++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + QUESTIONS FOR ALL YOU TECHNO-HEADS + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1. If the AY chip is in output mode on port A or B and you read that port anyway. What will be read into the CPU is it 0,0xff, the last valid read or just garbage. 2. On the TC/TS2068 if you select a display mode of 3,4,5,7 what is the appropraite thing to display. Garbage, mixed invalid modes i.e. attribute and bitplane data at same place, or something else? Does anyone know, does anyone care, is anyone out there? 3. Does anyone have any better info on the TK90X and TK95 then that available in the FAQ. 4. On the TC/TS2068 port 0xff is readable that much I know but what do you get when you read ports 0xf4 and 0xf5. 5. Did anyone read this or did you all just skip to the juicy update information section. 6. On a standard spectrum once the complete 312 lines have been displayed the ULA signals for an interrupt. How long does this pulse on the INT pin last. I.E. After how long of the processor ints being disabled will the interrupt disappear.