Features and Benefits
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Unmatched support for Internet content creation

Feature What does it do? Why is it important?
Fully integrated support for animated GIF files Create new animated GIF files or edit existing animations with access to all of Picture Publisher's powerful imaging tools More exciting animations can be created from directly within Picture Publisher, leveraging its full array of tools and effects
Animation FX Wizard Automatically creates animated GIFs from any image or text with user selected effects Users can easily convert any static image or text into an attention grabbing animation for the Web
Editable Web Styles Wizard Provides complete, professionally designed Web interface elements - each fully editable with retained Web properties Professional interface designs allow users to quickly develop a consistent, integrated Web page layout. Fully editable elements allow users to customize any design to suit their needs
Interactive Color Palette Editing Enables selective individual color reduction with file previews Users can optimize their Web Graphics by selecting precise colors to remove from the palette while previewing the image quality and resulting file size
Direct image map creation Enables the creation of URL links from any image, mask, or object Users can link their images to other files on the Web, specifying precise areas as jump points
Bevel Factory Quickly create a 3D bevel on text or any masked shape. Special Light Studio functionality allows users to create advanced lighting effects quickly and easily. Enables users to easily create Web design elements
Enhanced Contact Sheet Generator Creates thumbnail catalogs with appropriate URL file links from any number of selected images Contact Sheets are frequently used to index other files on a site
Advanced Color Reduction Enables optimized palette conversion and dither settings for various image types Provides superior image quality when working with limited color palettes
Random Texture Generator Creates an infinite variety of seamless textures from selected colors and effects Users can spice up their Web pages with unlimited new backgrounds

Web-oriented Wizards:

  • Common Palette Generator
  • Create common color palettes from multiple files or apply existing palettes to new images
  • Images sharing common color palettes prevent ugly palette shifts on the Internet
  • Batch File Conversion
  • Quickly convert multiple files to GIF, JPG, or any other format
  • Allows users to leverage existing content very efficiently
  • Internet Page Separators
  • Create unique beveled page separators
  • Easily create Internet content
  • Seamless Texture Creator
  • Automatically creates seamless textures from any image
  • Users can spice up their Web pages with unlimited new backgrounds
  • Cool Text
  • Allows users to easily produce eye-catching, compound text effects
  • Use these professionally designed graphic techniques to create exciting page headers
Advanced GIF Saver Permits precise manipulation of GIF properties, including transparency drop out using the new Color Wand tool and previewing of image quality  

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