View-Fullscreen: This views the currently selected picture in full-screen. (Equivalent to double-clicking it.)
Set Wallpaper: This function sets the windows background to be the currently selected picture. Note that JPEGs can only be displayed on Windows98, and then only if the active desktop is enabled.
Notepad: Using the browser you can edit only the first line of the comments. This function allows you to provide as much text about each picture as you wish. The first line is what is displayed under the photo.
Adjust Lighting: This opens the Lighting window.
Crop: This launches the crop wizard which allows you to remove parts of the photo that you don't want. Instructions are provided in the wizard.
Rotate: This rotates the selected picture clockwise or anti-clockwise, depending on which you select.
Postcard: This allows you to print an individual picture. In future versions you will also be able to send it by e-mail.
Resize: This allows you to resize the selected picture. You can choose whether you want to specify a new pixel size, or a percentage size change, and also whether you want to use Anti-aliasing or not. Note that anti-aliasing is much faster, though this may change in future versions. You will be shown the new picture before offered the choice to save it or discard it.