A 30,000 feet high view of jdbc and java technology.
Basic architectures, portability, and performance
both jdbc driver architecture and database application architecture;
both portability of interpreted byte-code across platforms without recompilation,
and portability of jdbc applications across dbms's; both good and bad performance.
JDBC basics
An introduction to the jdbc api and interclient extensions.
Using JBuilder with InterClient
A quick walk thru to get you started with jbuilder component development.
Feature summary and Java GUIs for database
What it takes to write an all-java gui on top of jdbc,
or even better, on top of interclient/interbase.
It's not enough
to have a gui on top of jdbc alone as jdbc doesn't provide for dynamic administration.
Then, we'll take a tour of interclient features graphically using a gui prototype.
Future technology
Jdbc 2, and what we might expect to see in future releases of interclient.
Addendum: a few performance hints
A few things you can keep in mind as a jdbc developer
in order to maximize performance using interclient/interbase.