 Unable to find resource string %sa IDS_XTRA_SPACE3 BEFORE! Typical, Compact, Custom, Default IDS_! archive.b Unable to find resource string %sa IDS_WRONG_DISK Unable to find resource string %sa IDS_DISK_INSERT Unable to find resource string %sa IDS_WRONG_DISK Unable to find resource string %sa IDS_ERRORNUMBER Unable to find resource string %sa IDS_CHECK_TARGET Unable to find resource string %sa IDS_FS_OPERROR Launch! Restart! Restart! DoInstall! Restart! Unable to find resource string %sa IDS_LAUNCHFAILED archive.zb Cmpntb Normal! NormalWithSubDirs! Version! SharedVersion! SharedSameVersion! Date! SharedDate! SharedSameDate! DateWithSubDirs! SharedVersionWithSubDirs! LockedDate! LockedSameDate! LockedVersion! LockedSameVersion! LockedWithSubDirs! Locked! LockedVersionWithSubDirs! Unable to find resource string %sa IDS_UNKNOWNCOMPRESSTYPE Basea Basea Normal! NormalWithSubDirs! Version! SharedVersion! SharedSameVersion! Date! SharedDate! SharedSameDate! DateWithSubDirs! SharedVersionWithSubDirs! LockedDate! LockedSameDate! LockedVersion! LockedSameVersion! LockedWithSubDirs! Locked! LockedVersionWithSubDirs! Unable to find resource string %sa IDS_UNKNOWNCOMPRESSTYPE Unable to find resource string %sa IDS_README_ELECT Unable to find resource string %sa IDS_REG_ELECT Unable to find resource string %sa IDS_REG_N_READ Unable to find resource string %sa IDS_REG_ELECT Unable to find resource string %sa IDS_REGISTERPROD Unable to find resource string %sa IDS_README_ELECT Unable to find resource string %sa IDS_READMEFINISH wininet.dll AdobeReg32.exe Write.exe! Softwarea DoReboot Arial HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE$ Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Pathsa Illustrator.exe,AdobeImag AdobeN! AdobeImag! Acro32! Acro16! HKEY_CURRENT_USER ProductVersionName SOFTWARE\Adobe\Registration RegistrationCount SOFTWARE\Adobe\Registration\User SOFTWARE\Adobe\Registration\User SOFTWARE\b. \Registration OnLineRegSection REGTYPE( SALUT FNAME MINIT LNAME COMPAN INDIV( CONSPRD PVERS PLANG SERIAL ProductSize! Component1Name Unable to find resource string %sb Component1DefaultSelection Component1Description Unable to find resource string %sb MajorVersion Version MinorVersionHigh MinorVersionLow ProgGroupName Cmpntb Cmpntb NumOfIcons Cmpntb Icon$ Cmpntb Cmpntb NumOfRegEntries Cmpntb RegEntry$ Archive/ Description Feedback DefaultSelection Unable to find resource string %sb Unable to find resource string %sb Unable to find resource string %sb Cmpntb Unable to find resource string %sb CustomDlgType SdComponentDialog2 Productb ProductPlatform ProductMedia !Floppy! ProductName Unable to find resource string %sb DefaultSelection Registry! HKEY_CURRENT_USER! HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT! HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE! HKEY_USERS! REGDB_STRING! REGDB_NUMBER! REGDB_STRING_EXPAND! REGDB_STRING_MULTI! NamedValue! Value! Append! Strip! Function! GetDirectory! Product! Cmpnt! Directory! ADOBERSC.DLL Unable to load %s which is required for Setup. Setup will now exit.b Unable to load %s which is required for Setup. Setup will now exit.b ADOBEISF.DLL Unable to load %s which is required for Setup. Setup will now exit.b Illustrator.ini% resource.h Unable to open configuration file %s which is required for Setup. Setup will now exit.b7 Uninstall ProgGroupName Unable to find resource string %sb ProgGroupType Common! Media Floppy! LogoCompliant Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\b InstallLocationR DefaultDestDir Unable to find resource string %sb IDS_FULLAPPNAME( Unable to find resource string %sb Launch Win32! Win95! Win98! Win9X! WinNT! WinNTNew! WinNTOld! !WinNT! WinNT4! WinNT5! Params PostAction Group BaseLoc$ Platform Language CompressType ExpandType DestSearch Windows! WindowsSystem! CompanyName Adobe Adobe Product1 ProductType Launch! AppName Unable to find resource string %sb AppExe Version NumberOfComponents Cmpntb NumOfFonts NumOfLocs NumOfBaseLocs MultiProductInstall NumberOfProducts NumberOfRequirements NumberOfRequirements NumberOfRequirements NumOfSubs SubListName NumberOfFileTypes OnLineComponent OnLineLoc OnLineFeedback OnLineDest MinNTVersion Platform ProductType Launch! DoInstall! Version NumberOfComponents ProductKey TempList Illustrator.ini Unable to find resource string %sa IDS_CANNOTREADKEY DefaultDestDir DestDirType ProductName Version HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE$ Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\b. ReadMeFile Unable to find resource string %sb ReadMeExe CreateReadMeIcon ReadMeIcon DisplayReadMe Requirement$ Requirement$ Requirementb MainComponent ProductKey! Description Feedback Platform Language NumOfLocs DefaultSelection Unable to find resource string %sb Unable to find resource string %sb Unable to find resource string %sb Platform AllowUserInfo setup.ini& Startupa COMPANYNAMER setup.ini& Startupa SERIALNUMBERR SOFTWARE\b. \Registration\User HKEY_CURRENT_USER! Adobereg.db OnLineRegSection FullAppName SALUT" FNAME" MINIT" LNAME" COMPAN" REGTYPE" SERIAL" SOFTWARE\b. \Registration AdvBillboards BackGroundBMP FinishBitmap ConsumerProduct FullScreenMode ProductType Launch! DoInstall! PerProductProgramGroup Win32! Win95! Win98! Win9X! WinNT! WinNTNew! WinNTOld! !WinNT! WinNT4! WinNT5! Languagesb UserRegComponent $Product! $Windows! Write.exe! $WindowsSystem! Write.exe! $ProductPath! STYLE2! STYLE2! $Windows! $WindowsSystem! $ProductPath! STYLE3! $Windows! $WindowsSystem! $ProductPath! $Product! Function! DoRegistryEntries! $ProductName! RegistryProductName Unable to find resource string %sb Software\b. IDS_KEYNOTFOUND RegistryProductNameb Unable to find resource string %sb $AppName! Software\b. Unable to find resource string %sb Default! $Product! $ProductPath! STRING! MULTIPLE_STRING! EXPANDABLE_STRING! NUMBER! DisplayBusyMessages DisplayConfirmNewDir DisplayConfirmRegDlg DisplayEULA MultiRegionEULA EULAFile DisplayFileExtensionsDlg 13020, FileTypes( FileType1 FileType2 FileType3 FileType4 DisplayFinishDlg LanguageChoice DisplayLangChoiceDlg NumberOfLanguages IDS_LANGUAGECHOICEb DisplayProductChoiceDlg DisplayRebootDlg DisplaySelectDestDirDlg DisplayTypeOfInstallDlg DisplayStartCopyDlg DisplaySubComponents DisplayUserRegDlg REGISTRATION_DLG! Unable to find resource string %sa IDS_DLG_ERR Unable to find resource string %sa IDS_DLG_ERR Unable to find resource string %sa IDS_PRODUCTREGTYPE Unable to find resource string %sa IDS_SALUTATION_FIELD Unable to find resource string %sa IDS_STRINGLENGTHOVERFLOW Unable to find resource string %sa IDS_FIRSTNAME_FIELD Unable to find resource string %sa IDS_STRINGLENGTHOVERFLOW Unable to find resource string %sa IDS_MIDDLEINITIAL_FIELD Unable to find resource string %sa IDS_SHORTSTROVERFLOW Unable to find resource string %sa IDS_LASTNAME_FIELD Unable to find resource string %sa IDS_STRINGLENGTHOVERFLOW Unable to find resource string %sa IDS_COMPANY_FIELD Unable to find resource string %sa IDS_STRINGLENGTHOVERFLOW Unable to find resource string %sa IDS_COMPANYREQUIRED Unable to find resource string %sa IDS_FIRSTLASTNAMEREQUIRED Unable to find resource string %sa IDS_SERIALNUMBERREQ CUSTOM_USERINFOa BusinessA BusinessA IndividualA IndividualA SalutationA FirstNameA MiddleInitialA LastNameA CompanyA SerialNumberA CUSTOM_USERINFOa BusinessA SalutationA FirstNameA MiddleInitialA LastNameA CompanyA SerialNumberA DisplayWelcomeDlg CoreComponents TryoutInstallation PhotoCDWindows\PCDLIB32.dllBb PhotoCDWindows\pfpick.dllB` \system Illustrator\System\aiicon.dllB` msvcrt\MSVCRT10.DLLBb msvcrt\MSVCRT20.DLLB` msvcrt\MSVCRT40.DLLB` US.txt! \Plug-ins UK\Startup.aiA \Plug-ins\Text Filters UK\Text Check Spelling.aipA \System UK\AIRes.dllA cp20$ \Plug-ins\Text Filters excfile.hyp$ \Fonts AdobeFnt.lst$ \system printer.dat$ \Plug-ins Plug-in Cache.ARTX COLOR Unable to find resource string %sa IDS_UNKNOWNOS Win32! Win95! WinNT! WinNTOld! WinNTNew! !WinNT! Win32! Win95! WinNT! !WinNT! Unable to find resource string %sa IDS_WRONGOS Unable to find resource ID = %dB Unable to find resource ID = %dB Unable to find resource string %sa IDS_WINDOWSNT Unable to find resource string %sa IDS_WINDOWS95 Unable to find resource string %sa IDS_UNKNOWNOS Unable to find resource string %sa IDS_NOMINOS Unable to find resource string %sa IDS_NEED_VGA Illustrator! Illustrator.exe HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT RegistryProductName Softwarea InstallPath SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths$ Illustrator.exe SOFTWARE\b. {5667B15A-FC9D-11d1-9975-00C04FC9A975} {697EE7C0-334C-11D0-B826-0020AF35BB6A}$ CLSIDa Adobe Illustrator Artwork 8.0A \ProgID Adobe.Illustrator.8A \VersionIndependentProgID Adobe.IllustratorA \LocalServer32 \InProcHandler ole2.dllA \InProcHandler32 ole32.dllA Hide,0,1A Open,0,0A Show,0,0A &Edit,0,2A AuxUserType ArtworkA Adobe Illustrator 8.0A MiscStatus Insertable Illustrator.exe$ DefaultIcon Adobe.Illustrator.8P Adobe Illustrator Artwork 8.0$ CLSID Insertable \DefaultIcon \DefaultIcon \DefaultIcon \DefaultIcon \DefaultIcon \DefaultIcon \DefaultIcon \DefaultIcon Initialized \DefaultIcon shell command "%1" print command /p "%1" Adobe.Illustrator.EPSP Encapsulated PostScript$ CLSID Insertable \DefaultIcon shell command "%1" print command /p "%1" Adobe.IllustratorP Adobe Illustrator Artwork 8.0$ CLSID CurVer Adobe.Illustrator.8A Illustrator.ArtworkP NotInsertable protocol StdFileEditing server Illustrator.ArtworkP NotInsertable Adobe.Illustrator.8A .epsP Adobe.Illustrator.EPSA .hypP Adobe.Illustrator.HyphenA Adobe.Illustrator.HyphenP Adobe Illustrator Hyphenation DictionaryA \DefaultIcon .aipP Adobe.Illustrator.PluginA Adobe.Illustrator.PluginP Adobe Illustrator PluginA \DefaultIcon .fltP Adobe.Illustrator.FilterA Adobe.Illustrator.FilterP Adobe Illustrator FilterA \DefaultIcon .dctP Adobe.Illustrator.DictionaryA Adobe.Illustrator.DictionaryP Adobe Illustrator Spelling DictionaryA \DefaultIcon .sbxP Adobe.Illustrator.TsumeA Adobe.Illustrator.TsumeP Adobe Illustrator Tsume FileA \DefaultIcon Adobe.Photoshop.PluginA Adobe.Photoshop.PluginP Adobe Photoshop Plugin FileA \DefaultIcon Adobe.Photoshop.PluginA Adobe.Illustrator.ActionA Adobe.Illustrator.ActionP Adobe Illustrator Action FileA \DefaultIcon .winP Adobe CMS ExtensionA Adobe CMS ExtensionP Adobe CMS ExtensionA \DefaultIcon FileTypeP 0, 4, FFFFFFFF, 25215053A CLSIDa Illustrator Icon HandlerQ Illustrator Icon HandlerA System$ AIIcon.dll \InProcServer32 ThreadingModelA ApartmentA Adobe.Illustrator.8a shellex \IconHandler PropertySheetHandlers \AIPage Adobe.Illustrator.EPSa shellex \IconHandler PropertySheetHandlers \AIPage KPCMS.INI KEPS Precisiona DRIVER KEPS Precisiona DRIVEbz PT_DIRR PT_DIRb CP_DIRR CP_DIRb CTE32_NAMER CTE32_NAMEa SOFTWARE\Kodak\IniFileMapping\kpcms.ini\KCP CP_DIRA CTE32_NAME2 CTE32_NAMEA SOFTWARE\Kodak\IniFileMapping\kpcms.ini\KEPS Precision DRIVEA SOFTWARE\Kodak\IniFileMapping\kpcms.ini\API PT_DIRA KPCMS.INI KPCMS.INIa ICC Profilesa DefaultPathRw ICC Profilesa DefaultPathbv SOFTWARE\Kodak\IniFileMapping\kpcms.ini\ICC Profiles Default PathA HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE$ Software\b. AWEInstall Software\Adobe\CommonFiles UsageCount AdobeHome AdobeHome HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Software\Adobe\CommonFiles ADOBEHOMER Adobe\Web Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Fonts! HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Software\Adobe\CommonFiles ADOBEHOMER Adobe\Fonts Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Fonts TypeSpt! HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Software\Adobe\CommonFiles ADOBEHOMER Adobe\TypeSpt Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe TypeSpt Gamma! HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Software\Adobe\CommonFiles ADOBEHOMER Adobe\Calibration Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Calibration CMaps! HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Software\Adobe\CommonFiles ADOBEHOMER Adobe\Fonts\Reqrd\CMaps Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Adobe Fonts\Reqrd\CMaps WindowsColor! WindowsPhotoCDCPDir! WindowsPhotoCDPTDir! KodakDLLs! SOFTWARE\Kodak\IniFileMapping\kpcms.ini KEPS Precision DRIVE2 CP_DIR2 PT_DIR2 ICC Profiles Default Path2 KPCMS.INIR KPCMS.INIa KEPS Precisiona DRIVER KPCMS.INIa PT_DIRR KPCMS.INIa ICC Profilesa DefaultPathR \KPCMS\DCPDB \KPCMS\CMSCP \KPCMS\Profiles COLOR KPCMS.INI KEPS Precision DRIVE HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Software\Kodak\IniFileMapping\kpcms.inia CP_DIR HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE$ Software\Kodak\IniFileMapping\kpcms.inia \KPCMS\CMSCP\ PT_DIR HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE$ Software\Kodak\IniFileMapping\kpcms.inia \KPCMS\DCPDB\ CFG_FILE HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE$ Software\Kodak\IniFileMapping\kpcms.inia KPPrefs.cfg ICC Profiles DefPath Default Path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE$ Software\Kodak\IniFileMapping\kpcms.inia Color KPCMS.INI KEPS Precision DRIVE HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE$ Software\Kodak\IniFileMapping\kpcms.inia CP_DIR HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE$ Software\Kodak\IniFileMapping\kpcms.inia PT_DIR HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE$ Software\Kodak\IniFileMapping\kpcms.inia CFG_FILE HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE$ Software\Kodak\IniFileMapping\kpcms.inia ICC Profiles DefPath Default Path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE$ Software\Kodak\IniFileMapping\kpcms.inia TryoutInstallation \system\aiicon.dll Unable to find resource string %sa IDS_UNKNOWNOS \system\aiicon.dll Eula Regions Listb Us.txt, LatAm.txt, BelgiumF.txt, BelgiumN.txt, Brasil.txt, Denmark.txt, Germany.txt, Spain.txt, France.txt, Ireland.txt, Italy.txt, Lux.txt, Nedlands.txt, Norway.txt, Austria.txt, Portugal.txt, Finland.txt, Sweden.txt, SwissF.txt, SwissG.txt, SwissI.txt, Uk.txt, SAfrica.txt, Other.txt \Plug-ins\Text Filters\ *.dctR? *.dctR? *.hypR? *.hypR? edit( SETUPSTR862RA Disk Space0 temp.txt temp.txt In function '%s': Unable to create dialog. Make sure the _ISRES.DLL is in _SETUP.LIB. ErrorbB _sdSIZEa %s-%ldb \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion, \Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion, USER! RegisteredOwner2 RegisteredOrganization2 SdConfirmRegistration! ResultA SdConfirmRegistration! ResultA SdConfirmNewDir! ResultA SdConfirmNewDir! ResultA SdAskDestPath! ResultA szDirA SdAskDestPath! szDirA ResultA SdWelcome! ResultA SdWelcome! ResultA SdSelectFolder! ResultA szFolderA SdSelectFolder! szFolderA ResultA SdSetupType! ResultA szDirA SdSetupType! szDirA ResultA SdDisplayTopics! ResultA SdDisplayTopics! ResultA SdShowMsg! SdShowMsg/ _sdRECTa _sdRECTa bottom2 SdAskOptionsList! ResultA ComponentA SdAskOptionsList! ComponentA ResultA SdAskOptions! ResultA ComponentA SdAskOptions! ComponentA ResultA SdComponentDialogAdv! ResultA ComponentA szDirA SdComponentDialogAdv! szDirA ComponentA ResultA SdComponentMult! ResultA ComponentA SdComponentMult! ComponentA ResultA SdBitmap! ResultA SdBitmap! ResultA SdComponentDialog2! ResultA ComponentA SdComponentDialog2! ComponentA ResultA SdComponentDialogEx SdComponentDialogEx! SdComponentDialog! ResultA ComponentA szDirA SdComponentDialog! szDirA ComponentA ResultA SdLicense! ResultA ResultA SdStartCopy! ResultA ResultA SdFinishReboot! ResultA BootOptionA ResultA BootOptionA ResultA ResultA BootOptionA SdFinish! ResultA bOpt1A bOpt2A ResultA bOpt1A bOpt2A _MRQrc 3.00.077