Painter 17 Painter 17 Features: SCRIPT graphics language; FRAMES; TOOLS for Backdrops, Filters, Banners, Butttons, Cells, (3D-)Graphs, Fractals; GADGETS: free floating buttons, labels and images; IMAGE: seamless patterns, trace, emboss, mirror, flip, free rotation, whirl, scroll, drip, crop, wave, shadow, filter and mask ; FORMATS: jpg, (transparent-) gif,bmp,wmf,emf,ico; PRINT: with preview; DRAW: stars,polygons, mirrors, blocks,syms, spirals, arcs, curves, cubes, chords, pies, spirograph, maze, globe, concentric,anchored etc.; PATTERNS: create your own; TEXT: plain, shadowed and rotated; RANGE: color transitions, tiling,borders,move, smear etc; CAPTURE screen. NEW: JPEG optimizer; Clone Brushes; Oval Buttons; Effects Tool: Gaussian blur, Split blur, noise, contrast, saturation, brightness, grayscale. 23-April-1999 | Download | Password : 229pm | 559 kb