This file gathers frequently asqued questions about WinSystem 98 But first of all, here are few things that may help you to discover WinSystem : - right clic on WinSystem, - double-left clic on WinSystem, - left clic on the tray icon of WinSystem (in the taskbar). ------------------ SUMMARY ------------------ 1) What is WinSystem for ? 2) I can see only the memory informations, where are the temperature and the cpu usage ? 3) how could I know if my system is able to show me temperatures ? 4) I didn't find the options... 5) Help! I don't know what I did, but WinSystem has lost its caption bar, and it's always on top now!!! 6) WinSystem is behind every windows, and its name doesn't appear in the taskbar (like the explorer for example). 7) Is there a way to tell WinSystem to stay always on top? 8) The cpu usage shows 100% everytime... 9) Help, it's in french! I don't understand french... 10) Anyway to email the author? 11) Is there a way to remove the splashscreen? 12) Where are the resources values? 13) How do I change the tray icon into an animated icon showing the cpu charge? 14) Why and how do I free up my memory? 15) Diplaying hard drive activity... is it really useful ? The case HD led already does this! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1) What is WinSystem for ? This little freeware made for Windows95/98 an NT shows - your pc's total ram amount - free ram amount - cpu's charge on Windows95/98 - motherboard's temperature on Windows95/98 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2) I can see only the memory informations, where are the temperature and the cpu usage ? By default, WinSystem is designed to hide temperature and cpu usage. If you are sure that your pc can do this (see faq nb 3), you can check the LM78 compatibility in the option dialog. Furthermore, you must have clicked on "show temperature" to see this temperature. For the cpu usage, you just have to click on "show cpu usage". This doesn't work under Windows NT... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3) how could I know if my system is able to show me temperatures ? The best way is to "tell" WinSytem that your system is LM78 compatible. There is a self test to verify that you have the LM78 chipset. If there is incompatibility, a message box will tell you this. No temperature monitoring on your system :-( Your motherboard must have the LM78 chipset. You can check on the drawing of your motherboard which is - probably - in your user's manual. Another way to know, is to check that in your user's manual, it is said somewhere that your motherboard can do hardware monitoring or voltage monitoring. Another way is to watch your bios setup, and to check that your motherboard temperature is shown. Having said this, it is not a necessary condition. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4) I didn't find the options... A right clic on WinSystem and you're in! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5) Help! I don't know what I did, but WinSystem has lost its caption bar, and it's always on top now!!! You have double-clicked on WinSytem. To recover the initial state, double-click once more! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6) WinSystem is behind every windows, and its name doesn't appear in the taskbar (like the explorer for example). You just have to click on its tray icon, on the extrem right of the taskbar. This a kind of grey chipset. And voila, WinSystem is now visible! If you want that WinSystem stays always on top, read the faq nb 7. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7) Is there a way to tell WinSystem to stay always on top? Yes. You just have to double-click on it! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8) The cpu usage shows 100% everytime... You are probably running a little software designed to cool your cpu (cpuidle, waterfall or rain for example) which slows down your cpu's activity. This action disturbs WinSystem! That's not a bug but there is no patch at that time... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9) Help, it's in french! I don't understand french... Right click on WinSystem. Choose "Options" and click on "Anglais". That's all. It's in english! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10) Anyway to email the author? E-mail : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11) Is there a way to remove the splashscreen? Yes ;-) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12) Where are the resources values? You can read the gdi, user and free resources by choosing "About WinSystem" in the right mouse click popup menu. If you don't see any resources, it's because: - you are under Windows NT - you didn't install the resource meter which comes with Windows 95/98 so the RSRC32.dll dynamic link library is missing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13) How do I change the tray icon into an animated icon showing the cpu charge? Under Windows 95/98 only, right click on WinSystem and choose "Animated icon" from the popup menu. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14) Why and how do I free up my memory? Memory is precious. Even if its cost is very low nowadays, we never have enough memory... What's more, Windows keeps in memory large blocks of data for faster access. When there is no more memory, the older part of it is moved on the hard drive in the swapfile, to let memory be fed with new data blocks. When ones uses a huge software (Photoshop, VisualC++, or even Word97...), it is better to reserve a big block of free memory and adjacent. This is where WinSystem98 acts. It tries to move every data blocked into memory to the swapfile, and ensures that the maximum amount of RAM is free. Conclusion: use this feature only if: - you are going to launch a software that needs a lot of memory - there is no software running (a least, not a lot...) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15) Diplaying hard drive activity... is it really useful ? The case HD led already does this! This is of course useful only if this led is not easily visible. That could happen! (this is my case ;-)