AutoWinNet95 lets you perform common Internet tasks on a scheduled basis, thus freeing up your valuable time for more important things. The number of people on the Net doubles every year. That means slower access times, longer waits to get online with your provider, and lots of timeouts while trying to browse the web, get your mail, or download your favorite files.
What's the solution?
Most Internet customers dialup and get online during the same hours each day. After work, on weekends, your provider's phone lines are packed full, and backed up. Getting on the Net is a miracle, and requires countless redials, and when you finally do get a connection, your web transfers, file downloads are slow and tedious.
What to do? Dialup when nobody else does - in the middle of the night. 3:00am during the work week, for example. Who's online? Nobody! But do you want to stay up all night just to get that important file, or send that mail? Of course not. So schedule it with AutoWinNet95.
Simple, easy, convenient.
AutoWinNet95 can handle your File transfers, Email, World Wide Web, Usenet, plus some extra goodies, included for free. Here's a breakdown of it's features:
FTP File Transfers
World Wide Web
Usenet News
Agenda Scheduler
When AutoWinNet goes online, you need to tell him what to do. Check your mail, download a file, etc. These are called STEPS Once you've decided the steps AutoWinNet should run, you put them all together in a package. This is called an AGENDA
Quick Tutorial on creating a new agenda
So let's create a new agenda with some steps in it. First, we must decide what tasks to perform.
So let's perform both these tasks:
Create a new agenda by selecting Agendas / New agenda from the main menu.
Now type in "Get game and web page" in the blank
Click OK
Our new agenda has appeared on the left - see it? Now click on the name, and the steps list on our right has nothing in it. So let's add our two steps:
Click Steps / FTP / File Download from the main menu.
Fill in for our FTP site
Leave the username as anonymous
Fill in your mailing address in the password
Put /pub/games/ in the Path and Filename blank
Click OK
So the Download FTP File dialog should look like this:
FTP Site:
User Name: anonymous
Path and filename: /pub/games/
Now let's upload our new cool .GIF graphics to our web page:
We already know from our Internet provider that to upload things on our page, we need to login using:
Name: fred
Password: secret
then change to the directory: public_html and upload all our stuff. We had previously been doing this in WS_FTP, so let's translate all that to AutoWinNet.
Note: Our graphic is located in c:\web\cool1.gif
Click Steps / FTP / File Upload from the main menu.
Fill in for our FTP site
Change the username to fred
Fill in secret as the password
Put c:\web\cool1.gif in the Local filename blank
Put public_html/cool1.gif in the Local filename blank
Click OK
So the Upload FTP File dialog should look like this:
FTP Site:
User Name: fred
Password: secret
Local filename: c:\web\cool1.gif
Remote Path and filename:public_html/cool1.gif
Congratulations! We have created a new agenda with two items on it. To run this immediately, press the VCR-type Play button, but the whole agenda will fail because both of these FTP locations are ficticious. Ah well - now you have the basics of AutoWinNet mastered.
On the Technical side (programming geeks only)
For any data processing guys and gals in AutoWinNet-land, I present the "Technical Side", which covers a variety of topics throughout the help fileà
All agenda steps are stored in your registry under software/AutoWinNet95. You can export, import, or convert your agendas via items in the Tools menu.
Here's a sample:
[All together mix]
Step0=Download file``/pub/win_95/`anonymous``default
Step2=Upgrade AutoWinNet
Step3=Local Forecast``Aberdeen, SD (ABR)`c:\forecast.html
Step4=Headline News`c:\`NYYYYYYNNNNNNN
As you can see, steps are separated by the ` character. Each step is numbered sequentially from 0 - the maximum number of steps (5 in the above example). The first parameter is a quick description of the step, followed by a sitename, then random junk, dependent upon which step is stored.
You can navigate the above and figure out what goes where, and why. For the weird-looking YYNYNNYY strings, those are actually listbox selections. A Y is a selected item, whereas the N is unselected. So the listbox contents can be "kinda" stored in an optimized manner. For the Weather Map step, that means the user wanted maps 1, and 2 (stored inside the program as an array)
Variables are temporary strings replaced by actual text before the agenda step is run.
For example, %MONTH% will be replaced with your actual month's name.
Throughout AutoWinNet, you can use variables in almost every agenda step, anyplace within any filename, web site name, etc.
Note: Variables can be used almost anywhere.
Variables you can use:
Here are some examples of using variables:
Would become c:\documents\mydoc1115doc when running this step.
Would become c:\documents\mydocTuesday.doc when running this step, since it's current Tuesday.
Hint: Right click while editing an agenda on any text box, and you'll have a handy list of variables you can insert into your current text!
I get many requests for customized versions of AutoWinNet95 that do everything from parse web pages, upload specific files as intervals, etc.. I can easily create an automated system for your company's needs at a reasonable cost. For more information, please contact me in any of the following ways: