NetAnimator 03-12-99 Media Links corporation H O T C L I C K S Today's Free File Weekly Top 10 PC Magazine utilities Create professional-quality animations with NetAnimator, which allows you to combine images with text to create screen savers and Web page animation. Use the wizard interface to get started; it enables you to create simple screen savers or a variety of common Web animations, such as scrolling banners, rotating images, or motion cameras that serve as a view port for large images. Once you've defined the basics of your project, you can load the saved template into the main program. And after you've mastered the techniques, you can use NetAnimator to create nearly any imaginable animation for your Website. Unlike similar programs that save your projects as animated .gif files and .avi movies, NetAnimator deploys each animation with its own Java engine or ActiveX control. In fact, it actually generates the Web page for you. All in all, NetAnimator is a very capable program with an appropriately steep learning curve. Excellent online help, a step-by-step tutorial, and several sample projects are included to get you going. Reviewed on Mar 11 1999. System Requirements Windows 95, 98, or NT Purchase Information Shareware: Free to try, $59.95 if you decide to keep it. look in basket See Related Titles Rating Version Number 1.0 Downloads to Date 2,757 Compressed Size 2,935,971 bytes