FellowHD Version 1.0 Copyrights This program are freeware as long as none one take monny for it. If you will include it on a Freeware or Shareware DISK or CD-ROM you must a write perimintion for it. Copyrights by Magnus Olsen 1998. What is this program good for ? If you want make a hard file to Fellow. You can use this program. How to use it It is not so hard to use it. You type : Fellowhd.exe (the hardfile name) (how big the hard file will be in Mb) example : In the DOS prompt type: FellowHD.exe AmigaHD 50 (enter) It will creat a File call AmigaHD.ADF and this file are also 50 Mb Big System Req. CPU : 386 or higher Opreation System MS-DOS 5.0 or higher Buggs: I can not find a bugg in this version.