The conditions for using and distributing this emulator: The rights to this program are held by Petter Schau and contributors. You are allowed to use this program for free. Free distribution is allowed with some restrictions described below. This program is freely distributable as long as the content of this archive is intact and unmodified, and no profit is being made from the distribution beyond the price of the distribution media itself. Redistribution will not change the conditions under which this program is used and distributed. Inclusion in collections on CD-ROM with other freely distributable software is allowed. Distribution in violation of the no-profit principle requires permission from the authors of this program. The emulator is provided "as is", to be used on your own risk. There are no expressed or implied useability for this program, and no obligations for the author to provide support or repairs in any ways if problems arise. By using this program, you agree that the author can not be held responsible for any problems arising from the use of this program. This is experimental software used at your own risk. The above conditions also applies to the source-code archive for the emulator. Additional conditions for the source-code for the emulator are: You can modify it as much as you want for personal use. If you change or add something that will be useful for others, we'd really like it if you sent us a patch so it can be included in the official source-tree. Inclusion of parts of the source-code in other freely distributable software is allowed as long as the authors are notified first and credited for the work. "AMIGA", "AmigaOS", "Kickstart" and "Workbench" are registered trademarks of Amiga International. Other trademarks mentioned are held by their respective owners.