/ the beginning of a new rule / this is the rule for highlighting Syntax comment lines newrule=Syntax dtBeginLineEnd=yes enabled=yes KLE=/;olive / the rule for HTML Tags starts here newrule=HTML Tags dtbeginend=yes zorder=1 defkeycolor=blue kbe=<;>;blue enabled=yes / the rule for HTML 4.0 Atrributes starts here newrule=HTML Attributes dtkeyshow=yes defkeycolor=red enabled=yes zorder=2 kw=abbr= kw=accept-charset= kw=accesskey= kw=action= kw=align= kw=alt= kw=axis= kw=background= kw=bgcolor= kw=archive= kw=cellpadding= kw=cellspacing= kw=char= kw=charoff= kw=charset= kw=checked= kw=cite= kw=class= kw=codebase= kw=codetype= / color is depreciated in html 4.0 kw=color= kw=cols= kw=colspan= kw=content= kw=coords= kw=data= kw=datetime= kw=declare kw=dir= kw=disabled kw=enctype= kw=export kw=face= kw=for= kw=frame= kw=frameborder= kw=headers= kw=height= kw=hspace= kw=href= kw=hreflang= kw=http-equiv= kw=id= kw=lang= kw=longdesc= kw=marginheight= kw=marginwidth= kw=maxlength= kw=media= kw=method= kw=name= kw=nohref= kw=noresize= kw=profile= kw=readonly= kw=rel= kw=rev= kw=rows= kw=rowspan= kw=rules= kw=scheme= kw=scope= kw=scrolling= kw=selected kw=shape= / size is depreciated in html 4.0 kw=size= kw=span= kw=src= kw=standby= kw=style= kw=summary= kw=tabindex= kw=target= kw=title= kw=type= kw=usemap= kw=valign= kw=value= kw=version= kw=vspace= kw=width= / the pascal rule starts here newrule=Pascal dtkeyshow=yes enabled=no defkeycolor=red kw=and kw=array kw=as kw=asm kw=begin kw=case kw=class kw=const kw=constructor kw=destructor kw=dispinterface kw=div kw=do kw=downto kw=else kw=end kw=except kw=exports kw=file kw=finalization kw=finally kw=for kw=function kw=goto kw=if kw=implementation kw=in kw=inherited kw=initialization kw=inline kw=interface kw=is kw=label kw=library kw=mod kw=nil kw=not kw=object kw=of kw=or kw=out kw=packed kw=procedure kw=program kw=property kw=raise kw=record kw=repeat kw=resourcestring kw=set kw=shl kw=shr kw=string kw=then kw=threadvar kw=to kw=try kw=type kw=unit kw=until kw=uses kw=var kw=while kw=with kw=xor kw=private kw=protected kw=public kw=published kw=automated / the Java rule starts here newrule=Java dtkeyshow=yes keycase=yes enabled=no defkeycolor=maroon kw=abstract kw=boolean kw=break kw=byte kw=case kw=catch kw=char kw=class kw=const kw=continue kw=default kw=do kw=double kw=else kw=extends kw=final kw=finally kw=float kw=for kw=goto kw=if kw=imlements kw=import kw=instanceof kw=int kw=interface kw=long kw=native kw=new kw=null kw=package kw=private kw=protected kw=public kw=return kw=short kw=static kw=super kw=switch kw=synchronized kw=this kw=throw kw=throws kw=transient kw=try kw=void kw=volatile kw=while / the JavaScript rule starts here newrule=JavaScript dtkeyshow=yes keycase=yes zorder=2 enabled=no defkeycolor=maroon kw=abstract kw=boolean kw=break kw=byte kw=case kw=catch kw=char kw=class kw=const kw=continue kw=default kw=delete kw=do kw=double kw=else kw=extends kw=false kw=final kw=finally kw=float kw=for kw=function kw=goto kw=if kw=imlements kw=import kw=in kw=instanceof kw=int kw=interface kw=long kw=native kw=new kw=null kw=package kw=private kw=protected kw=public kw=reset kw=return kw=short kw=static kw=super kw=switch kw=synchronized kw=this kw=throw kw=throws kw=transient kw=true kw=try kw=typeof kw=var kw=void kw=while kw=with