object MoviesF: TMoviesF Left = 126 Top = 70 AutoScroll = False Caption = 'Jans Movies 6' ClientHeight = 420 ClientWidth = 618 Color = clBtnFace Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -14 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [] Menu = MainMenu1 OldCreateOrder = True OnClose = FormClose OnCreate = FormCreate PixelsPerInch = 120 TextHeight = 16 object Splitter1: TSplitter Left = 0 Top = 121 Width = 618 Height = 3 Cursor = crVSplit Align = alTop Beveled = True end object ScrollBoxSource: TScrollBox Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 618 Height = 121 VertScrollBar.Visible = False Align = alTop TabOrder = 0 object FramePointer: TLabel Left = 40 Top = 80 Width = 3 Height = 16 Color = clYellow Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -14 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] ParentColor = False ParentFont = False end object tex: TLabel Left = 392 Top = 64 Width = 67 Height = 24 Caption = 'Movies' Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clRed Font.Height = -20 Font.Name = 'Arial' Font.Style = [fsBold] ParentFont = False PopupMenu = texpop Transparent = True Visible = False OnMouseDown = texMouseDown OnMouseMove = texMouseMove OnMouseUp = texMouseUp end object GradText1: TGradText Left = 264 Top = 64 Width = 88 Height = 34 Lines.Strings = ( 'Movies') Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -30 Font.Name = 'Times New Roman' Font.Style = [fsBold, fsItalic] Visible = False Popupmenu = gradpop OnMouseDown = GradText1MouseDown OnMouseMove = GradText1MouseMove OnMouseUp = GradText1MouseUp end end object Panel1: TPanel Left = 0 Top = 124 Width = 618 Height = 296 Align = alClient BevelOuter = bvNone BorderWidth = 4 Caption = ' ' TabOrder = 1 object Splitter2: TSplitter Left = 358 Top = 4 Width = 3 Height = 288 Cursor = crHSplit Beveled = True end object Panel2: TPanel Left = 361 Top = 4 Width = 253 Height = 288 Align = alClient BevelOuter = bvLowered BorderWidth = 2 Caption = ' ' TabOrder = 0 object ImageAnimate: TImage Left = 3 Top = 3 Width = 247 Height = 282 Hint = 'Animated GIF'#13#10'preview window' Align = alClient Center = True ParentShowHint = False ShowHint = True end end object Panel3: TPanel Left = 169 Top = 4 Width = 189 Height = 288 Align = alLeft BevelOuter = bvNone Caption = ' ' TabOrder = 1 object List: TCheckListBox Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 189 Height = 288 Hint = 'Right-click to Delete'#13#10'Drag/drop to Move' OnClickCheck = ListClickCheck Align = alClient DragMode = dmAutomatic ItemHeight = 16 ParentShowHint = False PopupMenu = Listpop ShowHint = True Style = lbOwnerDrawFixed TabOrder = 0 OnClick = ListClick OnDragDrop = ListDragDrop OnDragOver = ListDragOver end end object Panel4: TPanel Left = 4 Top = 4 Width = 165 Height = 288 Align = alLeft BevelOuter = bvNone TabOrder = 2 object Bevel1: TBevel Left = 0 Top = 0 Width = 165 Height = 33 Align = alTop end object RzDriveComboBox1: TRzDriveComboBox Left = 8 Top = 4 Width = 145 Height = 24 DirList = RzDirectoryListBox1 TabOrder = 0 end object RzDirectoryListBox1: TRzDirectoryListBox Left = 0 Top = 33 Width = 165 Height = 97 Align = alTop FileList = Files ItemHeight = 17 TabOrder = 1 end object Files: TRzFileListBox Left = 0 Top = 130 Width = 165 Height = 158 Hint = 'Double Click to Add Image'#13#10'or right-click Add' Align = alClient ItemHeight = 18 Mask = '*.bmp;*.gif;*.jpg;*.jpeg' ParentShowHint = False PopupMenu = filespop ShowHint = True TabOrder = 2 OnDblClick = Add1Click end end end object SaveDialog: TSaveDialog DefaultExt = 'gif' Options = [ofOverwritePrompt, ofHideReadOnly, ofPathMustExist, ofNoReadOnlyReturn] Title = 'Save animated GIF' Left = 52 Top = 181 end object filespop: TPopupMenu Left = 121 Top = 281 object Add1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Add' OnClick = Add1Click end end object Listpop: TPopupMenu Left = 186 Top = 210 object Delete1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Delete' OnClick = Delete1Click end object DeleteAll1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Delete All' OnClick = DeleteAll1Click end object N6: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object Delay1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Delay...' OnClick = Delay1Click end object DelayAll1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Delay All...' OnClick = DelayAll1Click end end object MainMenu1: TMainMenu Left = 249 Top = 185 object Animation1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Animation' object Create1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Create' OnClick = ButtonAnimateClick end object Open2: TMenuItem Caption = '&Open...' OnClick = Open2Click end object SaveAs1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Save &As...' Enabled = False OnClick = ButtonSaveClick end object N3: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object Stop1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Stop' Enabled = False ShortCut = 113 OnClick = Stop1Click end end object mnuFrame: TMenuItem Caption = '&Frame' object New1: TMenuItem Caption = '&New' ShortCut = 114 OnClick = goNewClick end end object Image1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Image' object Scroll1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Scroll' object Up1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Up' ShortCut = 49237 OnClick = Up1Click end object Down1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Down' ShortCut = 49220 OnClick = Down1Click end object Left1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Left' ShortCut = 49228 OnClick = Left1Click end object Right1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Right' ShortCut = 49234 OnClick = Right1Click end end object Duplicate1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Duplicate' ShortCut = 16452 OnClick = Duplicate1Click end object Invert1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Invert' ShortCut = 16457 OnClick = Invert1Click end end object Wizards1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Wizards' object MakeTransition1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Transition' OnClick = MakeTransition1Click end object SqueezeHorizontal1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Rotation Left-Right' OnClick = SqueezeHorizontal1Click end object SqueezeVertical1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Rotation Top-Down' OnClick = SqueezeVertical1Click end object Blinds1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Blinds Down' OnClick = Blinds1Click end object BlindsRight1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Blinds Right' OnClick = BlindsRight1Click end object Slide1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Wipe' object Right3: TMenuItem Caption = '&Right' OnClick = Right3Click end object Left2: TMenuItem Caption = '&Left' OnClick = Left2Click end object Down3: TMenuItem Caption = '&Down' OnClick = Down3Click end object Up2: TMenuItem Caption = '&Up' OnClick = Up2Click end end object Curtain1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Curtain' object Close1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Close' OnClick = Close1Click end object Open1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Open' OnClick = Open1Click end object CloseVertical1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Close Vertical' OnClick = CloseVertical1Click end object OpenVertical1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Open Vertical' OnClick = OpenVertical1Click end end object Box1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Box' object In1: TMenuItem Caption = '&In' OnClick = In1Click end object Out1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Out' OnClick = Out1Click end end end object Options1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Options' object FrameDelay1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Frame Delay...' OnClick = FrameDelay1Click end object SetFrames1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Set Frames...' OnClick = SetFrames1Click end object DefTrans: TMenuItem Caption = 'Default Transparent' OnClick = DefTransClick end object N7: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object ResetTextGadget1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Reset Text Gadget' OnClick = ResetTextGadget1Click end end object Tools1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Tools' object GIFExplorer1: TMenuItem Caption = '&GIF Explorer' OnClick = GIFExplorer1Click end end object Help1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Help' object Contents1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Contents' ShortCut = 112 OnClick = Contents1Click end object N1: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object About1: TMenuItem Caption = '&About' OnClick = About1Click end end end object pw: TjansPasswordDialog Password = '832pm' Left = 330 Top = 58 end object texpop: TPopupMenu Left = 346 Top = 114 object Caption1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Caption...' OnClick = Caption1Click end object Font1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Font...' OnClick = Font1Click end object N2: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object Paint1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Paint' OnClick = Paint1Click end object PaintShadow1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Paint Shadow' OnClick = PaintShadow1Click end end object FontDialog1: TFontDialog Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] MinFontSize = 0 MaxFontSize = 0 Left = 498 Top = 82 end object framepop: TPopupMenu Left = 250 Top = 114 object Backgrounds1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Backgrounds...' OnClick = Backgrounds1Click end object Effect1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Effects...' OnClick = Effect1Click end object Trace1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Trace' OnClick = Trace end object Rotate1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Rotate' OnClick = Rotate end object RotationAngle1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Rotation &Angle...' OnClick = RotationAngle1Click end object Flip1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Flip' object Right2: TMenuItem Caption = '&Right' OnClick = FlipRight end object Down2: TMenuItem Caption = '&Down' OnClick = Flipdown end end object Shadow1: TMenuItem Caption = '&Shadow' object UpLeft1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Up Left' OnClick = Shadowupleft end object UpRigth1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Up Right' OnClick = Shadowupright end object DownLeft1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Down Left' OnClick = Shadowdownleft end object DownRight1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Down Right' OnClick = Shadowdownright end end object N4: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object SaveAs2: TMenuItem Caption = 'Save As...' OnClick = SaveAs2Click end end object SaveDialog1: TSaveDialog DefaultExt = 'bmp' Filter = 'Bitmap Files|*.bmp' Left = 186 Top = 98 end object OpenDialog1: TOpenDialog DefaultExt = 'gif' Filter = 'GIF Files|*.gif' Left = 226 Top = 66 end object FX: TjvBitmapFX Left = 433 Top = 285 end object ColorDialog1: TColorDialog Ctl3D = True Left = 497 Top = 237 end object gradpop: TPopupMenu Left = 386 Top = 119 object Caption2: TMenuItem Caption = 'Caption...' OnClick = Caption2Click end object Font2: TMenuItem Caption = 'Font...' OnClick = Font2Click end object BeginColor1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Begin Color...' OnClick = BeginColor1Click end object EndColor1: TMenuItem Caption = 'End Color...' OnClick = EndColor1Click end object Style1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Style' object HorizontalCenter1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Horizontal Center' OnClick = HorizontalCenter1Click end object Horizontal1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Horizontal' OnClick = Horizontal1Click end object Rectangle1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Rectangle' OnClick = Rectangle1Click end object VerticalCenter1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Vertical Center' OnClick = VerticalCenter1Click end object Vertical1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Vertical' OnClick = Vertical1Click end end object N8: TMenuItem Caption = '-' end object Paint2: TMenuItem Caption = 'Paint' OnClick = Paint2Click end object BringtoFront1: TMenuItem Caption = 'Bring to Front' OnClick = BringtoFront1Click end end end