To install Media Center version 1.03 (for Windows95 only): 1. Run setup.exe for Media Center. (From Task Bar, click on Start and then click on Run.) 2. Run setup.exe for Remote Control. (Please see the readme.txt for Remote Control for detail.) Notes: 1. Changes to version 1.03: a. Vertical layout of main window is dropped. b. Play list is moved from the main window to a modeless dialog box. (A menu item is added for showing/hiding it.) c. Added buttons for loading/saving play list from/to a file. d. 256 color bitmaps are used for main window. e. Added an option for displaying AVI/MPEG/TV windows inside the main window. 2. Changes to version 1.02: a. Remote control suport is removed from Media Center and is implemented as separate program which can control application other than Media Center. b. Click-and-grag files from Explorer and Winfile to the play list is implemented. 3. When switching to CDI player mode, there will be about two seconds deplay before the movie window comes up. 4. In CDI player mode, NextTrack button ( |> ) is used to maximize the movie window and PrevTrack button ( <| ) is used to restore the movie window. 5. Sound card and driver must be installed for sound/volume control to work. SRS effect may not be supported by the installed sound card driver. 6. MPEG drivers must be installed for MPEG/CDI to work. 7. TV module requires TV/Capture card with capture driver for Windows95. Known problems: 1. "Fixed Screen" mode may not work properly with some MPEG driver.